– Two wire serial protocol target¶
In many cases, i2c is used by a controller to retrieve (or send) to a peripheral (target). It is also possible for a device to act as a target for another controller. However, a device can only be a controller or a target on an I2C bus (although many devices now support multiple I2C busses).
takes a list of addresses, but not all devices support this feature
Example of emulating a simple device that can only handle single writes and reads:
import board
from i2ctarget import I2CTarget
import adafruit_logging as logging
logger = logging.getLogger('i2ctarget')
logger.info("\n\ncode starting...")
# initialize an I2C target with a device address of 0x40
with I2CTarget(board.SCL, board.SDA, (0x40,)) as device:
while True:
# check if there's a pending device request
i2c_target_request = device.request()
if not i2c_target_request:
# no request is pending
# `with` invokes I2CTargetRequest's functions to handle the necessary opening and closing of a request
with i2c_target_request:
# the address associated with the request
address = i2c_target_request.address
if i2c_target_request.is_read:
logger.info(f"read request to address '0x{address:02x}'")
# for our emulated device, return a fixed value for the request
buffer = bytes([0xaa])
# transaction is a write request
data = i2c_target_request.read(1)
logger.info(f"write request to address 0x{address:02x}: {data}")
# for our emulated device, writes have no effect
This example creates an I2C target device that can be accessed via another device as an I2C controller:
import busio
import board
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
# perform a single read
while not i2c.try_lock():
buffer = bytearray(1)
i2c.readfrom_into(0x40, buffer)
print(f"device responded with {buffer}")
# perform a single write
while not i2c.try_lock():
buffer = bytearray(1)
buffer[0] = 0x12
i2c.writeto(0x40, buffer)
print(f"wrote {buffer} to device")
Typically, i2c devices support writes and reads to/from multiple register indices as in this example
import board
from i2ctarget import I2CTarget
import adafruit_logging as logging
logger = logging.getLogger('i2ctarget')
# emulate a target with 16 registers
regs = [0] * 16
register_index = None
logger.info("\n\ncode starting...")
# initialize an I2C target with a device address of 0x40
with I2CTarget(board.SCL, board.SDA, (0x40,)) as device:
while True:
# check if there's a pending device request
i2c_target_request = device.request()
if not i2c_target_request:
# no request is pending
# work with the i2c request
with i2c_target_request:
if not i2c_target_request.is_read:
# a write request
# bytearray contains the request's first byte, the register's index
index = i2c_target_request.read(1)[0]
# bytearray containing the request's second byte, the data
data = i2c_target_request.read(1)
# if the request doesn't have a second byte, this is read transaction
if not data:
# since we're only emulating 16 registers, read from a larger address is an error
if index > 15:
logger.error(f"write portion of read transaction has invalid index {index}")
logger.info(f"write portion of read transaction, set index to {index}'")
register_index = index
# since we're only emulating 16 registers, writing to a larger address is an error
if index > 15:
logger.error(f"write request to incorrect index {index}")
logger.info(f"write request to index {index}: {data}")
regs[index] = data[0]
# our emulated device requires a read to be part of a full write-then-read transaction
if not i2c_target_request.is_restart:
logger.warning(f"read request without first writing is not supported")
# still need to respond, but result data is not defined
register_index = None
# the single read transaction case is covered above, so we should always have a valid index
assert(register_index is not None)
# the write-then-read to an invalid address is covered above,
# but if this is a restarted read, index might be out of bounds so need to check
if register_index > 16:
logger.error(f"restarted read yielded an unsupported index")
register_index = None
# retrieve the data from our register file and respond
data = regs[register_index]
logger.info(f"read request from index {register_index}: {data}")
# in our emulated device, a single read transaction is covered above
# so any subsequent restarted read gets the value at the next index
assert(i2c_target_request.is_restart is True)
register_index += 1
This second example creates I2C target device that can be accessed via another device as an I2C controller:
import busio
import board
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
# perform a write transaction
while not i2c.try_lock():
buffer = bytearray(2)
buffer[0] = 0x0b # the register index
buffer[1] = 0xa1 # the value
i2c.writeto(0x40, buffer)
print(f"wrote {buffer} to device")
# perform a full read transaction (write-then-read)
while not i2c.try_lock():
index_buffer = bytearray(1)
index_buffer[0] = 0x0b
read_buffer = bytearray(1)
i2c.writeto_then_readfrom(0x40, index_buffer, read_buffer)
print(f"read from device index {index_buffer}: {read_buffer}")
Or accessed from Linux like this:
$ i2cget -y 1 0x40 0x0b
$ i2cset -y 1 0x40 0x0b 0xa1
$ i2cget -y 1 0x40 0x01
I2CTarget makes use of clock stretching in order to slow down the host. Make sure the I2C host supports this.
Raspberry Pi 3 and below, in particular, do not support this with its I2C hw block.
This can be worked around by using the i2c-gpio
bit banging driver.
Since the RPi firmware uses the hw i2c, it’s not possible to emulate a HAT eeprom.
Available on these boards
- class i2ctarget.I2CTarget(scl: microcontroller.Pin, sda: microcontroller.Pin, addresses: Sequence[int], smbus: bool = False)¶
Two wire serial protocol target
I2C is a two-wire protocol for communicating between devices. This implements the target (peripheral, sensor, secondary) side.
- Parameters:
- __exit__() None ¶
Automatically deinitializes the hardware on context exit. See Lifetime and ContextManagers for more info.
- request(*, timeout: float = -1) I2CTargetRequest ¶
Wait for an I2C request.
- Parameters:
timeout (float) – Timeout in seconds. Zero means wait forever, a negative value means check once
- Returns:
I2CTargetRequest or None if timeout=-1 and there’s no request
- Return type:
- class i2ctarget.I2CTargetRequest(target: I2CTarget, address: int, is_read: bool, is_restart: bool)¶
Information about an I2C transfer request This cannot be instantiated directly, but is returned by
.- Parameters:
target – The I2CTarget object receiving this request
address – I2C address
is_read – True if the main target is requesting data
is_restart – Repeated Start Condition
- __enter__() I2CTargetRequest ¶
No-op used in Context Managers.
- read(n: int = -1, ack: bool = True) bytearray ¶
Read data. If ack=False, the caller is responsible for calling
.- Parameters:
n – Number of bytes to read (negative means all)
ack – Whether or not to send an ACK after the n’th byte
- Returns:
Bytes read
- write(buffer: circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer) int ¶
Write the data contained in buffer.
- Parameters:
buffer (ReadableBuffer) – Write out the data in this buffer
- Returns:
Number of bytes written
- ack(ack: bool = True) None ¶
Acknowledge or Not Acknowledge last byte received. Use together with
ack=False.- Parameters:
ack – Whether to send an ACK or NACK