Adafruit CircuitPython Libraries¶
Documentation for all Adafruit-sponsored CircuitPython libraries is at: <>.
CircuitPython Library Bundles¶
Many Python libraries, including device drivers, have been written for use with CircuitPython. They are maintained in separate GitHub repos, one per library.
Libraries are packaged in bundles, which are ZIP files that are snapshots in time of a group of libraries.
Adafruit sponsors and maintains several hundred libraries, packaged in the Adafruit Library Bundle. Adafruit-sponsored libraries are also available on <>.
Yet other libraries are maintained by members of the CircuitPython community, and are packaged in the CircuitPython Community Library Bundle.
The Adafruit bundles are available on GitHub: <>. The Community bundles are available at: <>.
More detailed information about the bundles, and download links for the latest bundles are at <>.
Documentation about bundle construction is at: <>.
Documentation for Community Libraries is not available on ReadTheDocs at this time. See the GitHub repository for each library for any included documentation.