
The wifi module provides necessary low-level functionality for managing wifi connections. Use socketpool for communicating over the network.

Available on these boards
  • 01Space 0.42 OLED ESP32C3
  • AITHinker ESP32-C3S_Kit
  • AITHinker ESP32-C3S_Kit_2M
  • ATMegaZero ESP32-S2
  • Adafruit Camera
  • Adafruit Feather ESP32 V2
  • Adafruit Feather ESP32-C6 4MB Flash No PSRAM
  • Adafruit Feather ESP32-S2 Reverse TFT
  • Adafruit Feather ESP32-S2 TFT
  • Adafruit Feather ESP32-S3 Reverse TFT
  • Adafruit Feather ESP32-S3 TFT
  • Adafruit Feather ESP32S2
  • Adafruit Feather ESP32S3 4MB Flash 2MB PSRAM
  • Adafruit Feather ESP32S3 No PSRAM
  • Adafruit Feather HUZZAH32
  • Adafruit FunHouse
  • Adafruit HUZZAH32 Breakout
  • Adafruit ItsyBitsy ESP32
  • Adafruit MagTag
  • Adafruit MatrixPortal S3
  • Adafruit Metro ESP32S2
  • Adafruit Metro ESP32S3
  • Adafruit QT Py ESP32 PICO
  • Adafruit QT Py ESP32-S3 4MB Flash 2MB PSRAM
  • Adafruit QT Py ESP32-S3 no psram
  • Adafruit QT Py ESP32C3
  • Adafruit QT Py ESP32S2
  • Adafruit-Qualia-S3-RGB666
  • Ai Thinker ESP32-CAM
  • Arduino Nano ESP32
  • Artisense Reference Design RD00
  • AutosportLabs-ESP32-CAN-X2
  • BLING!
  • BPI-Bit-S2
  • BPI-Leaf-S3
  • BPI-PicoW-S3
  • BastWiFi
  • Bee-Data-Logger
  • Bee-Motion-S3
  • Bee-S3
  • BlizzardS3
  • CRCibernetica IdeaBoard
  • ColumbiaDSL-Sensor-Board-V1
  • CrumpS2
  • Cytron EDU PICO W
  • Cytron Maker Feather AIoT S3
  • DFRobot Beetle ESP32-C3
  • DFRobot FireBeetle 2 ESP32-S3
  • Deneyap Kart
  • Deneyap Kart 1A
  • Deneyap Kart 1A v2
  • Deneyap Kart G
  • Deneyap Mini
  • Deneyap Mini v2
  • ES3ink
  • ESP 12k NodeMCU
  • ESP32 Devkit V1
  • ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1
  • ESP32-C6-DevKitC-1-N8
  • ESP32-C6-DevKitM-1
  • ESP32-S2-DevKitC-1-N4
  • ESP32-S2-DevKitC-1-N4R2
  • ESP32-S2-DevKitC-1-N8R2
  • ESP32-S3-Box-2.5
  • ESP32-S3-Box-Lite
  • ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N32R8
  • ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8
  • ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8R2
  • ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8R8
  • ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8R8-with-HACKTABLET
  • ESP32-S3-DevKitM-1-N8
  • ESP32-S3-EYE
  • ESP32-S3-USB-OTG-N8
  • ESP8684-DevKitC-02-N4
  • Espressif ESP32 DevKitc V4 WROOM-32E
  • Espressif ESP32 DevKitc V4 WROVER
  • Espressif ESP32 TTGO T8 v1.7
  • Espressif ESP32-EYE
  • Espressif ESP32-LyraT
  • Espressif-ESP32-S3-LCD-EV-Board
  • FeatherS2
  • FeatherS2 Neo
  • FeatherS2 PreRelease
  • FeatherS3
  • FeatherS3 Neo
  • Flipper Zero Wi-Fi Dev
  • Franzininho WIFI w/Wroom
  • Franzininho WIFI w/Wrover
  • Freenove ESP32-WROVER-DEV-CAM
  • Gravitech Cucumber M
  • Gravitech Cucumber MS
  • Gravitech Cucumber R
  • Gravitech Cucumber RS
  • HMI-DevKit-1.1
  • Hardkernel Odroid Go
  • Heltec ESP32-S3-WIFI-LoRa-V3
  • HexKyS2
  • IoTs2
  • Kaluga 1
  • LILYGO T-Display S3 Pro
  • LILYGO TTGO T8 ESP32-S2 w/Display
  • LOLIN S3 16MB Flash 8MB PSRAM
  • Lilygo T-watch 2020 V3
  • Luatos Core-ESP32C3
  • M5Stack Atom Echo
  • M5Stack Atom Lite
  • M5Stack Atom Matrix
  • M5Stack Atom U
  • M5Stack AtomS3
  • M5Stack AtomS3 Lite
  • M5Stack AtomS3U
  • M5Stack Cardputer
  • M5Stack Core Basic
  • M5Stack Core Fire
  • M5Stack Core2
  • M5Stack CoreS3
  • M5Stack Dial
  • M5Stack M5Paper
  • M5Stack Stick C
  • M5Stack Stick C Plus
  • M5Stack Timer Camera X
  • MORPHEANS MorphESP-240
  • MagiClick S3 N4R2
  • Maker Go ESP32C3 Supermini
  • Maker badge by Czech maker
  • MakerFabs-ESP32-S3-Parallel-TFT-With-Touch-7inch
  • MicroDev microC3
  • MicroDev microS2
  • MixGo CE
  • NanoS3
  • Neuron
  • NodeMcu-ESP32-C2
  • Oak Dev Tech PixelWing ESP32S2
  • Oxocard Artwork
  • Oxocard Connect
  • Oxocard Galaxy
  • Oxocard Science
  • Pajenicko PicoPad
  • Pimoroni Badger 2040 W
  • Pimoroni Inky Frame 5.7
  • Pimoroni Inky Frame 7.3
  • Pimoroni Pico DV Base W
  • Pimoroni Plasma 2040W
  • ProS3
  • Raspberry Pi Pico W
  • S2Mini
  • S2Pico
  • SQFMI Watchy
  • Saola 1 w/Wroom
  • Saola 1 w/Wrover
  • Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3
  • Seeed Xiao ESP32-C6 4MB Flash 512KB SRAM
  • Spotpear ESP32C3 LCD 1.44
  • Sunton ESP32-2424S012
  • Sunton-ESP32-8048S070
  • Targett Module Clip w/Wroom
  • Targett Module Clip w/Wrover
  • ThingPulse Pendrive S3
  • TinyC6
  • TinyPICO
  • TinyPICO Nano
  • TinyS2
  • TinyS3
  • TinyWATCH S3
  • VCC-GND YD-ESP32-S3 (N16R8)
  • VCC-GND YD-ESP32-S3 (N8R8)
  • Waveshare ESP32-S2-Pico
  • Waveshare ESP32-S2-Pico-LCD
  • Waveshare ESP32-S3-GEEK
  • Waveshare ESP32-S3-Pico
  • Waveshare ESP32-S3-Tiny
  • Waveshare ESP32-S3-Zero
  • Waveshare ESP32S3 LCD 1.28
  • WeAct ESP32-C6 (4MB)
  • WeAct ESP32-C6 (8MB)
  • WeMos LOLIN32 Lite
  • Wemos Lolin C3 Mini
  • Wemos Lolin C3 Pico
  • nanoESP32-S2 w/Wrover
  • nanoESP32-S2 w/Wroom
  • senseBox MCU-S2 ESP32S2
  • sunton_esp32_2432S028
  • sunton_esp32_2432S032C

wifi.radio: Radio

Wifi radio used to manage both station and AP modes. This object is the sole instance of wifi.Radio.

class wifi.AuthMode

The authentication protocols used by WiFi.

OPEN: object

Open network. No authentication required.

WEP: object

Wired Equivalent Privacy.

WPA: object

Wireless Protected Access.

WPA2: object

Wireless Protected Access 2.

WPA3: object

Wireless Protected Access 3.

PSK: object

Pre-shared Key. (password)


Each user has a unique credential.

class wifi.Monitor(channel: int | None = 1, queue: int | None = 128)

For monitoring WiFi packets.

Initialize wifi.Monitor singleton.

  • channel (int) – The WiFi channel to scan.

  • queue (int) – The queue size for buffering the packet.

channel: int

The WiFi channel to scan.

queue: int

The queue size for buffering the packet.

deinit() None

De-initialize wifi.Monitor singleton.

lost() int

Returns the packet loss count. The counter resets after each poll.

queued() int

Returns the packet queued count.

packet() dict

Returns the monitor packet.

class wifi.Network

A wifi network provided by a nearby access point.

You cannot create an instance of wifi.Network. They are returned by wifi.Radio.start_scanning_networks.

ssid: str

String id of the network

bssid: bytes

BSSID of the network (usually the AP’s MAC address)

rssi: int

Signal strength of the network

channel: int

Channel number the network is operating on

country: str

String id of the country code

authmode: str

String id of the authmode

class wifi.Packet

The packet parameters.

CH: object

The packet’s channel.

LEN: object

The packet’s length.

RAW: object

The packet’s payload.

RSSI: object

The packet’s rssi.

class wifi.Radio

Native wifi radio.

This class manages the station and access point functionality of the native Wifi radio.

You cannot create an instance of wifi.Radio. Use wifi.radio to access the sole instance available.

enabled: bool

True when the wifi radio is enabled. If you set the value to False, any open sockets will be closed.

hostname: str | circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer

Hostname for wifi interface. When the hostname is altered after interface started/connected the changes would only be reflected once the interface restarts/reconnects.

mac_address: circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer
MAC address for the station. When the address is altered after interface is connected

the changes would only be reflected once the interface reconnects.

Limitations: Not settable on RP2040 CYW43 boards, such as Pi Pico W.

tx_power: float

Wifi transmission power, in dBm.

mac_address_ap: circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer
MAC address for the AP. When the address is altered after interface is started

the changes would only be reflected once the interface restarts.

Limitations: Not settable on RP2040 CYW43 boards, such as Pi Pico W.

start_scanning_networks(*, start_channel: int = 1, stop_channel: int = 11) Iterable[Network]

Scans for available wifi networks over the given channel range. Make sure the channels are allowed in your country.


In the raspberrypi port (RP2040 CYW43), start_channel and stop_channel are ignored.

stop_scanning_networks() None

Stop scanning for Wifi networks and free any resources used to do it.

start_station() None

Starts a Station.

stop_station() None

Stops the Station.

start_ap(ssid: str | circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer, password: str | circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer = b'', *, channel: int = 1, authmode: Iterable[AuthMode] = (), max_connections: int | None = 4) None

Starts running an access point with the specified ssid and password.

If channel is given, the access point will use that channel unless a station is already operating on a different channel.

If authmode is not None, the access point will use the given authentication modes. If a non-empty password is given, authmode must not include OPEN. If authmode is not given or is an empty iterable, (wifi.AuthMode.OPEN,) will be used when the password is the empty string, otherwise authmode will be (wifi.AuthMode.WPA, wifi.AuthMode.WPA2, wifi.AuthMode.PSK).

Limitations: On Espressif, authmode with a non-empty password must include wifi.AuthMode.PSK, and one or both of wifi.AuthMode.WPA and wifi.AuthMode.WPA2. On Pi Pico W, authmode is ignored; it is always (wifi.AuthMode.WPA2, wifi.AuthMode.PSK) with a non-empty password, or (wifi.AuthMode.OPEN), when no password is given. On Pi Pico W, the AP can be started and stopped only once per reboot.

The length of password must be 8-63 characters if it is ASCII, or exactly 64 hexadecimal characters if it is the hex form of the 256-bit key.

If max_connections is given, the access point will allow up to that number of stations to connect.


In the raspberrypi port (RP2040 CYW43), max_connections is ignored.

stop_ap() None

Stops the access point.

ap_active: bool

True if running as an access point. (read-only)

connect(ssid: str | circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer, password: str | circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer = b'', *, channel: int = 0, bssid: str | circuitpython_typing.ReadableBuffer | None = None, timeout: float | None = None) None

Connects to the given ssid and waits for an ip address. Reconnections are handled automatically once one connection succeeds.

The length of password must be 0 if there is no password, 8-63 characters if it is ASCII, or exactly 64 hexadecimal characters if it is the hex form of the 256-bit key.

By default, this will scan all channels and connect to the access point (AP) with the given ssid and greatest signal strength (rssi).

If channel is non-zero, the scan will begin with the given channel and connect to the first AP with the given ssid. This can speed up the connection time significantly because a full scan doesn’t occur.

If bssid is given and not None, the scan will start at the first channel or the one given and connect to the AP with the given bssid and ssid.

connected: bool

True if connected to an access point (read-only).

ipv4_gateway: ipaddress.IPv4Address | None

IP v4 Address of the station gateway when connected to an access point. None otherwise. (read-only)

ipv4_gateway_ap: ipaddress.IPv4Address | None

IP v4 Address of the access point gateway, when enabled. None otherwise. (read-only)

ipv4_subnet: ipaddress.IPv4Address | None

IP v4 Address of the station subnet when connected to an access point. None otherwise. (read-only)

ipv4_subnet_ap: ipaddress.IPv4Address | None

IP v4 Address of the access point subnet, when enabled. None otherwise. (read-only)

set_ipv4_address(*, ipv4: ipaddress.IPv4Address, netmask: ipaddress.IPv4Address, gateway: ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipv4_dns: ipaddress.IPv4Address | None) None

Sets the IP v4 address of the station. Must include the netmask and gateway. DNS address is optional. Setting the address manually will stop the DHCP client.


In the raspberrypi port (RP2040 CYW43), the access point needs to be started before the IP v4 address can be set.

set_ipv4_address_ap(*, ipv4: ipaddress.IPv4Address, netmask: ipaddress.IPv4Address, gateway: ipaddress.IPv4Address) None

Sets the IP v4 address of the access point. Must include the netmask and gateway.

ipv4_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address | None

IP v4 Address of the station when connected to an access point. None otherwise. (read-only)

ipv4_address_ap: ipaddress.IPv4Address | None

IP v4 Address of the access point, when enabled. None otherwise. (read-only)

ipv4_dns: ipaddress.IPv4Address

IP v4 Address of the DNS server to be used.

ap_info: Network | None

Network object containing BSSID, SSID, authmode, channel, country and RSSI when connected to an access point. None otherwise.

stations_ap: None

In AP mode, returns list of named tuples, each of which contains: mac: bytearray (read-only) rssi: int (read-only, None on Raspberry Pi Pico W) ipv4_address: ipv4_address (read-only, None if station connected but no address assigned yet or self-assigned address)

start_dhcp() None

Starts the station DHCP client.

stop_dhcp() None

Stops the station DHCP client. Needed to assign a static IP address.

start_dhcp_ap() None

Starts the access point DHCP server.

stop_dhcp_ap() None

Stops the access point DHCP server. Needed to assign a static IP address.

ping(ip: ipaddress.IPv4Address, *, timeout: float | None = 0.5) float | None

Ping an IP to test connectivity. Returns echo time in seconds. Returns None when it times out.

Limitations: On Espressif, calling ping() multiple times rapidly exhausts available resources after several calls. Rather than failing at that point, ping() will wait two seconds for enough resources to be freed up before proceeding.

class wifi.ScannedNetworks

Iterates over all wifi.Network objects found while scanning. This object is always created by a wifi.Radio: it has no user-visible constructor.

Cannot be instantiated directly. Use wifi.Radio.start_scanning_networks.

__iter__() Iterator[Network]

Returns itself since it is the iterator.

__next__() Network

Returns the next wifi.Network. Raises StopIteration if scanning is finished and no other results are available.