– Collection of bitmap manipulation tools¶
If you’re looking for information about displaying bitmaps on
screens in CircuitPython, see this Learn guide
for information about using the displayio
Available on these boards
- bitmaptools.rotozoom(dest_bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, source_bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, *, ox: int, oy: int, dest_clip0: Tuple[int, int], dest_clip1: Tuple[int, int], px: int, py: int, source_clip0: Tuple[int, int], source_clip1: Tuple[int, int], angle: float, scale: float, skip_index: int) None ¶
Inserts the source bitmap region into the destination bitmap with rotation (angle), scale and clipping (both on source and destination bitmaps).
- Parameters:
dest_bitmap (bitmap) – Destination bitmap that will be copied into
source_bitmap (bitmap) – Source bitmap that contains the graphical region to be copied
ox (int) – Horizontal pixel location in destination bitmap where source bitmap point (px,py) is placed. Defaults to None which causes it to use the horizontal midway point of the destination bitmap.
oy (int) – Vertical pixel location in destination bitmap where source bitmap point (px,py) is placed. Defaults to None which causes it to use the vertical midway point of the destination bitmap.
dest_clip0 (Tuple[int,int]) – First corner of rectangular destination clipping region that constrains region of writing into destination bitmap
dest_clip1 (Tuple[int,int]) – Second corner of rectangular destination clipping region that constrains region of writing into destination bitmap
px (int) – Horizontal pixel location in source bitmap that is placed into the destination bitmap at (ox,oy). Defaults to None which causes it to use the horizontal midway point in the source bitmap.
py (int) – Vertical pixel location in source bitmap that is placed into the destination bitmap at (ox,oy). Defaults to None which causes it to use the vertical midway point in the source bitmap.
source_clip0 (Tuple[int,int]) – First corner of rectangular source clipping region that constrains region of reading from the source bitmap
source_clip1 (Tuple[int,int]) – Second corner of rectangular source clipping region that constrains region of reading from the source bitmap
angle (float) – Angle of rotation, in radians (positive is clockwise direction). Defaults to None which gets treated as 0.0 radians or no rotation.
scale (float) – Scaling factor. Defaults to None which gets treated as 1.0 or same as original source size.
skip_index (int) – Bitmap palette index in the source that will not be copied, set to None to copy all pixels
- class bitmaptools.BlendMode¶
The blend mode for
to operate use
- bitmaptools.alphablend(dest_bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, source_bitmap_1: displayio.Bitmap, source_bitmap_2: displayio.Bitmap, colorspace: displayio.Colorspace, factor1: float = 0.5, factor2: float | None = None, blendmode: BlendMode | None = BlendMode.Normal, skip_source1_index: int | None = None, skip_source2_index: int | None = None) None ¶
Alpha blend the two source bitmaps into the destination.
It is permitted for the destination bitmap to be one of the two source bitmaps.
- Parameters:
dest_bitmap (bitmap) – Destination bitmap that will be written into
source_bitmap_1 (bitmap) – The first source bitmap
source_bitmap_2 (bitmap) – The second source bitmap
factor1 (float) – The proportion of bitmap 1 to mix in
factor2 (float) – The proportion of bitmap 2 to mix in. If specified as
is used. Usually the proportions should sum to 1.colorspace (displayio.Colorspace) – The colorspace of the bitmaps. They must all have the same colorspace. Only the following colorspaces are permitted:
.blendmode (bitmaptools.BlendMode) – The blend mode to use. Default is Normal.
skip_source1_index (int) – Bitmap palette or luminance index in source_bitmap_1 that will not be blended, set to None to blend all pixels
skip_source2_index (int) – Bitmap palette or luminance index in source_bitmap_2 that will not be blended, set to None to blend all pixels
For the L8 colorspace, the bitmaps must have a bits-per-value of 8. For the RGB colorspaces, they must have a bits-per-value of 16.
- bitmaptools.fill_region(dest_bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, value: int) None ¶
Draws the color value into the destination bitmap within the rectangular region bounded by (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), exclusive.
- Parameters:
dest_bitmap (bitmap) – Destination bitmap that will be written into
x1 (int) – x-pixel position of the first corner of the rectangular fill region
y1 (int) – y-pixel position of the first corner of the rectangular fill region
x2 (int) – x-pixel position of the second corner of the rectangular fill region (exclusive)
y2 (int) – y-pixel position of the second corner of the rectangular fill region (exclusive)
value (int) – Bitmap palette index that will be written into the rectangular fill region in the destination bitmap
- bitmaptools.boundary_fill(dest_bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, x: int, y: int, fill_color_value: int, replaced_color_value: int) None ¶
Draws the color value into the destination bitmap enclosed area of pixels of the background_value color. Like “Paint Bucket” fill tool.
- Parameters:
dest_bitmap (bitmap) – Destination bitmap that will be written into
x (int) – x-pixel position of the first pixel to check and fill if needed
y (int) – y-pixel position of the first pixel to check and fill if needed
fill_color_value (int) – Bitmap palette index that will be written into the enclosed area in the destination bitmap
replaced_color_value (int) – Bitmap palette index that will filled with the value color in the enclosed area in the destination bitmap
- bitmaptools.draw_line(dest_bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, value: int) None ¶
Draws a line into a bitmap specified two endpoints (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).
- Parameters:
dest_bitmap (bitmap) – Destination bitmap that will be written into
x1 (int) – x-pixel position of the line’s first endpoint
y1 (int) – y-pixel position of the line’s first endpoint
x2 (int) – x-pixel position of the line’s second endpoint
y2 (int) – y-pixel position of the line’s second endpoint
value (int) – Bitmap palette index that will be written into the line in the destination bitmap
- bitmaptools.draw_polygon(dest_bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, xs: circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer, ys: circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer, value: int, close: bool | None = True) None ¶
Draw a polygon connecting points on provided bitmap with provided value
- Parameters:
dest_bitmap (bitmap) – Destination bitmap that will be written into
xs (ReadableBuffer) – x-pixel position of the polygon’s vertices
ys (ReadableBuffer) – y-pixel position of the polygon’s vertices
value (int) – Bitmap palette index that will be written into the line in the destination bitmap
close (bool) – (Optional) Whether to connect first and last point. (True)
import board import displayio import bitmaptools display = board.DISPLAY main_group = displayio.Group() display.root_group = main_group palette = displayio.Palette(3) palette[0] = 0xffffff palette[1] = 0x0000ff palette[2] = 0xff0000 bmp = displayio.Bitmap(128,128, 3) bmp.fill(0) xs = bytes([4, 101, 101, 19]) ys = bytes([4, 19, 121, 101]) bitmaptools.draw_polygon(bmp, xs, ys, 1) xs = bytes([14, 60, 110]) ys = bytes([14, 24, 90]) bitmaptools.draw_polygon(bmp, xs, ys, 2) tilegrid = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap=bmp, pixel_shader=palette) main_group.append(tilegrid) while True: pass
- bitmaptools.arrayblit(bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, data: circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer, x1: int = 0, y1: int = 0, x2: int | None = None, y2: int | None = None, skip_index: int | None = None) None ¶
Inserts pixels from
into the rectangle of width×height pixels with the upper left corner at(x,y)
The values from
are taken modulo the number of color values available in the destination bitmap.If x1 or y1 are not specified, they are taken as 0. If x2 or y2 are not specified, or are given as -1, they are taken as the width and height of the image.
The coordinates affected by the blit are
x1 <= x < x2
andy1 <= y < y2
must contain at least as many elements as required. If it contains excess elements, they are ignored.The blit takes place by rows, so the first elements of
go to the first row, the next elements to the next row, and so on.- Parameters:
bitmap (displayio.Bitmap) – A writable bitmap
data (ReadableBuffer) – Buffer containing the source pixel values
x1 (int) – The left corner of the area to blit into (inclusive)
y1 (int) – The top corner of the area to blit into (inclusive)
x2 (int) – The right of the area to blit into (exclusive)
y2 (int) – The bottom corner of the area to blit into (exclusive)
skip_index (int) – Bitmap palette index in the source that will not be copied, set to None to copy all pixels
- bitmaptools.readinto(bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, file: BinaryIO, bits_per_pixel: int, element_size: int = 1, reverse_pixels_in_element: bool = False, swap_bytes_in_element: bool = False, reverse_rows: bool = False) None ¶
Reads from a binary file into a bitmap.
The file must be positioned so that it consists of
rows of pixel data, where each row is the smallest multiple ofelement_size
bytes that can holdbitmap.width
pixels.The bytes in an element can be optionally swapped, and the pixels in an element can be reversed. Also, the row loading direction can be reversed, which may be requires for loading certain bitmap files.
This function doesn’t parse image headers, but is useful to speed up loading of uncompressed image formats such as PCF glyph data.
- Parameters:
bitmap (displayio.Bitmap) – A writable bitmap
file (BinaryIO) – A file opened in binary mode
bits_per_pixel (int) – Number of bits per pixel. Values 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32 are supported;
element_size (int) – Number of bytes per element. Values of 1, 2, and 4 are supported, except that 24
requires 1 byte per element.reverse_pixels_in_element (bool) – If set, the first pixel in a word is taken from the Most Significant Bits; otherwise, it is taken from the Least Significant Bits.
swap_bytes_in_element (bool) – If the
is not 1, then reverse the byte order of each element read.reverse_rows (bool) – Reverse the direction of the row loading (required for some bitmap images).
- class bitmaptools.DitherAlgorithm¶
Identifies the algorithm for dither to use
- Atkinson: DitherAlgorithm¶
The classic Atkinson dither, often associated with the Hypercard esthetic
- FloydStenberg: DitherAlgorithm¶
The Floyd-Stenberg dither
- bitmaptools.dither(dest_bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, source_bitmapp: displayio.Bitmap, source_colorspace: displayio.Colorspace, algorithm: DitherAlgorithm = DitherAlgorithm.Atkinson) None ¶
Convert the input image into a 2-level output image using the given dither algorithm.
- Parameters:
dest_bitmap (bitmap) – Destination bitmap. It must have a value_count of 2 or 65536. The stored values are 0 and the maximum pixel value.
source_bitmap (bitmap) – Source bitmap that contains the graphical region to be dithered. It must have a value_count of 65536.
colorspace – The colorspace of the image. The supported colorspaces are
algorithm – The dither algorithm to use, one of the
- bitmaptools.draw_circle(dest_bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, x: int, y: int, radius: int, value: int) None ¶
Draws a circle into a bitmap specified using a center (x0,y0) and radius r.
- Parameters:
import board import displayio import bitmaptools display = board.DISPLAY main_group = displayio.Group() display.root_group = main_group palette = displayio.Palette(2) palette[0] = 0xffffff palette[1] = 0x440044 bmp = displayio.Bitmap(128,128, 2) bmp.fill(0),64, 32, 1) tilegrid = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap=bmp, pixel_shader=palette) main_group.append(tilegrid) while True: pass
- bitmaptools.blit(dest_bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, source_bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, x: int, y: int, *, x1: int = 0, y1: int = 0, x2: int | None = None, y2: int | None = None, skip_source_index: int | None = None, skip_dest_index: int | None = None) None ¶
Inserts the source_bitmap region defined by rectangular boundaries (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) into the bitmap at the specified (x,y) location.
- Parameters:
dest_bitmap (bitmap) – Destination bitmap that the area will be copied into.
source_bitmap (bitmap) – Source bitmap that contains the graphical region to be copied
x (int) – Horizontal pixel location in bitmap where source_bitmap upper-left corner will be placed
y (int) – Vertical pixel location in bitmap where source_bitmap upper-left corner will be placed
x1 (int) – Minimum x-value for rectangular bounding box to be copied from the source bitmap
y1 (int) – Minimum y-value for rectangular bounding box to be copied from the source bitmap
x2 (int) – Maximum x-value (exclusive) for rectangular bounding box to be copied from the source bitmap. If unspecified or
, the source bitmap width is used.y2 (int) – Maximum y-value (exclusive) for rectangular bounding box to be copied from the source bitmap. If unspecified or
, the source bitmap height is used.skip_source_index (int) – bitmap palette index in the source that will not be copied, set to None to copy all pixels
skip_dest_index (int) – bitmap palette index in the destination bitmap that will not get overwritten by the pixels from the source