– Hardware interface to RP2 series’ programmable IO (PIO) peripheral.¶
This module is intended to be used with the adafruit_pioasm library. For an introduction and guide to working with PIO in CircuitPython, see this Learn guide.
Available on these boards
- rp2pio.pins_are_sequential(pins: List[microcontroller.Pin]) bool ¶
Return True if the pins have sequential GPIO numbers, False otherwise
- class rp2pio.StateMachine(program: circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer, frequency: int, *, may_exec: circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer | None = None, init: circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer | None = None, first_out_pin: microcontroller.Pin | None = None, out_pin_count: int = 1, initial_out_pin_state: int = 0, initial_out_pin_direction: int = 4294967295, first_in_pin: microcontroller.Pin | None = None, in_pin_count: int = 1, pull_in_pin_up: int = 0, pull_in_pin_down: int = 0, first_set_pin: microcontroller.Pin | None = None, set_pin_count: int = 1, initial_set_pin_state: int = 0, initial_set_pin_direction: int = 31, first_sideset_pin: microcontroller.Pin | None = None, sideset_pin_count: int = 1, initial_sideset_pin_state: int = 0, initial_sideset_pin_direction: int = 31, sideset_enable: bool = False, jmp_pin: microcontroller.Pin | None = None, jmp_pin_pull: digitalio.Pull | None = None, exclusive_pin_use: bool = True, auto_pull: bool = False, pull_threshold: int = 32, out_shift_right: bool = True, wait_for_txstall: bool = True, auto_push: bool = False, push_threshold: int = 32, in_shift_right: bool = True, user_interruptible: bool = True, wrap_target: int = 0, wrap: int = -1, offset: int = -1)¶
A single PIO StateMachine
The programmable I/O peripheral on the RP2 series of microcontrollers is unique. It is a collection of generic state machines that can be used for a variety of protocols. State machines may be independent or coordinated. Program memory and IRQs are shared between the state machines in a particular PIO instance. They are independent otherwise.
This class is designed to facilitate sharing of PIO resources. By default, it is assumed that the state machine is used on its own and can be placed in either PIO. State machines with the same program will be placed in the same PIO if possible.
Construct a StateMachine object on the given pins with the given program.
- Parameters:
program (ReadableBuffer) – the program to run with the state machine
frequency (int) – the target clock frequency of the state machine. Actual may be less. Use 0 for system clock speed.
init (ReadableBuffer) – a program to run once at start up. This is run after program is started so instructions may be intermingled
may_exec (ReadableBuffer) – Instructions that may be executed via
calls. Some elements of theStateMachine
’s configuration are inferred from the instructions used; for instance, if there is noin
instruction, then theStateMachine
is configured without a receive FIFO. In this case, passing amay_exec
program containing anin
instruction such asin x
, a receive FIFO will be configured.first_out_pin (Pin) – the first pin to use with the OUT instruction
out_pin_count (int) – the count of consecutive pins to use with OUT starting at first_out_pin
initial_out_pin_state (int) – the initial output value for out pins starting at first_out_pin
initial_out_pin_direction (int) – the initial output direction for out pins starting at first_out_pin
first_in_pin (Pin) – the first pin to use with the IN instruction
in_pin_count (int) – the count of consecutive pins to use with IN starting at first_in_pin
pull_in_pin_up (int) – a 1-bit in this mask sets pull up on the corresponding in pin
pull_in_pin_down (int) – a 1-bit in this mask sets pull down on the corresponding in pin. Setting both pulls enables a “bus keep” function, i.e. a weak pull to whatever is current high/low state of GPIO.
first_set_pin (Pin) – the first pin to use with the SET instruction
set_pin_count (int) – the count of consecutive pins to use with SET starting at first_set_pin
initial_set_pin_state (int) – the initial output value for set pins starting at first_set_pin
initial_set_pin_direction (int) – the initial output direction for set pins starting at first_set_pin
first_sideset_pin (Pin) – the first pin to use with a side set
sideset_pin_count (int) – the count of consecutive pins to use with a side set starting at first_sideset_pin. Does not include sideset enable
initial_sideset_pin_state (int) – the initial output value for sideset pins starting at first_sideset_pin
initial_sideset_pin_direction (int) – the initial output direction for sideset pins starting at first_sideset_pin
sideset_enable (bool) – True when the top sideset bit is to enable. This should be used with the “.side_set # opt” directive
jmp_pin (Pin) – the pin which determines the branch taken by JMP PIN instructions
jmp_pin_pull (Pull) – The pull value for the jmp pin, default is no pull.
exclusive_pin_use (bool) – When True, do not share any pins with other state machines. Pins are never shared with other peripherals
auto_pull (bool) – When True, automatically load data from the tx FIFO into the output shift register (OSR) when an OUT instruction shifts more than pull_threshold bits
pull_threshold (int) – Number of bits to shift before loading a new value into the OSR from the tx FIFO
out_shift_right (bool) – When True, data is shifted out the right side (LSB) of the OSR. It is shifted out the left (MSB) otherwise. NOTE! This impacts data alignment when the number of bytes is not a power of two (1, 2 or 4 bytes).
wait_for_txstall (bool) – When True, writing data out will block until the TX FIFO and OSR are empty and an instruction is stalled waiting for more data. When False, data writes won’t wait for the OSR to empty (only the TX FIFO) so make sure you give enough time before deiniting or stopping the state machine.
auto_push (bool) – When True, automatically save data from input shift register (ISR) into the rx FIFO when an IN instruction shifts more than push_threshold bits
push_threshold (int) – Number of bits to shift before saving the ISR value to the RX FIFO
in_shift_right (bool) – When True, data is shifted into the right side (LSB) of the ISR. It is shifted into the left (MSB) otherwise. NOTE! This impacts data alignment when the number of bytes is not a power of two (1, 2 or 4 bytes).
user_interruptible (bool) – When True (the default),
, andwrite_readinto()
can be interrupted by a ctrl-C. This is useful when developing a PIO program: if there is an error in the program that causes an infinite loop, you will be able to interrupt the loop. However, if you are writing to a device that can get into a bad state if a read or write is interrupted, you may want to set this to False after your program has been vetted.wrap_target (int) – The target instruction number of automatic wrap. Defaults to the first instruction of the program.
wrap (int) – The instruction after which to wrap to the
instruction. As a special case, -1 (the default) indicates the last instruction of the program.offset (int) – A specific offset in the state machine’s program memory where the program must be loaded. The default value, -1, allows the program to be loaded at any offset. This is appropriate for most programs.
- __enter__() StateMachine ¶
No-op used by Context Managers. Provided by context manager helper.
- __exit__() None ¶
Automatically deinitializes the hardware when exiting a context. See Lifetime and ContextManagers for more info.
- run(instructions: circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer) None ¶
Runs all given instructions. They will likely be interleaved with in-memory instructions. Make sure this doesn’t wait for input!
This can be used to output internal state to the RX FIFO and then read with
- write(buffer: circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer, *, start: int = 0, end: int | None = None, swap: bool = False) None ¶
Write the data contained in
to the state machine. If the buffer is empty, nothing happens.Writes to the FIFO will match the input buffer’s element size. For example, bytearray elements will perform 8 bit writes to the PIO FIFO. The RP2040’s memory bus will duplicate the value into the other byte positions. So, pulling more data in the PIO assembly will read the duplicated values.
To perform 16 or 32 bits writes into the FIFO use an
with a type code of the desired size.- Parameters:
buffer (ReadableBuffer) – Write out the data in this buffer
start (int) – Start of the slice of
to write out:buffer[start:end]
end (int) – End of the slice; this index is not included. Defaults to
swap (bool) – For 2- and 4-byte elements, swap (reverse) the byte order
- background_write(once: circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer | None = None, *, loop: circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer | None = None, swap: bool = False) None ¶
Write data to the TX fifo in the background, with optional looping.
First, if any previous
buffer has not been started, this function blocks until they have been started. This means that anyonce
buffer will be written at least once. Then theonce
buffers are queued. and the function returns. Theonce
buffer (if specified) will be written just once. Finally, theloop
buffer (if specified) will continue being looped indefinitely.Writes to the FIFO will match the input buffer’s element size. For example, bytearray elements will perform 8 bit writes to the PIO FIFO. The RP2040’s memory bus will duplicate the value into the other byte positions. So, pulling more data in the PIO assembly will read the duplicated values.
To perform 16 or 32 bits writes into the FIFO use an
with a type code of the desired size, or usememoryview.cast
to change the interpretation of an existing buffer. To send just part of a larger buffer, slice amemoryview
of it.If a buffer is modified while it is being written out, the updated values will be used. However, because of interactions between CPU writes, DMA and the PIO FIFO are complex, it is difficult to predict the result of modifying multiple values. Instead, alternate between a pair of buffers.
Having both a
and aloop
parameter is to support a special case in PWM generation where a change in duty cycle requires a special transitional buffer to be used exactly once. Most use cases will probably only use one ofonce
.Having neither
terminates an existing background looping write after exactly a whole loop. This is in contrast tostop_background_write
, which interrupts an ongoing DMA operation.- Parameters:
once (~Optional[circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer]) – Data to be written once
loop (~Optional[circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer]) – Data to be written repeatedly
swap (bool) – For 2- and 4-byte elements, swap (reverse) the byte order
- stop_background_write() None ¶
Immediately stop a background write, if one is in progress. Any DMA in progress is halted, but items already in the TX FIFO are not affected.
- pending: int¶
Returns the number of pending buffers for background writing.
If the number is 0, then a
call will not block.
- readinto(buffer: circuitpython_typing.WriteableBuffer, *, start: int = 0, end: int | None = None, swap: bool = False) None ¶
Read into
. If the number of bytes to read is 0, nothing happens. The buffer includes any data added to the fifo even if it was added before this was called.Reads from the FIFO will match the input buffer’s element size. For example, bytearray elements will perform 8 bit reads from the PIO FIFO. The alignment within the 32 bit value depends on
. Whenin_shift_right
is True, the upper N bits will be read. The lower bits will be read whenin_shift_right
is False.To perform 16 or 32 bits writes into the FIFO use an
with a type code of the desired size.- Parameters:
buffer (WriteableBuffer) – Read data into this buffer
start (int) – Start of the slice of
to read into:buffer[start:end]
end (int) – End of the slice; this index is not included. Defaults to
swap (bool) – For 2- and 4-byte elements, swap (reverse) the byte order
- write_readinto(buffer_out: circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer, buffer_in: circuitpython_typing.WriteableBuffer, *, out_start: int = 0, out_end: int | None = None, in_start: int = 0, in_end: int | None = None) None ¶
Write out the data in
while simultaneously reading data intobuffer_in
. The lengths of the slices defined bybuffer_out[out_start:out_end]
may be different. The function will return once both are filled. If buffer slice lengths are both 0, nothing happens.Data transfers to and from the FIFOs will match the corresponding buffer’s element size. See
for details.To perform 16 or 32 bits writes into the FIFO use an
with a type code of the desired size.- Parameters:
buffer_out (ReadableBuffer) – Write out the data in this buffer
buffer_in (WriteableBuffer) – Read data into this buffer
out_start (int) – Start of the slice of buffer_out to write out:
out_end (int) – End of the slice; this index is not included. Defaults to
in_start (int) – Start of the slice of
to read into:buffer_in[in_start:in_end]
in_end (int) – End of the slice; this index is not included. Defaults to
swap_out (bool) – For 2- and 4-byte elements, swap (reverse) the byte order for the buffer being transmitted (written)
swap_in (bool) – For 2- and 4-rx elements, swap (reverse) the byte order for the buffer being received (read)
- frequency: int¶
The actual state machine frequency. This may not match the frequency requested due to internal limitations.
- txstall: bool¶
True when the state machine has stalled due to a full TX FIFO since the last
- rxstall: bool¶
True when the state machine has stalled due to a full RX FIFO since the last