
DisplayIO widgets for showing flip clock style animations changing from one number to another.

  • Author(s): Tim Cocks

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:


DisplayIO widgets for a single digit that supports “flip clock” style animations when changing the value showing.

  • Author(s): Tim Cocks

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_displayio_flipclock.flip_digit.FlipDigit(static_spritesheet: Bitmap, static_spritesheet_palette: Palette, top_anim_spritesheet: Bitmap, top_anim_palette: Palette, bottom_anim_spritesheet: Bitmap, bottom_anim_palette: Palette, tile_width: int, tile_height: int, anim_frame_count: int = 10, anim_delay: float = 0.02, dynamic_fading: bool = True, brighter_level: float = 0.85, darker_level: float = 0.6, medium_level: float = 0.8)

DisplayIO widgets for a single digit that supports “flip clock” style animations when changing the value showing. User must load static and animation spritesheets and pass them in for initialization.

  • static_spritesheet (Bitmap) – Spritesheet image of static numbers sprites.

  • static_spritesheet_palette (Palette) – Palette to use with the static sprite sheet. set all desired transparent or opaque indexes before initializing.

  • top_anim_spritesheet (Bitmap) – Spritesheet image of top half animation sprites.

  • top_anim_palette (Palette) – Palette to use with the top half animation sprites. set all desired transparent or opaque indexes before initializing.

  • bottom_anim_spritesheet (Bitmap) – Spritesheet image of bottom half animation sprites.

  • bottom_anim_palette (Palette) – Palette to use with the bottom half animation sprites. set all desired transparent or opaque indexes before initializing.

  • tile_width (int) – Width in pixels of the animation sprite tiles.

  • tile_height (int) – Height in pixels of the animation sprite tiles. NOTE: this value should be 1/2 the height of the full static digit sprite. Animations cover top and bottom half respectively.

  • anim_frame_count (int) – The number of frames in the flip animations. Default value is 10 which is the number contained in the example spritesheets.

  • anim_delay (float) – Time in seconds to wait between animation frames. Default value is 0.02 seconds

  • dynamic_fading (bool) – Whether to use PaleteFadder to dynamically adjust brightness.

  • brighter_level (float) – Brightness modifier value to use for the brightest portion of the animations. Valid range is 0.0 - 1.0.

  • medium_level (float) – Brightness modifier value to use for the standard portion of the animations. And the static digit sprites. Valid range is 0.0 - 1.0.

  • darker_level (float) – Brightness modifier value to use for the darkest “shadow” portion of the animations. Valid range is 0.0 - 1.0.

  • scale (int) – Scale of layer pixels in one dimension.

  • x (int) – Initial x position within the parent.

  • y (int) – Initial y position within the parent.

bottom_flip_animate(value: int) None

Blocking function that displays the bottom animation sprites sequentially sleeping for anim_delay between each.

top_flip_animate(value: int) None

Blocking function that displays the top animation sprites sequentially sleeping for anim_delay between each.

property value: int

The current value of the digit as an integer.


DisplayIO widget that shows two sets of two digit pairs. It supports “flip clock” style animations when changing to different values.

  • Author(s): Tim Cocks

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_displayio_flipclock.flip_clock.FlipClock(static_spritesheet: Bitmap, static_spritesheet_palette: Palette, top_anim_spritesheet: Bitmap, top_anim_palette: Palette, bottom_anim_spritesheet: Bitmap, bottom_anim_palette: Palette, tile_width: int, tile_height: int, anim_frame_count: int = 10, anim_delay: float = 0.02, colon_color: int = 16777215, dynamic_fading: bool = False, brighter_level: float = 0.85, darker_level: float = 0.6, medium_level: float = 0.8)

A FlipClock displayio widget that shows two pairs of digits and uses flip clock style animations to change between them.

  • static_spritesheet (Bitmap) – Spritesheet image of static numbers sprites.

  • static_spritesheet_palette (Palette) – Palette to use with the static sprite sheet. set all desired transparent or opaque indexes before initializing.

  • top_anim_spritesheet (Bitmap) – Spritesheet image of top half animation sprites.

  • top_anim_palette (Palette) – Palette to use with the top half animation sprites. set all desired transparent or opaque indexes before initializing.

  • bottom_anim_spritesheet (Bitmap) – Spritesheet image of bottom half animation sprites.

  • bottom_anim_palette (Palette) – Palette to use with the bottom half animation sprites. set all desired transparent or opaque indexes before initializing.

  • tile_width (int) – Width in pixels of the animation sprite tiles.

  • tile_height (int) – Height in pixels of the animation sprite tiles. NOTE: this value should be 1/2 the height of the full static digit sprite. Animations cover top and bottom half respectively.

  • anim_frame_count (int) – The number of frames in the flip animations. Default value is 10 which is the number contained in the example spritesheets.

  • anim_delay (float) – Time in seconds to wait between animation frames. Default value is 0.02 seconds

  • colon_color (int) – Hex color value to draw the colon between pairs of digits. Default is white 0xffffff.

  • dynamic_fading (bool) – Whether to use PaleteFadder to dynamically adjust brightness.

  • brighter_level (float) – Brightness modifier value to use for the brightest portion of the animations. Valid range is 0.0 - 1.0.

  • medium_level (float) – Brightness modifier value to use for the standard portion of the animations. Valid range is 0.0 - 1.0.

  • darker_level (float) – Brightness modifier value to use for the darkest “shadow” portion of the animations. Valid range is 0.0 - 1.0.

  • scale (int) – Scale of layer pixels in one dimension.

  • x (int) – Initial x position within the parent.

  • y (int) – Initial y position within the parent.

property first_pair: str

The current value of the first pair of digits.

property second_pair: str

The current value of the second pair of digits.