Source code for circup

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Nicholas Tollervey, written for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
CircUp -- a utility to manage and update libraries on a CircuitPython device.

import ctypes
import glob
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
from subprocess import check_output
import sys
import zipfile

import appdirs
import click
import findimports
import pkg_resources
import requests
from semver import VersionInfo
import update_checker

# Useful constants.
#: Flag to indicate if the command is being run in verbose mode.
#: The location of data files used by circup (following OS conventions).
DATA_DIR = appdirs.user_data_dir(appname="circup", appauthor="adafruit")
#: The path to the JSON file containing the metadata about the bundles.
BUNDLE_CONFIG_FILE = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
    "circup", "config/bundle_config.json"
#: Overwrite the bundles list with this file (only done manually)
BUNDLE_CONFIG_OVERWRITE = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "bundle_config.json")
#: The path to the JSON file containing the local list of bundles.
BUNDLE_CONFIG_LOCAL = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "bundle_config_local.json")
#: The path to the JSON file containing the metadata about the bundles.
BUNDLE_DATA = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "circup.json")
#: The directory containing the utility's log file.
LOG_DIR = appdirs.user_log_dir(appname="circup", appauthor="adafruit")
#: The location of the log file for the utility.
LOGFILE = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, "circup.log")
#:  The libraries (and blank lines) which don't go on devices
#: The version of CircuitPython found on the connected device.
#: Module formats list (and the other form used in github files)
PLATFORMS = {"py": "py", "7mpy": "7.x-mpy", "8mpy": "7.x-mpy"}
#: Commands that do not require an attached board
BOARDLESS_COMMANDS = ["show", "bundle-add", "bundle-remove", "bundle-show"]
#: Version identifier for a bad MPY file format
#: Timeout for requests calls like get()

# Ensure DATA_DIR / LOG_DIR related directories and files exist.
if not os.path.exists(DATA_DIR):  # pragma: no cover
if not os.path.exists(LOG_DIR):  # pragma: no cover

# Setup logging.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logfile_handler = logging.FileHandler(LOGFILE)
log_formatter = logging.Formatter(
    "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

[docs]class Bundle: """ All the links and file names for a bundle """ def __init__(self, repo): """ Initialise a Bundle created from its github info. Construct all the strings in one place. :param str repo: Repository string for github: "user/repository" """ vendor, bundle_id = repo.split("/") bundle_id = bundle_id.lower().replace("_", "-") self.key = repo # self.url = "" + repo self.basename = bundle_id + "-{platform}-{tag}" self.urlzip = self.basename + ".zip" self.dir = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, vendor, bundle_id + "-{platform}") = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, bundle_id + "-{platform}.zip") self.url_format = self.url + "/releases/download/{tag}/" + self.urlzip # tag self._current = None self._latest = None
[docs] def lib_dir(self, platform): """ This bundle's lib directory for the platform. :param str platform: The platform identifier (py/6mpy/...). :return: The path to the lib directory for the platform. """ tag = self.current_tag return os.path.join( self.dir.format(platform=platform), self.basename.format(platform=PLATFORMS[platform], tag=tag), "lib", )
[docs] def requirements_for(self, library_name): """ The requirements file for this library. :param str library_name: The name of the library. :return: The path to the requirements.txt file. """ platform = "py" tag = self.current_tag requirements_txt = os.path.join( self.dir.format(platform=platform), self.basename.format(platform=PLATFORMS[platform], tag=tag), "requirements", library_name, "requirements.txt", ) if os.path.isfile(requirements_txt): with open(requirements_txt, "r", encoding="utf-8") as read_this: return return None
@property def current_tag(self): """ Lazy load current cached tag from the BUNDLE_DATA json file. :return: The current cached tag value for the project. """ if self._current is None: self._current = tags_data_load().get(self.key, "0") return self._current @current_tag.setter def current_tag(self, tag): """ Set the current cached tag (after updating). :param str tag: The new value for the current tag. :return: The current cached tag value for the project. """ self._current = tag @property def latest_tag(self): """ Lazy find the value of the latest tag for the bundle. :return: The most recent tag value for the project. """ if self._latest is None: self._latest = get_latest_release_from_url(self.url + "/releases/latest") return self._latest
[docs] def validate(self): """ Test the existence of the expected URLs (not their content) """ tag = self.latest_tag if not tag or tag == "releases": if VERBOSE: click.secho(f' Invalid tag "{tag}"', fg="red") return False for platform in PLATFORMS.values(): url = self.url_format.format(platform=platform, tag=tag) r = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=REQUESTS_TIMEOUT) # pylint: disable=no-member if r.status_code != if VERBOSE: click.secho(f" Unable to find {os.path.split(url)[1]}", fg="red") return False # pylint: enable=no-member return True
def __repr__(self): """ Helps with log files. :return: A repr of a dictionary containing the Bundles's metadata. """ return repr( { "key": self.key, "url": self.url, "urlzip": self.urlzip, "dir": self.dir, "zip":, "url_format": self.url_format, "current": self._current, "latest": self._latest, } )
[docs]class Module: """ Represents a CircuitPython module. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__( self, path, repo, device_version, bundle_version, mpy, bundle, compatibility ): """ The ``self.file`` and ```` attributes are constructed from the ``path`` value. If the path is to a directory based module, the resulting self.file value will be None, and the name will be the basename of the directory path. :param str path: The path to the module on the connected CIRCUITPYTHON device. :param str repo: The URL of the Git repository for this module. :param str device_version: The semver value for the version on device. :param str bundle_version: The semver value for the version in bundle. :param bool mpy: Flag to indicate if the module is byte-code compiled. :param Bundle bundle: Bundle object where the module is located. :param (str,str) compatibility: Min and max versions of CP compatible with the mpy. """ self.path = path if os.path.isfile(self.path): # Single file module. self.file = os.path.basename(path) = self.file.replace(".py", "").replace(".mpy", "") else: # Directory based module. self.file = None = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(self.path)) self.repo = repo self.device_version = device_version self.bundle_version = bundle_version self.mpy = mpy self.min_version = compatibility[0] self.max_version = compatibility[1] # Figure out the bundle path. self.bundle_path = None if self.mpy: # Byte compiled, now check CircuitPython version. major_version = CPY_VERSION.split(".")[0] bundle_platform = "{}mpy".format(major_version) else: # Regular Python bundle_platform = "py" # module path in the bundle search_path = bundle.lib_dir(bundle_platform) if self.file: self.bundle_path = os.path.join(search_path, self.file) else: self.bundle_path = os.path.join(search_path, # pylint: enable=too-many-arguments @property def outofdate(self): """ Returns a boolean to indicate if this module is out of date. Treat mismatched MPY versions as out of date. :return: Truthy indication if the module is out of date. """ if self.mpy_mismatch: return True if self.device_version and self.bundle_version: try: return VersionInfo.parse(self.device_version) < VersionInfo.parse( self.bundle_version ) except ValueError as ex: logger.warning("Module '%s' has incorrect semver value.", logger.warning(ex) return True # Assume out of date to try to update. @property def bad_format(self): """A boolean indicating that the mpy file format could not be identified""" return self.mpy and self.device_version == BAD_FILE_FORMAT @property def mpy_mismatch(self): """ Returns a boolean to indicate if this module's MPY version is compatible with the board's current version of Circuitpython. A min or max version that evals to False means no limit. :return: Boolean indicating if the MPY versions don't match. """ if not self.mpy: return False try: cpv = VersionInfo.parse(CPY_VERSION) except ValueError as ex: logger.warning("CircuitPython has incorrect semver value.") logger.warning(ex) try: if self.min_version and cpv < VersionInfo.parse(self.min_version): return True # CP version too old if self.max_version and cpv >= VersionInfo.parse(self.max_version): return True # MPY version too old except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex: logger.warning( "Module '%s' has incorrect MPY compatibility information.", ) logger.warning(ex) return False @property def major_update(self): """ Returns a boolean to indicate if this is a major version update. :return: Boolean indicating if this is a major version upgrade """ try: if ( VersionInfo.parse(self.device_version).major == VersionInfo.parse(self.bundle_version).major ): return False except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex: logger.warning("Module '%s' has incorrect semver value.", logger.warning(ex) return True # Assume Major Version udpate. @property def row(self): """ Returns a tuple of items to display in a table row to show the module's name, local version and remote version, and reason to update. :return: A tuple containing the module's name, version on the connected device, version in the latest bundle and reason to update. """ loc = self.device_version if self.device_version else "unknown" rem = self.bundle_version if self.bundle_version else "unknown" if self.mpy_mismatch: update_reason = "MPY Format" elif self.major_update: update_reason = "Major Version" else: update_reason = "Minor Version" return (, loc, rem, update_reason)
[docs] def update(self): """ Delete the module on the device, then copy the module from the bundle back onto the device. The caller is expected to handle any exceptions raised. """ if os.path.isdir(self.path): # Delete and copy the directory. shutil.rmtree(self.path, ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree(self.bundle_path, self.path) else: # Delete and copy file. os.remove(self.path) shutil.copyfile(self.bundle_path, self.path)
def __repr__(self): """ Helps with log files. :return: A repr of a dictionary containing the module's metadata. """ return repr( { "path": self.path, "file": self.file, "name":, "repo": self.repo, "device_version": self.device_version, "bundle_version": self.bundle_version, "bundle_path": self.bundle_path, "mpy": self.mpy, "min_version": self.min_version, "max_version": self.max_version, } )
[docs]def clean_library_name(assumed_library_name): """ Most CP repos and library names are look like this: repo: Adafruit_CircuitPython_LC709203F library: adafruit_lc709203f But some do not and this handles cleaning that up. Also cleans up if the pypi or reponame is passed in instead of the CP library name. :param str assumed_library_name: An assumed name of a library from user or requirements.txt entry :return: str proper library name """ not_standard_names = { # Assumed Name : Actual Name "adafruit_adafruitio": "adafruit_io", "adafruit_asyncio": "asyncio", "adafruit_busdevice": "adafruit_bus_device", "adafruit_display_button": "adafruit_button", "adafruit_neopixel": "neopixel", "adafruit_sd": "adafruit_sdcard", "adafruit_simpleio": "simpleio", "pimoroni_ltr559": "pimoroni_circuitpython_ltr559", } if "circuitpython" in assumed_library_name: # convert repo or pypi name to common library name assumed_library_name = ( assumed_library_name.replace("-circuitpython-", "_") .replace("_circuitpython_", "_") .replace("-", "_") ) if assumed_library_name in not_standard_names: return not_standard_names[assumed_library_name] return assumed_library_name
[docs]def completion_for_install(ctx, param, incomplete): """ Returns the list of available modules for the command line tab-completion with the ``circup install`` command. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument available_modules = get_bundle_versions(get_bundles_list(), avoid_download=True) module_names = {m.replace(".py", "") for m in available_modules} if incomplete: module_names = [name for name in module_names if name.startswith(incomplete)] return sorted(module_names)
[docs]def ensure_latest_bundle(bundle): """ Ensure that there's a copy of the latest library bundle available so circup can check the metadata contained therein. :param Bundle bundle: the target Bundle object. """"Checking library updates for %s.", bundle.key) tag = bundle.latest_tag do_update = False if tag == bundle.current_tag: for platform in PLATFORMS: # missing directories (new platform added on an existing install # or side effect of pytest or network errors) do_update = do_update or not os.path.isdir(bundle.lib_dir(platform)) else: do_update = True if do_update:"New version available (%s).", tag) try: get_bundle(bundle, tag) tags_data_save_tag(bundle.key, tag) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as ex: # See #20 for reason for this click.secho( ( "There was a problem downloading the bundle. " "Please try again in a moment." ), fg="red", ) logger.exception(ex) sys.exit(1) else:"Current bundle up to date %s.", tag)
[docs]def extract_metadata(path): """ Given an file path, return a dictionary containing metadata extracted from dunder attributes found therein. Works with both .py and .mpy files. For Python source files, such metadata assignments should be simple and single-line. For example:: __version__ = "1.1.4" __repo__ = "" For byte compiled .mpy files, a brute force / backtrack approach is used to find the __version__ number in the file -- see comments in the code for the implementation details. :param str path: The path to the file containing the metadata. :return: The dunder based metadata found in the file, as a dictionary. """ result = {}"%s", path) if path.endswith(".py"): result["mpy"] = False with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as source_file: content = #: The regex used to extract ``__version__`` and ``__repo__`` assignments. dunder_key_val = r"""(__\w+__)(?:\s*:\s*\w+)?\s*=\s*(?:['"]|\(\s)(.+)['"]""" for match in re.findall(dunder_key_val, content): result[match[0]] = str(match[1]) if result:"Extracted metadata: %s", result) elif path.endswith(".mpy"): result["mpy"] = True with open(path, "rb") as mpy_file: content = # Track the MPY version number mpy_version = content[0:2] compatibility = None loc = -1 # Find the start location of the __version__ if mpy_version == b"M\x03": # One byte for the length of "__version__" loc = content.find(b"__version__") - 1 compatibility = (None, "7.0.0-alpha.1") elif mpy_version == b"C\x05": # Two bytes in mpy version 5 loc = content.find(b"__version__") - 2 compatibility = ("7.0.0-alpha.1", None) if loc > -1: # Backtrack until a byte value of the offset is reached. offset = 1 while offset < loc: val = int(content[loc - offset]) if mpy_version == b"C\x05": val = val // 2 if val == offset - 1: # Off by one..! # Found version, extract the number given boundaries. start = loc - offset + 1 # No need for prepended length. end = loc # Up to the start of the __version__. version = content[start:end] # Slice the version number. # Create a string version as metadata in the result. result["__version__"] = version.decode("utf-8") break # Nothing more to do. offset += 1 # ...and again but backtrack by one. if compatibility: result["compatibility"] = compatibility else: # not a valid MPY file result["__version__"] = BAD_FILE_FORMAT return result
[docs]def find_device(): """ Return the location on the filesystem for the connected CircuitPython device. This is based upon how Mu discovers this information. :return: The path to the device on the local filesystem. """ device_dir = None # Attempt to find the path on the filesystem that represents the plugged in # CIRCUITPY board. if == "posix": # Linux / OSX for mount_command in ["mount", "/sbin/mount"]: try: mount_output = check_output(mount_command).splitlines() mounted_volumes = [x.split()[2] for x in mount_output] for volume in mounted_volumes: if volume.endswith(b"CIRCUITPY"): device_dir = volume.decode("utf-8") except FileNotFoundError: continue elif == "nt": # Windows def get_volume_name(disk_name): """ Each disk or external device connected to windows has an attribute called "volume name". This function returns the volume name for the given disk/device. Based upon answer given here: """ vol_name_buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(1024) ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetVolumeInformationW( ctypes.c_wchar_p(disk_name), vol_name_buf, ctypes.sizeof(vol_name_buf), None, None, None, None, 0, ) return vol_name_buf.value # # In certain circumstances, volumes are allocated to USB # storage devices which cause a Windows popup to raise if their # volume contains no media. Wrapping the check in SetErrorMode # with SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS (1) prevents this popup. # old_mode = ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(1) try: for disk in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": path = "{}:\\".format(disk) if os.path.exists(path) and get_volume_name(path) == "CIRCUITPY": device_dir = path # Report only the FIRST device found. break finally: ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(old_mode) else: # No support for unknown operating systems. raise NotImplementedError('OS "{}" not supported.'.format("Found device: %s", device_dir) return device_dir
[docs]def find_modules(device_path, bundles_list): """ Extracts metadata from the connected device and available bundles and returns this as a list of Module instances representing the modules on the device. :param str device_path: The path to the connected board. :param Bundle bundles_list: List of supported bundles as Bundle objects. :return: A list of Module instances describing the current state of the modules on the connected device. """ # pylint: disable=broad-except,too-many-locals try: device_modules = get_device_versions(device_path) bundle_modules = get_bundle_versions(bundles_list) result = [] for name, device_metadata in device_modules.items(): if name in bundle_modules: path = device_metadata["path"] bundle_metadata = bundle_modules[name] repo = bundle_metadata.get("__repo__") bundle = bundle_metadata.get("bundle") device_version = device_metadata.get("__version__") bundle_version = bundle_metadata.get("__version__") mpy = device_metadata["mpy"] compatibility = device_metadata.get("compatibility", (None, None)) result.append( Module( path, repo, device_version, bundle_version, mpy, bundle, compatibility, ) ) return result except Exception as ex: # If it's not possible to get the device and bundle metadata, bail out # with a friendly message and indication of what's gone wrong. logger.exception(ex) click.echo("There was a problem: {}".format(ex)) sys.exit(1)
# pylint: enable=broad-except,too-many-locals
[docs]def get_bundle(bundle, tag): """ Downloads and extracts the version of the bundle with the referenced tag. The resulting zip file is saved on the local filesystem. :param Bundle bundle: the target Bundle object. :param str tag: The GIT tag to use to download the bundle. """ click.echo("Downloading latest version for {}.\n".format(bundle.key)) for platform, github_string in PLATFORMS.items(): url = bundle.url_format.format(platform=github_string, tag=tag)"Downloading bundle: %s", url) r = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=REQUESTS_TIMEOUT) # pylint: disable=no-member if r.status_code != logger.warning("Unable to connect to %s", url) r.raise_for_status() # pylint: enable=no-member total_size = int(r.headers.get("Content-Length")) temp_zip = with click.progressbar(r.iter_content(1024), length=total_size) as pbar, open( temp_zip, "wb" ) as zip_fp: for chunk in pbar: zip_fp.write(chunk) pbar.update(len(chunk))"Saved to %s", temp_zip) temp_dir = bundle.dir.format(platform=platform) if os.path.isdir(temp_dir): shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) with zipfile.ZipFile(temp_zip, "r") as zfile: zfile.extractall(temp_dir) bundle.current_tag = tag click.echo("\nOK\n")
[docs]def get_bundle_versions(bundles_list, avoid_download=False): """ Returns a dictionary of metadata from modules in the latest known release of the library bundle. Uses the Python version (rather than the compiled version) of the library modules. :param Bundle bundles_list: List of supported bundles as Bundle objects. :param bool avoid_download: if True, download the bundle only if missing. :return: A dictionary of metadata about the modules available in the library bundle. """ all_the_modules = dict() for bundle in bundles_list: if not avoid_download or not os.path.isdir(bundle.lib_dir("py")): ensure_latest_bundle(bundle) path = bundle.lib_dir("py") path_modules = get_modules(path) for name, module in path_modules.items(): module["bundle"] = bundle if name not in all_the_modules: # here we decide the order of priority all_the_modules[name] = module return all_the_modules
[docs]def get_bundles_dict(): """ Retrieve the dictionary from BUNDLE_CONFIG_FILE (JSON). Put the local dictionary in front, so it gets priority. It's a dictionary of bundle string identifiers. :return: Combined dictionaries from the config files. """ bundle_dict = get_bundles_local_dict() try: with open(BUNDLE_CONFIG_OVERWRITE, "rb") as bundle_config_json: bundle_config = json.load(bundle_config_json) except (FileNotFoundError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError): with open(BUNDLE_CONFIG_FILE, "rb") as bundle_config_json: bundle_config = json.load(bundle_config_json) for name, bundle in bundle_config.items(): if bundle not in bundle_dict.values(): bundle_dict[name] = bundle return bundle_dict
[docs]def get_bundles_local_dict(): """ Retrieve the local bundles from BUNDLE_CONFIG_LOCAL (JSON). :return: Raw dictionary from the config file(s). """ try: with open(BUNDLE_CONFIG_LOCAL, "rb") as bundle_config_json: bundle_config = json.load(bundle_config_json) if not isinstance(bundle_config, dict) or not bundle_config: logger.error("Local bundle list invalid. Skipped.") raise FileNotFoundError("Bad local bundle list") return bundle_config except (FileNotFoundError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError): return dict()
[docs]def get_bundles_list(): """ Retrieve the list of bundles from the config dictionary. :return: List of supported bundles as Bundle objects. """ bundle_config = get_bundles_dict() bundles_list = [Bundle(bundle_config[b]) for b in bundle_config]"Using bundles: %s", ", ".join(b.key for b in bundles_list)) return bundles_list
[docs]def get_circuitpython_version(device_path): """ Returns the version number of CircuitPython running on the board connected via ``device_path``, along with the board ID. This is obtained from the ``boot_out.txt`` file on the device, whose first line will start with something like this:: Adafruit CircuitPython 4.1.0 on 2019-08-02; While the second line is:: Board ID:raspberry_pi_pico :param str device_path: The path to the connected board. :return: A tuple with the version string for CircuitPython and the board ID string. """ try: with open( os.path.join(device_path, "boot_out.txt"), "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as boot: version_line = boot.readline() circuit_python = version_line.split(";")[0].split(" ")[-3] board_line = boot.readline() if board_line.startswith("Board ID:"): board_id = board_line[9:].strip() else: board_id = "" except FileNotFoundError: click.secho( "Missing file boot_out.txt on the device: wrong path or drive corrupted.", fg="red", ) logger.error("boot_out.txt not found.") sys.exit(1) return (circuit_python, board_id)
[docs]def get_circup_version(): """Return the version of circup that is running. If not available, return None. :return: Current version of circup, or None. """ try: from importlib import metadata # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel except ImportError: try: import importlib_metadata as metadata # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel except ImportError: return None try: return metadata.version("circup") except metadata.PackageNotFoundError: return None
[docs]def get_dependencies(*requested_libraries, mod_names, to_install=()): """ Return a list of other CircuitPython libraries :param tuple requested_libraries: The libraries to search for dependencies :param object mod_names: All the modules metadata from bundle :param list(str) to_install: Modules already selected for installation. :return: tuple of module names to install which we build """ # Internal variables _to_install = to_install _requested_libraries = [] _rl = requested_libraries[0] if not requested_libraries[0]: # If nothing is requested, we're done return _to_install for lib_name in _rl: lower_lib_name = lib_name.lower() if lower_lib_name in NOT_MCU_LIBRARIES: "Skipping %s. It is not for microcontroller installs.", lib_name ) else: # Canonicalize, with some exceptions: # adafruit-circuitpython-something => adafruit_something canonical_lib_name = clean_library_name(lower_lib_name) try: # Don't process any names we can't find in mod_names mod_names[canonical_lib_name] # pylint: disable=pointless-statement _requested_libraries.append(canonical_lib_name) except KeyError: click.secho( f"WARNING:\n\t{canonical_lib_name} is not a known CircuitPython library.", fg="yellow", ) if not _requested_libraries: # If nothing is requested, we're done return _to_install for library in list(_requested_libraries): if library not in _to_install: _to_install = _to_install + (library,) # get the requirements.txt from bundle bundle = mod_names[library]["bundle"] requirements_txt = bundle.requirements_for(library) if requirements_txt: _requested_libraries.extend( libraries_from_requirements(requirements_txt) ) # we've processed this library, remove it from the list _requested_libraries.remove(library) return get_dependencies( tuple(_requested_libraries), mod_names=mod_names, to_install=_to_install )
[docs]def get_device_versions(device_path): """ Returns a dictionary of metadata from modules on the connected device. :param str device_path: Path to the device volume. :return: A dictionary of metadata about the modules available on the connected device. """ return get_modules(os.path.join(device_path, "lib"))
[docs]def get_latest_release_from_url(url): """ Find the tag name of the latest release by using HTTP HEAD and decoding the redirect. :param str url: URL to the latest release page on a git repository. :return: The most recent tag value for the release. """"Requesting redirect information: %s", url) response = requests.head(url, timeout=REQUESTS_TIMEOUT) responseurl = response.url if response.is_redirect: responseurl = response.headers["Location"] tag = responseurl.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]"Tag: '%s'", tag) return tag
[docs]def get_modules(path): """ Get a dictionary containing metadata about all the Python modules found in the referenced path. :param str path: The directory in which to find modules. :return: A dictionary containing metadata about the found modules. """ result = {} if not path: return result single_file_py_mods = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.py")) single_file_mpy_mods = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.mpy")) package_dir_mods = [ d for d in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*", "")) if not os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(d)).startswith(".") ] single_file_mods = single_file_py_mods + single_file_mpy_mods for sfm in [f for f in single_file_mods if not os.path.basename(f).startswith(".")]: metadata = extract_metadata(sfm) metadata["path"] = sfm result[os.path.basename(sfm).replace(".py", "").replace(".mpy", "")] = metadata for package_path in package_dir_mods: name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(package_path)) py_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(package_path, "**/*.py"), recursive=True) mpy_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(package_path, "**/*.mpy"), recursive=True) all_files = py_files + mpy_files # default value result[name] = {"path": package_path, "mpy": bool(mpy_files)} # explore all the submodules to detect bad ones for source in [f for f in all_files if not os.path.basename(f).startswith(".")]: metadata = extract_metadata(source) if "__version__" in metadata: metadata["path"] = package_path result[name] = metadata # break now if any of the submodules has a bad format if metadata["__version__"] == BAD_FILE_FORMAT: break return result
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches
[docs]def install_module( device_path, device_modules, name, pyext, mod_names ): # pragma: no cover """ Finds a connected device and installs a given module name if it is available in the current module bundle and is not already installed on the device. TODO: There is currently no check for the version. :param str device_path: The path to the connected board. :param list(dict) device_modules: List of module metadata from the device. :param str name: Name of module to install :param bool pyext: Boolean to specify if the module should be installed from source or from a pre-compiled module :param mod_names: Dictionary of metadata from modules that can be generated with get_bundle_versions() """ if not name: click.echo("No module name(s) provided.") elif name in mod_names: library_path = os.path.join(device_path, "lib") if not os.path.exists(library_path): # pragma: no cover os.makedirs(library_path) metadata = mod_names[name] bundle = metadata["bundle"] # Grab device modules to check if module already installed if name in device_modules: click.echo("'{}' is already installed.".format(name)) return if pyext: # Use Python source for module. source_path = metadata["path"] # Path to Python source version. if os.path.isdir(source_path): target = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(source_path)) target_path = os.path.join(library_path, target) # Copy the directory. shutil.copytree(source_path, target_path) else: target = os.path.basename(source_path) target_path = os.path.join(library_path, target) # Copy file. shutil.copyfile(source_path, target_path) else: # Use pre-compiled mpy modules. module_name = os.path.basename(metadata["path"]).replace(".py", ".mpy") if not module_name: # Must be a directory based module. module_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(metadata["path"])) major_version = CPY_VERSION.split(".")[0] bundle_platform = "{}mpy".format(major_version) bundle_path = os.path.join(bundle.lib_dir(bundle_platform), module_name) if os.path.isdir(bundle_path): target_path = os.path.join(library_path, module_name) # Copy the directory. shutil.copytree(bundle_path, target_path) elif os.path.isfile(bundle_path): target = os.path.basename(bundle_path) target_path = os.path.join(library_path, target) # Copy file. shutil.copyfile(bundle_path, target_path) else: raise IOError("Cannot find compiled version of module.") click.echo("Installed '{}'.".format(name)) else: click.echo("Unknown module named, '{}'.".format(name))
# pylint: enable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches
[docs]def libraries_from_imports(code_py, mod_names): """ Parse the given file and return the imported libraries :param str code_py: Full path of the file :return: sequence of library names """ # pylint: disable=broad-except try: found_imports = findimports.find_imports(code_py) except Exception as ex: # broad exception because anything could go wrong logger.exception(ex) click.secho('Unable to read the auto file: "{}"'.format(str(ex)), fg="red") sys.exit(2) # pylint: enable=broad-except imports = [".", 1)[0] for info in found_imports] return [r for r in imports if r in mod_names]
[docs]def libraries_from_requirements(requirements): """ Clean up supplied requirements.txt and turn into tuple of CP libraries :param str requirements: A string version of a requirements.txt :return: tuple of library names """ libraries = () for line in requirements.split("\n"): line = line.lower().strip() if line.startswith("#") or line == "": # skip comments pass else: # Remove everything after any pip style version specifiers line = re.split("[<>=~[;]", line)[0].strip() libraries = libraries + (line,) return libraries
[docs]def save_local_bundles(bundles_data): """ Save the list of local bundles to the settings. :param str key: The bundle's identifier/key. """ if len(bundles_data) > 0: with open(BUNDLE_CONFIG_LOCAL, "w", encoding="utf-8") as data: json.dump(bundles_data, data) else: if os.path.isfile(BUNDLE_CONFIG_LOCAL): os.unlink(BUNDLE_CONFIG_LOCAL)
[docs]def tags_data_load(): """ Load the list of the version tags of the bundles on disk. :return: a dict() of tags indexed by Bundle identifiers/keys. """ tags_data = None try: with open(BUNDLE_DATA, encoding="utf-8") as data: try: tags_data = json.load(data) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as ex: # Sometimes (why?) the JSON file becomes corrupt. In which case # log it and carry on as if setting up for first time. logger.error("Could not parse %s", BUNDLE_DATA) logger.exception(ex) except FileNotFoundError: pass if not isinstance(tags_data, dict): tags_data = {} return tags_data
[docs]def tags_data_save_tag(key, tag): """ Add or change the saved tag value for a bundle. :param str key: The bundle's identifier/key. :param str tag: The new tag for the bundle. """ tags_data = tags_data_load() tags_data[key] = tag with open(BUNDLE_DATA, "w", encoding="utf-8") as data: json.dump(tags_data, data)
# ----------- CLI command definitions ----------- # # The following functions have IO side effects (for instance they emit to # stdout). Ergo, these are not checked with unit tests. Most of the # functionality they provide is provided by the functions above, which *are* # tested. Most of the logic of the following functions is to prepare things for # presentation to / interaction with the user. @click.option( "--verbose", is_flag=True, help="Comprehensive logging is sent to stdout." ) @click.option( "--path", type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False), help="Path to CircuitPython directory. Overrides automatic path detection.", ) @click.version_option( prog_name="CircUp", message="%(prog)s, A CircuitPython module updater. Version %(version)s", ) @click.pass_context def main(ctx, verbose, path): # pragma: no cover """ A tool to manage and update libraries on a CircuitPython device. """ ctx.ensure_object(dict) if verbose: # Configure additional logging to stdout. global VERBOSE VERBOSE = True verbose_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) verbose_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) verbose_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter) logger.addHandler(verbose_handler) click.echo("Logging to {}\n".format(LOGFILE))"### Started Circup ###") # If a newer version of circup is available, print a message."Checking for a newer version of circup") version = get_circup_version() if version: update_checker.update_check("circup", version) # stop early if the command is boardless if ctx.invoked_subcommand in BOARDLESS_COMMANDS: return if path: device_path = path else: device_path = find_device() ctx.obj["DEVICE_PATH"] = device_path latest_version = get_latest_release_from_url( "" ) global CPY_VERSION if device_path is None: click.secho("Could not find a connected CircuitPython device.", fg="red") sys.exit(1) else: CPY_VERSION, board_id = get_circuitpython_version(device_path) click.echo( "Found device at {}, running CircuitPython {}.".format( device_path, CPY_VERSION ) ) try: if VersionInfo.parse(CPY_VERSION) < VersionInfo.parse(latest_version): click.secho( "A newer version of CircuitPython ({}) is available.".format( latest_version ), fg="green", ) if board_id: url_download = f"{board_id}" else: url_download = "" click.secho("Get it here: {}".format(url_download), fg="green") except ValueError as ex: logger.warning("CircuitPython has incorrect semver value.") logger.warning(ex) @main.command() @click.option("-r", "--requirement", is_flag=True) @click.pass_context def freeze(ctx, requirement): # pragma: no cover """ Output details of all the modules found on the connected CIRCUITPYTHON device. Option -r saves output to requirements.txt file """"Freeze") modules = find_modules(ctx.obj["DEVICE_PATH"], get_bundles_list()) if modules: output = [] for module in modules: output.append("{}=={}".format(, module.device_version)) for module in output: click.echo(module) if requirement: cwd = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) for i, module in enumerate(output): output[i] += "\n" with open( cwd + "/" + "requirements.txt", "w", newline="\n", encoding="utf-8" ) as file: file.truncate(0) file.writelines(output) else: click.echo("No modules found on the device.") @main.command("list") @click.pass_context def list_cli(ctx): # pragma: no cover """ Lists all out of date modules found on the connected CIRCUITPYTHON device. """"List") # Grab out of date modules. data = [("Module", "Version", "Latest", "Update Reason")] modules = [ m.row for m in find_modules(ctx.obj["DEVICE_PATH"], get_bundles_list()) if m.outofdate ] if modules: data += modules # Nice tabular display. col_width = [0, 0, 0, 0] for row in data: for i, word in enumerate(row): col_width[i] = max(len(word) + 2, col_width[i]) dashes = tuple(("-" * (width - 1) for width in col_width)) data.insert(1, dashes) click.echo( "The following modules are out of date or probably need an update.\n" "Major Updates may include breaking changes. Review before updating.\n" "MPY Format changes from Circuitpython 6 to 7 require an update.\n" ) for row in data: output = "" for index, cell in enumerate(row): output += cell.ljust(col_width[index]) if not VERBOSE: click.echo(output) else: click.echo("All modules found on the device are up to date.") # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals @main.command() @click.argument( "modules", required=False, nargs=-1, shell_complete=completion_for_install ) @click.option( "pyext", "--py", is_flag=True, help="Install the .py version of the module(s) instead of the mpy version.", ) @click.option( "-r", "--requirement", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), help="specify a text file to install all modules listed in the text file." " Typically requirements.txt.", ) @click.option( "--auto", "-a", is_flag=True, help="Install the modules imported in" ) @click.option( "--auto-file", default=None, help="Specify the name of a file on the board to read for auto install." " Also accepts an absolute path or a local ./ path.", ) @click.pass_context def install(ctx, modules, pyext, requirement, auto, auto_file): # pragma: no cover """ Install a named module(s) onto the device. Multiple modules can be installed at once by providing more than one module name, each separated by a space. """ # TODO: Ensure there's enough space on the device available_modules = get_bundle_versions(get_bundles_list()) mod_names = {} for module, metadata in available_modules.items(): mod_names[module.replace(".py", "").lower()] = metadata if requirement: with open(requirement, "r", encoding="utf-8") as rfile: requirements_txt = requested_installs = libraries_from_requirements(requirements_txt) elif auto or auto_file: if auto_file is None: auto_file = "" # pass a local file with "./" or "../" is_relative = auto_file.split(os.sep)[0] in [os.path.curdir, os.path.pardir] if not os.path.isabs(auto_file) and not is_relative: auto_file = os.path.join(ctx.obj["DEVICE_PATH"], auto_file or "") if not os.path.isfile(auto_file): click.secho(f"Auto file not found: {auto_file}", fg="red") sys.exit(1) requested_installs = libraries_from_imports(auto_file, mod_names) else: requested_installs = modules requested_installs = sorted(set(requested_installs)) click.echo(f"Searching for dependencies for: {requested_installs}") to_install = get_dependencies(requested_installs, mod_names=mod_names) device_modules = get_device_versions(ctx.obj["DEVICE_PATH"]) if to_install is not None: to_install = sorted(to_install) click.echo(f"Ready to install: {to_install}\n") for library in to_install: install_module( ctx.obj["DEVICE_PATH"], device_modules, library, pyext, mod_names ) # pylint: enable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals @main.command() @click.argument("match", required=False, nargs=1) def show(match): # pragma: no cover """ Show a list of available modules in the bundle. These are modules which *could* be installed on the device. If MATCH is specified only matching modules will be listed. """ available_modules = get_bundle_versions(get_bundles_list()) module_names = sorted([m.replace(".py", "") for m in available_modules]) if match is not None: match = match.lower() module_names = [m for m in module_names if match in m] click.echo("\n".join(module_names)) click.echo( "{} shown of {} packages.".format(len(module_names), len(available_modules)) ) @main.command() @click.argument("module", nargs=-1) @click.pass_context def uninstall(ctx, module): # pragma: no cover """ Uninstall a named module(s) from the connected device. Multiple modules can be uninstalled at once by providing more than one module name, each separated by a space. """ for name in module: device_modules = get_device_versions(ctx.obj["DEVICE_PATH"]) name = name.lower() mod_names = {} for module_item, metadata in device_modules.items(): mod_names[module_item.replace(".py", "").lower()] = metadata if name in mod_names: library_path = os.path.join(ctx.obj["DEVICE_PATH"], "lib") metadata = mod_names[name] module_path = metadata["path"] if os.path.isdir(module_path): target = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(module_path)) target_path = os.path.join(library_path, target) # Remove the directory. shutil.rmtree(target_path) else: target = os.path.basename(module_path) target_path = os.path.join(library_path, target) # Remove file os.remove(target_path) click.echo("Uninstalled '{}'.".format(name)) else: click.echo("Module '{}' not found on device.".format(name)) # pylint: disable=too-many-branches @main.command( short_help=( "Update modules on the device. " "Use --all to automatically update all modules without Major Version warnings." ) ) @click.option( "update_all", "--all", is_flag=True, help="Update all modules without Major Version warnings.", ) @click.pass_context def update(ctx, update_all): # pragma: no cover """ Checks for out-of-date modules on the connected CIRCUITPYTHON device, and prompts the user to confirm updating such modules. """"Update") # Grab out of date modules. modules = [ m for m in find_modules(ctx.obj["DEVICE_PATH"], get_bundles_list()) if m.outofdate ] if modules: click.echo("Found {} module[s] needing update.".format(len(modules))) if not update_all: click.echo("Please indicate which modules you wish to update:\n") for module in modules: update_flag = update_all if VERBOSE: click.echo( "Device version: {}, Bundle version: {}".format( module.device_version, module.bundle_version ) ) if isinstance(module.bundle_version, str) and not VersionInfo.isvalid( module.bundle_version ): click.secho( f"WARNING: Library {} repo has incorrect __version__" "\n\tmetadata. Circup will assume it needs updating." "\n\tPlease file an issue in the library repo.", fg="yellow", ) if module.repo: click.secho(f"\t{module.repo}", fg="yellow") if not update_flag: if module.bad_format: click.secho( f"WARNING: '{}': module corrupted or in an" " unknown mpy format. Updating is required.", fg="yellow", ) update_flag = click.confirm("Do you want to update?") elif module.mpy_mismatch: click.secho( f"WARNING: '{}': mpy format doesn't match the" " device's Circuitpython version. Updating is required.", fg="yellow", ) update_flag = click.confirm("Do you want to update?") elif module.major_update: update_flag = click.confirm( ( "'{}' is a Major Version update and may contain breaking " "changes. Do you want to update?".format( ) ) else: update_flag = click.confirm("Update '{}'?".format( if update_flag: # pylint: disable=broad-except try: module.update() click.echo("Updated {}".format( except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) click.echo( "Something went wrong, {} (check the logs)".format(str(ex)) ) # pylint: enable=broad-except return click.echo("None of the modules found on the device need an update.") # pylint: enable=too-many-branches @main.command("bundle-show") @click.option("--modules", is_flag=True, help="List all the modules per bundle.") def bundle_show(modules): """ Show the list of bundles, default and local, with URL, current version and latest version retrieved from the web. """ local_bundles = get_bundles_local_dict().values() bundles = get_bundles_list() available_modules = get_bundle_versions(bundles) for bundle in bundles: if bundle.key in local_bundles: click.secho(bundle.key, fg="yellow") else: click.secho(bundle.key, fg="green") click.echo(" " + bundle.url) click.echo(" version = " + bundle.current_tag) if modules: click.echo("Modules:") for name, mod in sorted(available_modules.items()): if mod["bundle"] == bundle: click.echo(f" {name} ({mod.get('__version__', '-')})") @main.command("bundle-add") @click.argument("bundle", nargs=-1) def bundle_add(bundle): """ Add bundles to the local bundles list, by "user/repo" github string. A series of tests to validate that the bundle exists and at least looks like a bundle are done before validating it. There might still be errors when the bundle is downloaded for the first time. """ bundles_dict = get_bundles_local_dict() modified = False for bundle_repo in bundle: # cleanup in case seombody pastes the URL to the repo/releases bundle_repo = re.sub( r"https?://[^/]+/[^/]+)(/.*)?", r"\1", bundle_repo ) if bundle_repo in bundles_dict.values(): click.secho("Bundle already in list.", fg="yellow") click.secho(" " + bundle_repo, fg="yellow") continue try: bundle_added = Bundle(bundle_repo) except ValueError: click.secho( "Bundle string invalid, expecting github URL or `user/repository` string.", fg="red", ) click.secho(" " + bundle_repo, fg="red") continue result = requests.get( "" + bundle_repo, timeout=REQUESTS_TIMEOUT ) # pylint: disable=no-member if result.status_code == click.secho("Bundle invalid, the repository doesn't exist (404).", fg="red") click.secho(" " + bundle_repo, fg="red") continue # pylint: enable=no-member if not bundle_added.validate(): click.secho( "Bundle invalid, is the repository a valid circup bundle ?", fg="red" ) click.secho(" " + bundle_repo, fg="red") continue # note: use bun as the dictionary key for uniqueness bundles_dict[bundle_repo] = bundle_repo modified = True click.echo("Added " + bundle_repo) click.echo(" " + bundle_added.url) if modified: # save the bundles list save_local_bundles(bundles_dict) # update and get the new bundles for the first time get_bundle_versions(get_bundles_list()) @main.command("bundle-remove") @click.argument("bundle", nargs=-1) @click.option("--reset", is_flag=True, help="Remove all local bundles.") def bundle_remove(bundle, reset): """ Remove one or more bundles from the local bundles list. """ if reset: save_local_bundles({}) return bundle_config = list(get_bundles_dict().values()) bundles_local_dict = get_bundles_local_dict() modified = False for bun in bundle: # cleanup in case seombody pastes the URL to the repo/releases bun = re.sub(r"https?://[^/]+/[^/]+)(/.*)?", r"\1", bun) found = False for name, repo in list(bundles_local_dict.items()): if bun in (name, repo): found = True click.secho(f"Bundle {repo}") do_it = click.confirm("Do you want to remove that bundle ?") if do_it: click.secho("Removing the bundle from the local list", fg="yellow") click.secho(f" {bun}", fg="yellow") modified = True del bundles_local_dict[name] if not found: if bun in bundle_config: click.secho("Cannot remove built-in module:" "\n " + bun, fg="red") else: click.secho( "Bundle not found in the local list, nothing removed:" "\n " + bun, fg="red", ) if modified: save_local_bundles(bundles_local_dict) # Allows execution via `python -m circup ...` # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover main()