adafruit_blinka - Runtime utility objects for re-implementation of CircuitPython API

  • Author(s): cefn

class adafruit_blinka.ContextManaged

An object that automatically deinitializes hardware with a context manager.


Free any hardware used by the object.

class adafruit_blinka.Enum

Object supporting CircuitPython-style of static symbols as seen with Direction.OUTPUT, Pull.UP

classmethod iteritems()

Inspects attributes of the class for instances of the class and returns as key,value pairs mirroring dict#iteritems

class adafruit_blinka.Lockable

An object that must be locked to prevent collisions on a microcontroller resource.


Attempt to grab the lock. Return True on success, False if the lock is already taken.


Release the lock so others may use the resource.


Patch modules that may be different due to the platform.

Allows useful indirection to test Pin naming logic by switching platform in testing or provide bootstrapping logic for board identification where auto-detection is not feasible (e.g. multiple ESP8266 boards architecturally identical). Once runtime environment is established, can choose various routes to make available and re-export common modules and operations, depending on platform support

analogio - Analog input and output control

See analogio in CircuitPython for more details. Not supported by all boards.

  • Author(s): Carter Nelson, Melissa LeBlanc-Williams

bitbangio - Bitbanged bus protocols

See bitbangio in CircuitPython for more details.

  • Author(s): cefn

class bitbangio.I2C(scl, sda, frequency=400000)

Bitbang/Software I2C implementation



init(scl, sda, frequency)


readfrom_into(address, buffer, start=0, end=None)

Read from a device at specified address into a buffer


Scan for attached devices

writeto(address, buffer, start=0, end=None, stop=True)

Write to a device at specified address from a buffer

class bitbangio.SPI(clock, MOSI=None, MISO=None)

Bitbang/Software SPI implementation

configure(baudrate=100000, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8)

Update the configuration


Read from the SPI device into a buffer


Write to the SPI device

write_readinto(buffer_out, buffer_in)

Write to the SPI device and read from the SPI device into a buffer

board - Define ids for available pins

See board in CircuitPython for more details.

  • Author(s): cefn

busio - Bus protocol support like I2C and SPI

See busio in CircuitPython for more details.

  • Author(s): cefn

class busio.I2C(scl, sda, frequency=100000)

Busio I2C Class for CircuitPython Compatibility. Used for both MicroPython and Linux.

NOTE: Frequency has no effect on Linux systems. The argument is only there for compatibility.



init(scl, sda, frequency)


readfrom_into(address, buffer, *, start=0, end=None)

Read from a device at specified address into a buffer


Scan for attached devices

writeto(address, buffer, *, start=0, end=None)

Write to a device at specified address from a buffer

writeto_then_readfrom(address, buffer_out, buffer_in, *, out_start=0, out_end=None, in_start=0, in_end=None, stop=False)

“Write to a device at specified address from a buffer then read from a device at specified address into a buffer

class busio.SPI(clock, MOSI=None, MISO=None)

Busio SPI Class for CircuitPython Compatibility. Used for both MicroPython and Linux.

configure(baudrate=100000, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8)

Update the configuration



property frequency

Return the baud rate if implemented

readinto(buf, start=0, end=None, write_value=0)

Read from the SPI device into a buffer

write(buf, start=0, end=None)

Write to the SPI device

write_readinto(buffer_out, buffer_in, out_start=0, out_end=None, in_start=0, in_end=None)

Write to the SPI device and read from the SPI device into a buffer

class busio.UART(tx, rx, baudrate=9600, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1, timeout=1000, receiver_buffer_size=64, flow=None)

Busio UART Class for CircuitPython Compatibility. Used for MicroPython and a few other non-Linux boards.

class Parity

Parity Enumeration




Read from the UART

readinto(buf, nbytes=None)

Read from the UART into a buffer


Read a line of characters up to a newline character from the UART


Write to the UART from a buffer

digitalio - Digital input and output control (GPIO)

See digitalio in CircuitPython for more details.

  • Author(s): cefn

class digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin)

DigitalInOut CircuitPython compatibility implementation


Deinitialize the Digital Pin

property direction

Get or Set the Digital Pin Direction

property drive_mode

The Digital Pin Drive Mode

property pull

The pin pull direction


Switch the Digital Pin Mode to Input

switch_to_output(value=False, drive_mode=digitalio.DriveMode.PUSH_PULL)

Switch the Digital Pin Mode to Output

property value

The Digital Pin Value

class digitalio.Direction

Direction Enumeration

class digitalio.DriveMode

Drive Mode Enumeration

class digitalio.Pull

PullUp/PullDown Enumeration

keypad - Support for scanning keys and key matrices

See keypad in CircuitPython for more details.

  • Author(s): Melissa LeBlanc-Williams

class keypad.Event(key_number=0, pressed=True)

A key transition event.

property key_number

The key number.

property pressed

True if the event represents a key down (pressed) transition. The opposite of released.

property released

True if the event represents a key up (released) transition. The opposite of pressed.

class keypad.KeyMatrix(row_pins, column_pins, columns_to_anodes=True, interval=0.02, max_events=64)

Manage a 2D matrix of keys with row and column pins.


Stop scanning and release the pins.

property key_count

The number of keys that are being scanned. (read-only)


Reset the internal state of the scanner to assume that all keys are now released. Any key that is already pressed at the time of this call will therefore immediately cause a new key-pressed event to occur.

class keypad.Keys(pins, *, value_when_pressed, pull=True, interval=0.02, max_events=64)

Manage a set of independent keys.


Stop scanning and release the pins.

property key_count

The number of keys that are being scanned. (read-only)


Reset the internal state of the scanner to assume that all keys are now released. Any key that is already pressed at the time of this call will therefore immediately cause a new key-pressed event to occur.

class keypad.ShiftRegisterKeys(*, clock, data, latch, value_to_latch=True, key_count, value_when_pressed, interval=0.02, max_events=64)

Manage a set of keys attached to an incoming shift register.


Stop scanning and release the pins.

property events

The EventQueue associated with this Keys object. (read-only)

property key_count

The number of keys that are being scanned. (read-only)


Reset the internal state of the scanner to assume that all keys are now released. Any key that is already pressed at the time of this call will therefore immediately cause a new key-pressed event to occur.

microcontroller - Pin references and cpu functionality

  • Author(s): Melissa LeBlanc-Williams


Sleep for delay usecs.

micropython - MicroPython Specific Decorator Functions

  • Author(s): cefn


User is attempting to use an inline assembler


Emulate making a constant


Emulate making a native


User is attempting to use a viper code emitter

neopixel_write - NeoPixel precision timed writing support

See neopixel_write in CircuitPython for more details. Currently supported on Raspberry Pi only.

  • Author(s): ladyada

neopixel_write.neopixel_write(gpio, buf)

Write buf out on the given DigitalInOut.

onewireio - 1-wire bus protocol

See onewireio in CircuitPython for more details.

  • Author(s): cefn

class onewireio.OneWire(pin)

Stub class for OneWire, which is currently not implemented


Deinitialize the OneWire bus and release any hardware resources for reuse.


Read in a bit


Reset the OneWire bus and read presence


Write out a bit based on value.

pulseio - Pulse Width Modulation input and output control

See pulseio in CircuitPython for more details. Not supported by all boards.

  • Author(s): Melissa LeBlanc-Williams

pwmio - Support for PWM based protocols

See pwmio in CircuitPython for more details. Not supported by all boards.

  • Author(s): Melissa LeBlanc-Williams

rainbowio - Provides the colorwheel() function

See rainbowio in CircuitPython for more details. Not supported by all boards.

  • Author(s): Kattni Rembor, Carter Nelson


A colorwheel. 0 and 255 are red, 85 is green, and 170 is blue, with the values between being the rest of the rainbow.


color_value (int) – 0-255 of color value to return


tuple of RGB values