espcamera – Wrapper for the espcamera library

This library enables access to any camera sensor supported by the library, including OV5640 and OV2640.

See also

Non-Espressif microcontrollers use the imagecapture module together with wrapper libraries such as adafruit_ov5640.

Available on these boards
  • ATMegaZero ESP32-S2
  • Adafruit Camera
  • Adafruit Feather ESP32 V2
  • Adafruit Feather ESP32-S2 Reverse TFT
  • Adafruit Feather ESP32-S2 TFT
  • Adafruit Feather ESP32S2
  • Adafruit ItsyBitsy ESP32
  • Adafruit Metro ESP32S2
  • Adafruit Metro ESP32S3
  • Adafruit QT Py ESP32 PICO
  • Adafruit QT Py ESP32S2
  • Adafruit-Qualia-S3-RGB666
  • Ai Thinker ESP32-CAM
  • Artisense Reference Design RD00
  • AutosportLabs-ESP32-CAN-X2
  • BLING!
  • BPI-Bit-S2
  • BPI-Leaf-S3
  • BPI-PicoW-S3
  • BlizzardS3
  • CrumpS2
  • Cytron Maker Feather AIoT S3
  • DFRobot FireBeetle 2 ESP32-S3
  • Deneyap Kart
  • Deneyap Kart 1A
  • Deneyap Mini v2
  • ES3ink
  • ESP 12k NodeMCU
  • ESP32-S2-DevKitC-1-N4R2
  • ESP32-S2-DevKitC-1-N8R2
  • ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N32R8
  • ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8R2
  • ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8R8
  • ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8R8-with-HACKTABLET
  • ESP32-S3-EYE
  • Espressif ESP32-EYE
  • Espressif-ESP32-S3-LCD-EV-Board
  • FeatherS2
  • FeatherS2 Neo
  • FeatherS2 PreRelease
  • FeatherS3
  • FeatherS3 Neo
  • Flipper Zero Wi-Fi Dev
  • Franzininho WIFI w/Wrover
  • Freenove ESP32-WROVER-DEV-CAM
  • Gravitech Cucumber R
  • Gravitech Cucumber RS
  • HMI-DevKit-1.1
  • Hardkernel Odroid Go
  • HexKyS2
  • IoTs2
  • Kaluga 1
  • LILYGO T-Display S3 Pro
  • LILYGO TTGO T8 ESP32-S2 w/Display
  • Lilygo T-watch 2020 V3
  • M5Stack Core2
  • M5Stack CoreS3
  • M5Stack Timer Camera X
  • MakerFabs-ESP32-S3-Parallel-TFT-With-Touch-7inch
  • MicroDev microS2
  • NanoS3
  • Neuron
  • Oak Dev Tech PixelWing ESP32S2
  • ProS3
  • S2Mini
  • S2Pico
  • Saola 1 w/Wrover
  • Sunton-ESP32-8048S070
  • Targett Module Clip w/Wrover
  • TinyPICO
  • TinyPICO Nano
  • TinyS2
  • TinyS3
  • TinyWATCH S3
  • VCC-GND YD-ESP32-S3 (N16R8)
  • VCC-GND YD-ESP32-S3 (N8R8)
  • Waveshare ESP32-S2-Pico
  • Waveshare ESP32-S2-Pico-LCD
  • Waveshare ESP32-S3-GEEK
  • Waveshare ESP32-S3-Pico
  • Waveshare ESP32-S3-Tiny
  • nanoESP32-S2 w/Wrover

class espcamera.GrabMode

Controls when a new frame is grabbed.


Fills buffers when they are empty. Less resources but first fb_count frames might be old

LATEST: GrabMode

Except when 1 frame buffer is used, queue will always contain the last fb_count frames

class espcamera.PixelFormat

Format of data in the captured frames

RGB565: PixelFormat

A 16-bit format with 5 bits of Red and Blue and 6 bits of Green

GRAYSCALE: PixelFormat

An 8-bit format with 8-bits of luminance

JPEG: PixelFormat

A compressed format

class espcamera.FrameSize

The pixel size of the captured frames

R96X96: FrameSize


QQVGA: FrameSize


QCIF: FrameSize


HQVGA: FrameSize


R240X240: FrameSize


QVGA: FrameSize


CIF: FrameSize


HVGA: FrameSize


VGA: FrameSize


SVGA: FrameSize


XGA: FrameSize


HD: FrameSize


SXGA: FrameSize


UXGA: FrameSize


FHD: FrameSize


P_HD: FrameSize


P_3MP: FrameSize


QXGA: FrameSize


QHD: FrameSize


WQXGA: FrameSize


P_FHD: FrameSize


QSXGA: FrameSize


class espcamera.GainCeiling

The maximum amount of gain applied to raw sensor data.

Higher values are useful in darker conditions, but increase image noise.

GAIN_2X: GainCeiling
GAIN_4X: GainCeiling
GAIN_8X: GainCeiling
GAIN_16X: GainCeiling
GAIN_32X: GainCeiling
GAIN_64X: GainCeiling
GAIN_128X: GainCeiling
class espcamera.Camera(*, data_pins: List[microcontroller.Pin], pixel_clock_pin: microcontroller.Pin, vsync_pin: microcontroller.Pin, href_pin: microcontroller.Pin, i2c: busio.I2C, external_clock_pin: microcontroller.Pin | None = None, external_clock_frequency: int = 20000000, powerdown_pin: microcontroller.Pin | None = None, reset_pin: microcontroller.Pin | None = None, pixel_format: PixelFormat = PixelFormat.RGB565, frame_size: FrameSize = FrameSize.QQVGA, jpeg_quality: int = 15, framebuffer_count: int = 1, grab_mode: GrabMode = GrabMode.WHEN_EMPTY)

Configure and initialize a camera with the given properties


Not all supported sensors have all of the properties listed below. For instance, the OV5640 supports denoise, but the OV2640 does not. The underlying esp32-camera library does not provide a reliable API to check which settings are supported. CircuitPython makes a best effort to determine when an unsupported property is set and will raise an exception in that case.

  • data_pins – The 8 data data_pins used for image data transfer from the camera module, least significant bit first

  • pixel_clock_pin – The pixel clock output from the camera module

  • vsync_pin – The vertical sync pulse output from the camera module

  • href_pin – The horizontal reference output from the camera module

  • i2c – The I2C bus connected to the camera module

  • external_clock_pin – The pin on which to generate the external clock

  • external_clock_frequency – The frequency generated on the external clock pin

  • powerdown_pin – The powerdown input to the camera module

  • reset_pin – The reset input to the camera module

  • pixel_format – The pixel format of the captured image

  • frame_size – The size of captured image

  • jpeg_quality – For PixelFormat.JPEG, the quality. Higher numbers increase quality. If the quality is too high, the JPEG data will be larger than the available buffer size and the image will be unusable or truncated. The exact range of appropriate values depends on the sensor and must be determined empirically.

  • framebuffer_count – The number of framebuffers (1 for single-buffered and 2 for double-buffered)

  • grab_mode – When to grab a new frame

deinit() None

Deinitialises the camera and releases all memory resources for reuse.

__enter__() Camera

No-op used by Context Managers.

__exit__() None

Automatically deinitializes the hardware when exiting a context. See Lifetime and ContextManagers for more info.

frame_available: bool

True if a frame is available, False otherwise

take(timeout: float | None = 0.25) displayio.Bitmap | circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer | None

Record a frame. Wait up to ‘timeout’ seconds for a frame to be captured.

In the case of timeout, None is returned. If pixel_format is PixelFormat.JPEG, the returned value is a read-only memoryview. Otherwise, the returned value is a read-only displayio.Bitmap.

reconfigure(frame_size: FrameSize | None = None, pixel_format: PixelFormat | None = None, grab_mode: GrabMode | None = None, framebuffer_count: int | None = None) None

Change multiple related camera settings simultaneously

Because these settings interact in complex ways, and take longer than the other properties to set, they are set together in a single function call.

If an argument is unspecified or None, then the setting is unchanged.

pixel_format: PixelFormat

The pixel format of captured frames

frame_size: FrameSize

The size of captured frames

contrast: int

The sensor contrast. Positive values increase contrast, negative values lower it. The total range is device-specific but is often from -2 to +2 inclusive.

brightness: int

The sensor brightness. Positive values increase brightness, negative values lower it. The total range is device-specific but is often from -2 to +2 inclusive.

saturation: int

The sensor saturation. Positive values increase saturation (more vibrant colors), negative values lower it (more muted colors). The total range is device-specific but the value is often from -2 to +2 inclusive.

sharpness: int

The sensor sharpness. Positive values increase sharpness (more defined edges), negative values lower it (softer edges). The total range is device-specific but the value is often from -2 to +2 inclusive.

denoise: int

The sensor ‘denoise’ setting. Any camera sensor has inherent ‘noise’, especially in low brightness environments. Software algorithms can decrease noise at the expense of fine detail. A larger value increases the amount of software noise removal. The total range is device-specific but the value is often from 0 to 10.

gain_ceiling: GainCeiling

The sensor ‘gain ceiling’ setting. “Gain” is an analog multiplier applied to the raw sensor data. The ‘ceiling’ is the maximum gain value that the sensor will use. A higher gain means that the sensor has a greater response to light, but also makes sensor noise more visible.

quality: int

The ‘quality’ setting when capturing JPEG images. This is similar to the quality setting when exporting a jpeg image from photo editing software. Typical values range from 5 to 40, with higher numbers leading to larger image sizes and better overall image quality. However, when the quality is set to a high number, the total size of the JPEG data can exceed the size of an internal buffer, causing image capture to fail.

colorbar: bool

When True, a test pattern image is captured and the real sensor data is not used.

whitebal: bool

When True, the camera attempts to automatically control white balance. When False, the wb_mode setting is used instead.

gain_ctrl: bool

When True, the camera attempts to automatically control the sensor gain, up to the value in the gain_ceiling property. When False, the agc_gain setting is used instead.

exposure_ctrl: bool

When True the camera attempts to automatically control the exposure. When False, the aec_value setting is used instead.

hmirror: bool

When True the camera image is mirrored left-to-right

vflip: bool

When True the camera image is flipped top-to-bottom

aec2: bool

When True the sensor’s “night mode” is enabled, extending the range of automatic gain control.

awb_gain: bool

Access the awb_gain property of the camera sensor

agc_gain: int

Access the gain level of the sensor. Higher values produce brighter images. Typical settings range from 0 to 30.

aec_value: int

Access the exposure value of the camera. Higher values produce brighter images. Typical settings range from 0 to 1200.

special_effect: int

Enable a “special effect”. Zero is no special effect. On OV5640, special effects range from 0 to 6 inclusive and select various color modes.

wb_mode: int

The white balance mode. 0 is automatic white balance. Typical values range from 0 to 4 inclusive.

ae_level: int

The exposure offset for automatic exposure. Typical values range from -2 to +2.

dcw: bool

When True an advanced white balance mode is selected.

bpc: bool

When True, “black point compensation” is enabled. This can make black parts of the image darker.

wpc: bool

When True, “white point compensation” is enabled. This can make white parts of the image whiter.

raw_gma: bool

When True, raw gamma mode is enabled.

lenc: bool

Enable “lens correction”. This can help compensate for light fall-off at the edge of the sensor area.

max_frame_size: FrameSize

The maximum frame size that can be captured

address: int

The I2C (SCCB) address of the sensor

sensor_name: str

The name of the sensor

supports_jpeg: bool

True if the sensor can capture images in JPEG format

height: int

The height of the image being captured

width: int

The width of the image being captured

grab_mode: GrabMode

The grab mode of the camera

framebuffer_count: int

True if double buffering is used