Source code for adafruit_bme280.advanced

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 ladyada for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


CircuitPython driver from BME280 Temperature, Humidity and Barometric
Pressure sensor

* Author(s): ladyada, Jose David M.

Implementation Notes


* `Adafruit BME280 Temperature, Humidity and Barometric Pressure sensor
  <>`_ (Product ID: 2652)

**Software and Dependencies:**

* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the supported boards:

* Adafruit's Bus Device library:

from micropython import const
from adafruit_bme280.basic import Adafruit_BME280
from adafruit_bme280.protocol import I2C_Impl, SPI_Impl

    import typing  # pylint: disable=unused-import
    from busio import I2C, SPI
    from digitalio import DigitalInOut
except ImportError:

__version__ = "0.0.0+auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

#    -----------------------------------------------------------------------
_BME280_ADDRESS = const(0x77)
_BME280_CHIPID = const(0x60)

_BME280_REGISTER_CHIPID = const(0xD0)
_BME280_REGISTER_DIG_T1 = const(0x88)
_BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H1 = const(0xA1)
_BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H2 = const(0xE1)
_BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H3 = const(0xE3)
_BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H4 = const(0xE4)
_BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H5 = const(0xE5)
_BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H6 = const(0xE7)

_BME280_REGISTER_CTRL_HUM = const(0xF2)
_BME280_REGISTER_STATUS = const(0xF3)
_BME280_REGISTER_CTRL_MEAS = const(0xF4)
_BME280_REGISTER_CONFIG = const(0xF5)

_BME280_HUMIDITY_MIN = const(0)
_BME280_HUMIDITY_MAX = const(100)

"""iir_filter values"""
IIR_FILTER_X2 = const(0x01)
IIR_FILTER_X4 = const(0x02)
IIR_FILTER_X8 = const(0x03)
IIR_FILTER_X16 = const(0x04)


"""overscan values for temperature, pressure, and humidity"""
OVERSCAN_DISABLE = const(0x00)
OVERSCAN_X1 = const(0x01)
OVERSCAN_X2 = const(0x02)
OVERSCAN_X4 = const(0x03)
OVERSCAN_X8 = const(0x04)
OVERSCAN_X16 = const(0x05)

    OVERSCAN_X1: 1,
    OVERSCAN_X2: 2,
    OVERSCAN_X4: 4,
    OVERSCAN_X8: 8,
    OVERSCAN_X16: 16,

"""mode values"""
MODE_SLEEP = const(0x00)
MODE_FORCE = const(0x01)
MODE_NORMAL = const(0x03)

standby timeconstant values
TC_X[_Y] where X=milliseconds and Y=tenths of a millisecond
STANDBY_TC_0_5 = const(0x00)  # 0.5ms
STANDBY_TC_10 = const(0x06)  # 10ms
STANDBY_TC_20 = const(0x07)  # 20ms
STANDBY_TC_62_5 = const(0x01)  # 62.5ms
STANDBY_TC_125 = const(0x02)  # 125ms
STANDBY_TC_250 = const(0x03)  # 250ms
STANDBY_TC_500 = const(0x04)  # 500ms
STANDBY_TC_1000 = const(0x05)  # 1000ms


# pylint: disable=abstract-method
[docs]class Adafruit_BME280_Advanced(Adafruit_BME280): """Driver from BME280 Temperature, Humidity and Barometric Pressure sensor .. note:: The operational range of the BMP280 is 300-1100 hPa. Pressure measurements outside this range may not be as accurate. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, proxy: typing.Union[I2C_Impl, SPI_Impl]) -> None: """Check the BME280 was found, read the coefficients and enable the sensor""" self._overscan_humidity = OVERSCAN_X1 self._overscan_temperature = OVERSCAN_X1 self._overscan_pressure = OVERSCAN_X16 self._mode = MODE_SLEEP self._t_standby = STANDBY_TC_125 super().__init__(proxy) @property def standby_period(self) -> int: """ Control the inactive period when in Normal mode Allowed standby periods are the constants STANDBY_TC_* """ return self._t_standby @standby_period.setter def standby_period(self, value: int) -> None: if not value in _BME280_STANDBY_TCS: raise ValueError("Standby Period '%s' not supported" % (value)) if self._t_standby == value: return self._t_standby = value self._write_config() @property def overscan_humidity(self) -> int: """ Humidity Oversampling Allowed values are the constants OVERSCAN_* """ return self._overscan_humidity @overscan_humidity.setter def overscan_humidity(self, value: int) -> None: if not value in _BME280_OVERSCANS: raise ValueError("Overscan value '%s' not supported" % (value)) self._overscan_humidity = value self._write_ctrl_meas() @property def overscan_temperature(self) -> int: """ Temperature Oversampling Allowed values are the constants OVERSCAN_* """ return self._overscan_temperature @overscan_temperature.setter def overscan_temperature(self, value: int) -> None: if not value in _BME280_OVERSCANS: raise ValueError("Overscan value '%s' not supported" % (value)) self._overscan_temperature = value self._write_ctrl_meas() @property def overscan_pressure(self) -> int: """ Pressure Oversampling Allowed values are the constants OVERSCAN_* """ return self._overscan_pressure @overscan_pressure.setter def overscan_pressure(self, value: int) -> None: if not value in _BME280_OVERSCANS: raise ValueError("Overscan value '%s' not supported" % (value)) self._overscan_pressure = value self._write_ctrl_meas() @property def iir_filter(self) -> int: """ Controls the time constant of the IIR filter Allowed values are the constants IIR_FILTER_* """ return self._iir_filter @iir_filter.setter def iir_filter(self, value: int) -> None: if not value in _BME280_IIR_FILTERS: raise ValueError("IIR Filter '%s' not supported" % (value)) self._iir_filter = value self._write_config() @property def _config(self) -> int: """Value to be written to the device's config register""" config = 0 if self.mode == MODE_NORMAL: config += self._t_standby << 5 if self._iir_filter: config += self._iir_filter << 2 return config @property def _ctrl_meas(self) -> int: """Value to be written to the device's ctrl_meas register""" ctrl_meas = self.overscan_temperature << 5 ctrl_meas += self.overscan_pressure << 2 ctrl_meas += self.mode return ctrl_meas @property def measurement_time_typical(self) -> float: """Typical time in milliseconds required to complete a measurement in normal mode""" meas_time_ms = 1.0 if self.overscan_temperature != OVERSCAN_DISABLE: meas_time_ms += 2 * _BME280_OVERSCANS.get(self.overscan_temperature) if self.overscan_pressure != OVERSCAN_DISABLE: meas_time_ms += 2 * _BME280_OVERSCANS.get(self.overscan_pressure) + 0.5 if self.overscan_humidity != OVERSCAN_DISABLE: meas_time_ms += 2 * _BME280_OVERSCANS.get(self.overscan_humidity) + 0.5 return meas_time_ms @property def measurement_time_max(self) -> float: """Maximum time in milliseconds required to complete a measurement in normal mode""" meas_time_ms = 1.25 if self.overscan_temperature != OVERSCAN_DISABLE: meas_time_ms += 2.3 * _BME280_OVERSCANS.get(self.overscan_temperature) if self.overscan_pressure != OVERSCAN_DISABLE: meas_time_ms += 2.3 * _BME280_OVERSCANS.get(self.overscan_pressure) + 0.575 if self.overscan_humidity != OVERSCAN_DISABLE: meas_time_ms += 2.3 * _BME280_OVERSCANS.get(self.overscan_humidity) + 0.575 return meas_time_ms
[docs]class Adafruit_BME280_I2C(Adafruit_BME280_Advanced): """Driver for BME280 connected over I2C :param ~busio.I2C i2c: The I2C bus the BME280 is connected to. :param int address: I2C device address. Defaults to :const:`0x77`. but another address can be passed in as an argument .. note:: The operational range of the BMP280 is 300-1100 hPa. Pressure measurements outside this range may not be as accurate. **Quickstart: Importing and using the BME280** Here is an example of using the :class:`Adafruit_BME280_I2C`. First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor .. code-block:: python import board import adafruit_bme280.advanced as adafruit_bme280 Once this is done you can define your `board.I2C` object and define your sensor object .. code-block:: python i2c = board.I2C() # uses board.SCL and board.SDA bme280 = adafruit_bme280.Adafruit_BME280_I2C(i2c) You need to setup the pressure at sea level .. code-block:: python bme280.sea_level_pressure = 1013.25 Now you have access to the :attr:`temperature`, :attr:`relative_humidity` :attr:`pressure` and :attr:`altitude` attributes .. code-block:: python temperature = bme280.temperature relative_humidity = bme280.relative_humidity pressure = bme280.pressure altitude = bme280.altitude """ def __init__(self, i2c: I2C, address: int = _BME280_ADDRESS) -> None: super().__init__(I2C_Impl(i2c, address))
[docs]class Adafruit_BME280_SPI(Adafruit_BME280_Advanced): """Driver for BME280 connected over SPI :param ~busio.SPI spi: SPI device :param ~digitalio.DigitalInOut cs: Chip Select :param int baudrate: Clock rate, default is 100000. Can be changed with :meth:`baudrate` .. note:: The operational range of the BMP280 is 300-1100 hPa. Pressure measurements outside this range may not be as accurate. **Quickstart: Importing and using the BME280** Here is an example of using the :class:`Adafruit_BME280_SPI` class. First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor .. code-block:: python import board from digitalio import DigitalInOut import adafruit_bme280.advanced as adafruit_bme280 Once this is done you can define your `board.SPI` object and define your sensor object .. code-block:: python cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D10) spi = board.SPI() bme280 = adafruit_bme280.Adafruit_BME280_SPI(spi, cs) You need to setup the pressure at sea level .. code-block:: python bme280.sea_level_pressure = 1013.25 Now you have access to the :attr:`temperature`, :attr:`relative_humidity` :attr:`pressure` and :attr:`altitude` attributes .. code-block:: python temperature = bme280.temperature relative_humidity = bme280.relative_humidity pressure = bme280.pressure altitude = bme280.altitude """ def __init__(self, spi: SPI, cs: DigitalInOut, baudrate: int = 100000) -> None: super().__init__(SPI_Impl(spi, cs, baudrate))