Source code for adafruit_avrprog

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 ladyada for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


Program your favorite AVR chips directly from CircuitPython with this
handy helper class that will let you make stand-alone programmers right
from your REPL

* Author(s): ladyada

Implementation Notes


* See Learn Guide for supported hardware: `Stand-alone programming AVRs using CircuitPython

**Software and Dependencies:**

* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the ESP8622 and M0-based boards:


# imports

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

from digitalio import Direction, DigitalInOut

_SLOW_CLOCK = 100000
_FAST_CLOCK = 1000000

[docs]class AVRprog: """ Helper class used to program AVR chips from CircuitPython. """
[docs] class Boards: """ Some well known board definitions. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods ATtiny13a = { "name": "ATtiny13a", "sig": [0x1E, 0x90, 0x07], "flash_size": 1024, "page_size": 32, "fuse_mask": (0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x03), "clock_speed": 100000, } ATtiny85 = { "name": "ATtiny85", "sig": [0x1E, 0x93, 0x0B], "flash_size": 8192, "page_size": 64, "fuse_mask": (0xFF, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x3F), } ATmega328p = { "name": "ATmega328p", "sig": [0x1E, 0x95, 0x0F], "flash_size": 32768, "page_size": 128, "fuse_mask": (0xFF, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x3F), } ATmega2560 = { "name": "ATmega2560", "sig": [0x1E, 0x98, 0x01], "flash_size": 262144, "page_size": 256, "fuse_mask": (0xFF, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x3F), }
_spi = None _rst = None
[docs] def init(self, spi_bus, rst_pin): """ Initialize the programmer with an SPI port that will be used to communicate with the chip. Make sure your SPI supports 'write_readinto' Also pass in a reset pin that will be used to get into programming mode """ self._spi = spi_bus self._rst = DigitalInOut(rst_pin) self._rst.direction = Direction.OUTPUT self._rst.value = True
[docs] def verify_sig(self, chip, verbose=False): """ Verify that the chip is connected properly, responds to commands, and has the correct signature. Returns True/False based on success """ self.begin(clock=_SLOW_CLOCK) sig = self.read_signature() self.end() if verbose: print("Found signature: %s" % [hex(i) for i in sig]) if sig != chip["sig"]: return False return True
[docs] def program_file(self, chip, file_name, verbose=False, verify=True): """ Perform a chip erase and program from a file that contains Intel HEX data. Returns true on verify-success, False on verify-failure. If 'verify' is False, return will always be True """ if not self.verify_sig(chip): raise RuntimeError("Signature read failure") if verbose: print("Erasing chip....") self.erase_chip() clock_speed = getattr(chip, "clock_speed", _FAST_CLOCK) self.begin(clock=clock_speed) # create a file state dictionary file_state = {"line": 0, "ext_addr": 0, "eof": False} file_state["f"] = open(file_name, "r") page_size = chip["page_size"] for page_addr in range(0, chip["flash_size"], page_size): if verbose: print("Programming page $%04X..." % page_addr, end="") page_buffer = bytearray(page_size) for b in range(page_size): page_buffer[b] = 0xFF # make an empty page read_hex_page(file_state, page_addr, page_size, page_buffer) if all([v == 0xFF for v in page_buffer]): if verbose: print("skipping") continue # print("From HEX file: ", page_buffer) self._flash_page(bytearray(page_buffer), page_addr, page_size) if not verify: if verbose: print("done!") continue if verbose: print("Verifying page @ $%04X" % page_addr) read_buffer = bytearray(page_size), read_buffer) # print("From memory: ", read_buffer) if page_buffer != read_buffer: if verbose: # pylint: disable=line-too-long print( "Verify fail at address %04X\nPage should be: %s\nBut contains: %s" % (page_addr, page_buffer, read_buffer) ) # pylint: enable=line-too-long self.end() return False if file_state["eof"]: break # we're done, bail! file_state["f"].close() self.end() return True
[docs] def verify_file(self, chip, file_name, verbose=False): """ Perform a chip full-flash verification from a file that contains Intel HEX data. Returns True/False on success/fail. """ if not self.verify_sig(chip): raise RuntimeError("Signature read failure") # create a file state dictionary file_state = {"line": 0, "ext_addr": 0, "eof": False} file_state["f"] = open(file_name, "r") page_size = chip["page_size"] clock_speed = getattr(chip, "clock_speed", _FAST_CLOCK) self.begin(clock=clock_speed) for page_addr in range(0x0, chip["flash_size"], page_size): page_buffer = bytearray(page_size) for b in range(page_size): page_buffer[b] = 0xFF # make an empty page read_hex_page(file_state, page_addr, page_size, page_buffer) if verbose: print("Verifying page @ $%04X" % page_addr) read_buffer = bytearray(page_size), read_buffer) # print("From memory: ", read_buffer) # print("From file : ", page_buffer) if page_buffer != read_buffer: if verbose: # pylint: disable=line-too-long print( "Verify fail at address %04X\nPage should be: %s\nBut contains: %s" % (page_addr, page_buffer, read_buffer) ) # pylint: enable=line-too-long self.end() return False if file_state["eof"]: break # we're done, bail! file_state["f"].close() self.end() return True
[docs] def read_fuses(self, chip): """ Read the 4 fuses and return them in a list (low, high, ext, lock) Each fuse is bitwise-&'s with the chip's fuse mask for simplicity """ mask = chip["fuse_mask"] self.begin(clock=_SLOW_CLOCK) low = self._transaction((0x50, 0, 0, 0))[2] & mask[0] high = self._transaction((0x58, 0x08, 0, 0))[2] & mask[1] ext = self._transaction((0x50, 0x08, 0, 0))[2] & mask[2] lock = self._transaction((0x58, 0, 0, 0))[2] & mask[3] self.end() return (low, high, ext, lock)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,expression-not-assigned
[docs] def write_fuses(self, chip, low=None, high=None, ext=None, lock=None): """ Write any of the 4 fuses. If the kwarg low/high/ext/lock is not passed in or is None, that fuse is skipped """ self.begin(clock=_SLOW_CLOCK) lock and self._transaction((0xAC, 0xE0, 0, lock)) low and self._transaction((0xAC, 0xA0, 0, low)) high and self._transaction((0xAC, 0xA8, 0, high)) ext and self._transaction((0xAC, 0xA4, 0, ext)) self.end()
# pylint: enable=unused-argument,expression-not-assigned
[docs] def verify_fuses(self, chip, low=None, high=None, ext=None, lock=None): """ Verify the 4 fuses. If the kwarg low/high/ext/lock is not passed in or is None, that fuse is not checked. Each fuse is bitwise-&'s with the chip's fuse mask. Returns True on success, False on a fuse verification failure """ fuses = self.read_fuses(chip) verify = (low, high, ext, lock) for i in range(4): # check each fuse if we requested to check it! if verify[i] and verify[i] != fuses[i]: return False return True
[docs] def erase_chip(self): """ Fully erases the chip. """ self.begin(clock=_SLOW_CLOCK) self._transaction((0xAC, 0x80, 0, 0)) self._busy_wait() self.end()
#################### Mid level
[docs] def begin(self, clock=_FAST_CLOCK): """ Begin programming mode: pull reset pin low, initialize SPI, and send the initialization command to get the AVR's attention. """ self._rst.value = False while self._spi and not self._spi.try_lock(): pass self._spi.configure(baudrate=clock) self._transaction((0xAC, 0x53, 0, 0))
[docs] def end(self): """ End programming mode: SPI is released, and reset pin set high. """ self._spi.unlock() self._rst.value = True
[docs] def read_signature(self): """ Read and return the signature of the chip as two bytes in an array. Requires calling begin() beforehand to put in programming mode. """ # signature is last byte of two transactions: sig = [] for i in range(3): sig.append(self._transaction((0x30, 0, i, 0))[2]) return sig
[docs] def read(self, addr, read_buffer): """ Read a chunk of memory from address 'addr'. The amount read is the same as the size of the bytearray 'read_buffer'. Data read is placed directly into 'read_buffer' Requires calling begin() beforehand to put in programming mode. """ last_addr = 0 for i in range(len(read_buffer) // 2): read_addr = addr // 2 + i # read 'words' so address is half if (last_addr >> 16) != (read_addr >> 16): # load extended byte # print("Loading extended address", read_addr >> 16) self._transaction((0x4D, 0, read_addr >> 16, 0)) high = self._transaction((0x28, read_addr >> 8, read_addr, 0))[2] low = self._transaction((0x20, read_addr >> 8, read_addr, 0))[2] # print("%04X: %02X %02X" % (read_addr*2, low, high)) read_buffer[i * 2] = low read_buffer[i * 2 + 1] = high last_addr = read_addr
#################### Low level def _flash_word(self, addr, low, high): self._transaction((0x40, addr >> 8, addr, low)) self._transaction((0x48, addr >> 8, addr, high)) def _flash_page(self, page_buffer, page_addr, page_size): page_addr //= 2 # address is by 'words' not bytes! for i in range(page_size / 2): # page indexed by words, not bytes lo_byte, hi_byte = page_buffer[2 * i : 2 * i + 2] self._flash_word(i, lo_byte, hi_byte) # load extended byte self._transaction((0x4D, 0, page_addr >> 16, 0)) commit_reply = self._transaction((0x4C, page_addr >> 8, page_addr, 0)) if ((commit_reply[1] << 8) + commit_reply[2]) != (page_addr & 0xFFFF): raise RuntimeError("Failed to commit page to flash") self._busy_wait() def _transaction(self, command): reply = bytearray(4) command = bytearray([i & 0xFF for i in command]) self._spi.write_readinto(command, reply) # s = [hex(i) for i in command] # print("Sending %s reply %s" % ([hex(i) for i in command], [hex(i) for i in reply])) if reply[2] != command[1]: raise RuntimeError("SPI transaction failed") return reply[1:] # first byte is ignored def _busy_wait(self): while self._transaction((0xF0, 0, 0, 0))[2] & 0x01: pass
[docs]def read_hex_page(file_state, page_addr, page_size, page_buffer): """ Helper function that does the Intel Hex parsing. Takes in a dictionary that contains the file 'state'. The dictionary should have file_state['f'] be the file stream object (returned by open), the file_state['line'] which tracks the line number of the file for better debug messages. This function will update 'line' as it reads lines. It will set 'eof' when the file has completed reading. It will also store the 'extended address' state in file_state['ext_addr'] In addition to the file, it takes the desired buffer address start (page_addr), size (page_size) and an allocated bytearray. This function will try to read the file and fill the page_buffer. If the next line has data that is beyond the size of the page_address, it will return without changing the buffer, so pre-fill it with 0xFF before calling, for sparsely-defined HEX files. Returns False if the file has no more data to read. Returns True if we've done the best job we can with filling the buffer and the next line does not contain any more data we can use. """ while True: # read until our page_buff is full! orig_loc = file_state["f"].tell() # in case we have to 'back up' line = file_state["f"].readline() # read one line from the HEX file file_state["line"] += 1 if not line: file_state["eof"] = True return False # print(line) if line[0] != ":": # lines must start with ':' raise RuntimeError("HEX line %d doesn't start with :" % file_state["line"]) # Try to parse the line length, address, and record type try: hex_len = int(line[1:3], 16) line_addr = int(line[3:7], 16) file_state["line_addr"] = line_addr rec_type = int(line[7:9], 16) except ValueError as err: raise RuntimeError( "Could not parse HEX line %d addr" % file_state["line"] ) from err if file_state["ext_addr"]: line_addr += file_state["ext_addr"] # print("Hex len: %d, addr %04X, record type %d " % (hex_len, line_addr, rec_type)) # We should only look for data type records (0x00) if rec_type == 1: file_state["eof"] = True return False # reached end of file if rec_type == 2: file_state["ext_addr"] = int(line[9:13], 16) << 4 # print("Extended addr: %05X" % file_state['ext_addr']) continue if rec_type == 3: # sometimes appears, we ignore this continue if rec_type != 0: # if not the above or a data record... raise RuntimeError( "Unsupported record type %d on line %d" % (rec_type, file_state["line"]) ) # check if this file file is either after the current page # (in which case, we've read all we can for this page and should # commence flasing...) if line_addr >= (page_addr + page_size): # print("Hex is past page address range") file_state["f"].seek(orig_loc) # back up! file_state["line"] -= 1 return True # or, this line does not yet reach the current page address, in which # case which should just keep reading in hopes we reach the address # we're looking for next time! if (line_addr + hex_len) <= page_addr: # print("Hex is prior to page address range") continue # parse out all remaining hex bytes including the checksum byte_buffer = [] for i in range(hex_len + 1): byte_buffer.append(int(line[9 + i * 2 : 11 + i * 2], 16)) # check chksum now! chksum = ( hex_len + (line_addr >> 8) + (line_addr & 0xFF) + rec_type + sum(byte_buffer) ) # print("checksum: "+hex(chksum)) if (chksum & 0xFF) != 0: raise RuntimeError("HEX Checksum fail") # get rid of that checksum byte byte_buffer.pop() # print([hex(i) for i in byte_buffer]) # print("line addr $%04X page addr $%04X" % (line_addr, page_addr)) page_idx = line_addr - page_addr line_idx = 0 while (page_idx < page_size) and (line_idx < hex_len): # print("page_idx = %d, line_idx = %d" % (page_idx, line_idx)) page_buffer[page_idx] = byte_buffer[line_idx] line_idx += 1 page_idx += 1 if page_idx == page_size: return True # ok we've read a full page, can bail now! return False # we...shouldn't get here?