bitmapfilter – Convolve an image with a kernel

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bitmapfilter.morph(bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, weights: Sequence[int], mul: float | None = None, add: float = 0, mask: displayio.Bitmap | None = None, threshold=False, offset: int = 0, invert: bool = False) displayio.Bitmap

The name of the function comes from OpenMV. ImageMagick calls this “-morphology” (“-morph” is an unrelated image blending algorithm). PIL calls this “kernel”.

For background on how this kind of image processing, including some useful weights values, see wikipedia’s article on the subject.

The bitmap, which must be in RGB565_SWAPPED format, is modified according to the weights. Then a scaling factor mul and an offset factor add are applied.

The weights must be a sequence of integers. The length of the tuple must be the square of an odd number, usually 9 and sometimes 25. Specific weights create different effects. For instance, these weights represent a 3x3 gaussian blur: [1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1]

mul is number to multiply the convolution pixel results by. If None (the default) is passed, the value of 1/sum(weights) is used (or 1 if sum(weights) is 0). For most weights, his default value will preserve the overall image brightness.

add is a value to add to each convolution pixel result.

mul basically allows you to do a global contrast adjustment and add allows you to do a global brightness adjustment. Pixels that go outside of the image mins and maxes for color channels will be clipped.

If you’d like to adaptive threshold the image on the output of the filter you can pass threshold=True which will enable adaptive thresholding of the image which sets pixels to one or zero based on a pixel’s brightness in relation to the brightness of the kernel of pixels around them. A negative offset value sets more pixels to 1 as you make it more negative while a positive value only sets the sharpest contrast changes to 1. Set invert to invert the binary image resulting output.

mask is another image to use as a pixel level mask for the operation. The mask should be an image the same size as the image being operated on. Only pixels set to a non-zero value in the mask are modified.

kernel_gauss_3 = [
    1, 2, 1,
    2, 4, 2,
    1, 2, 1]

def blur(bitmap):
    """Blur the bitmap with a 3x3 gaussian kernel"""
    bitmapfilter.morph(bitmap, kernel_gauss_3, 1/sum(kernel_gauss_3))
class bitmapfilter.ChannelScale(r: float, g: float, b: float)

A weight object to use with mix() that scales each channel independently

This is useful for global contrast and brightness adjustment on a per-component basis. For instance, to cut red contrast in half (while keeping the minimum value as black or 0.0),

reduce_red_contrast = bitmapfilter.ChannelScale(0.5, 1, 1)

Construct a ChannelScale object

The r parameter gives the scale factor for the red channel of pixels, and so forth.

class bitmapfilter.ChannelScaleOffset(r: float, r_add: float, g: float, g_add: float, b: float, b_add: float)

A weight object to use with mix() that scales and offsets each channel independently

The r, g, and b parameters give a scale factor for each color component, while the r_add`, ``g_add and b_add give offset values added to each component.

This is useful for global contrast and brightness adjustment on a per-component basis. For instance, to cut red contrast in half while adjusting the brightness so that the middle value is still 0.5:

reduce_red_contrast = bitmapfilter.ChannelScaleOffset(
        0.5, 0.25,
        1, 0,
        1, 0)

Construct a ChannelScaleOffset object

class bitmapfilter.ChannelMixer(rr: float, rg: float, rb: float, gr: float, gg: float, gb: float, br: float, bg: float, bb: float)

A weight object to use with mix() that mixes different channels together

The parameters with names like rb give the fraction of each channel to mix into every other channel. For instance, rb gives the fraction of blue to mix into red, and gg gives the fraction of green to mix into green.

Conversion to sepia is an example where a ChannelMixer is appropriate, because the sepia conversion is defined as mixing a certain fraction of R, G, and B input values into each output value:

sepia_weights = bitmapfilter.ChannelMixer(
    .393,  .769,   .189,
    .349,  .686,   .168,
    .272,  .534,   .131)

def sepia(bitmap):
    """Convert the bitmap to sepia"""
    bitmapfilter.mix(bitmap, sepia_weights)
mix_into_red = ChannelMixer(
        0.5, 0.25, 0.25,
        0,   1,    0,
        0,   1,    0)

Construct a ChannelMixer object

class bitmapfilter.ChannelMixerOffset(rr: float, rg: float, rb: float, r_add: float, gr: float, gg: float, gb: float, g_add: float, br: float, bg: float, bb: float, b_add: float)

A weight object to use with mix() that mixes different channels together, plus an offset value

The parameters with names like rb give the fraction of each channel to mix into every other channel. For instance, rb gives the fraction of blue to mix into red, and gg gives the fraction of green to mix into green. The r_add, g_add and b_add parameters give offsets applied to each component.

For instance, to perform sepia conversion but also increase the overall brightness by 10%:

sepia_weights_brighten = bitmapfilter.ChannelMixerOffset(
    .393,  .769,   .189, .1
    .349,  .686,   .168, .1
    .272,  .534,   .131, .1)

Construct a ChannelMixerOffset object

bitmapfilter.mix(bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, weights: ChannelScale | ChannelScaleOffset | ChannelMixer | ChannelMixerOffset, mask: displayio.Bitmap | None = None) displayio.Bitmap

Perform a channel mixing operation on the bitmap

This is similar to the “channel mixer” tool in popular photo editing software. Imagemagick calls this “-color-matrix”. In PIL, this is accomplished with the convert method’s matrix argument.

The bitmap, which must be in RGB565_SWAPPED format, is modified according to the weights.

The weights must be one of the above types: ChannelScale, ChannelScaleOffset, ChannelMixer, or ChannelMixerOffset. For the effect of each different kind of weights object, see the type documentation.

After computation, any out of range values are clamped to the greatest or smallest valid value.

mask is another image to use as a pixel level mask for the operation. The mask should be an image the same size as the image being operated on. Only pixels set to a non-zero value in the mask are modified.

bitmapfilter.solarize(bitmap, threshold: float = 0.5, mask: displayio.Bitmap | None = None)

Create a “solarization” effect on an image

This filter inverts pixels with brightness values above threshold, while leaving lower brightness pixels alone.

This effect is similar to an effect observed in real life film which can also be produced during the printmaking process

PIL and ImageMagic both call this “solarize”.


Any function which takes a number and returns a number. The input and output values should be in the range from 0 to 1 inclusive.


Any sequenceof three LookupFunction objects

bitmapfilter.lookup(bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, lookup: LookupFunction | ThreeLookupFunctions, mask: displayio.Bitmap | None) displayio.Bitmap

Modify the channels of a bitmap according to a look-up table

This can be used to implement non-linear transformations of color values, such as gamma curves.

This is similar to, but more limiting than, PIL’s “LUT3D” facility. It is not directly available in OpenMV or ImageMagic.

The bitmap, which must be in RGB565_SWAPPED format, is modified according to the values of the lookup function or functions.

If one lookup function is supplied, the same function is used for all 3 image channels. Otherwise, it must be a tuple of 3 functions. The first function is used for R, the second function for G, and the third for B.

Each lookup function is called for each possible channel value from 0 to 1 inclusive (64 times for green, 32 times for red or blue), and the return value (also from 0 to 1) is used whenever that color value is returned.

mask is another image to use as a pixel level mask for the operation. The mask should be an image the same size as the image being operated on. Only pixels set to a non-zero value in the mask are modified.

bitmapfilter.false_color(bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, palette: displayio.Palette, mask: displayio.Bitmap | None) displayio.Bitmap

Convert the image to false color using the given palette

In OpenMV this is accomplished via the ironbow function, which uses a default palette known as “ironbow”. Imagemagic produces a similar effect with -clut. PIL can accomplish this by converting an image to “L” format, then applying a palette to convert it into “P” mode.

The bitmap, which must be in RGB565_SWAPPED format, is converted into false color.

The palette, which must be of length 256, is used as a look-up table.

Each pixel is converted to a luminance (brightness/greyscale) value in the range 0..255, then the corresponding palette entry is looked up and stored in the bitmap.

mask is another image to use as a pixel level mask for the operation. The mask should be an image the same size as the image being operated on. Only pixels set to a non-zero value in the mask are modified.


A function used to blend two images


A precomputed blend table

There is not actually a BlendTable type. The real type is actually any buffer 4096 bytes in length.

bitmapfilter.blend_precompute(lookup: BlendFunction, table: BlendTable | None = None) BlendTable

Precompute a BlendTable from a BlendFunction

If the optional table argument is provided, an existing BlendTable is updated with the new function values.

The function’s two arguments will range from 0 to 1. The returned value should also range from 0 to 1.

A function to do a 33% blend of each source image could look like this:

def blend_one_third(a, b):
    return a * .33 + b * .67
bitmapfilter.blend(dest: displayio.Bitmap, src1: displayio.Bitmap, src2: displayio.Bitmap, lookup: BlendFunction | BlendTable, mask: displayio.Bitmap | None = None) displayio.Bitmap

Blend the ‘src1’ and ‘src2’ images according to lookup function or table ‘lookup’

If lookup is a function, it is converted to a BlendTable by internally calling blend_precompute. If a blend function is used repeatedly it can be more efficient to compute it once with blend_precompute.

If the mask is supplied, pixels from src1 are taken unchanged in masked areas.

The source and destination bitmaps may be the same bitmap.

The destination bitmap is returned.