
paralleldisplaybus for Blinka

Software and Dependencies:

class paralleldisplaybus.ParallelBus(*, data0: Pin, command: Pin, chip_select: Pin, write: Pin, read: Optional[Pin], reset: Optional[Pin] = None, frequency: int = 30000000)

Manage updating a display over 8-bit parallel bus in the background while Python code runs. This protocol may be refered to as 8080-I Series Parallel Interface in datasheets. It doesn’t handle display initialization.

Create a ParallelBus object associated with the given pins. The bus is inferred from data0 by implying the next 7 additional pins on a given GPIO port.

The parallel bus and pins are then in use by the display until displayio.release_displays() is called even after a reload. (It does this so CircuitPython can use the display after your code is done.) So, the first time you initialize a display bus in you should call :py:func`displayio.release_displays` first, otherwise it will error after the first run.

reset() None

Performs a hardware reset via the reset pin. Raises an exception if called when no reset pin is available.

send(command: int, data: Union[array, bytearray, bytes, memoryview, rgbmatrix.RGBMatrix, ulab.numpy.ndarray]) None

Sends the given command value followed by the full set of data. Display state, such as vertical scroll, set via send may or may not be reset once the code is done.


i2cdisplaybus for Blinka

Software and Dependencies:

class i2cdisplaybus.I2CDisplayBus(*args, **kwargs)

Manage updating a display over I2C in the background while Python code runs. It doesn’t handle display initialization.

Create a I2CDisplayBus object associated with the given I2C bus and reset pin.

The I2C bus and pins are then in use by the display until displayio.release_displays() is called even after a reload. (It does this so CircuitPython can use the display after your code is done.) So, the first time you initialize a display bus in you should call :py:func`displayio.release_displays` first, otherwise it will error after the first run.

reset() None

Performs a hardware reset via the reset pin if one is present.

send(command: int, data: Union[array, bytearray, bytes, memoryview, rgbmatrix.RGBMatrix, ulab.numpy.ndarray]) None

Sends the given command value followed by the full set of data. Display state, such as vertical scroll, set via send may or may not be reset once the code is done.


fourwire for Blinka

Software and Dependencies:

class fourwire.FourWire(spi_bus: SPI, *, command: Pin, chip_select: Optional[Pin] = None, reset: Optional[Pin] = None, baudrate: int = 24000000, polarity: int = 0, phase: int = 0)

Manage updating a display over SPI four wire protocol in the background while Python code runs. It doesn’t handle display initialization.

Create a FourWire object associated with the given pins.

The SPI bus and pins are then in use by the display until displayio.release_displays() is called even after a reload. (It does this so CircuitPython can use the display after your code is done.) So, the first time you initialize a display bus in you should call :py:func`displayio.release_displays` first, otherwise it will error after the first run.

reset() None

Performs a hardware reset via the reset pin. Raises an exception if called when no reset pin is available.

send(command, data: Union[array, bytearray, bytes, memoryview, rgbmatrix.RGBMatrix, ulab.numpy.ndarray], *, toggle_every_byte: bool = False) None

Sends the given command value followed by the full set of data. Display state, such as vertical scroll, set via send may or may not be reset once the code is done.