Source code for adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_base

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Dan Halbert for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


* Author(s): Dan Halbert, AngainorDev, Neradoc

    from typing import Tuple
    from .keyboard import Keyboard
except ImportError:

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

[docs]class KeyboardLayoutBase: """Base class for keyboard layouts. Uses the tables defined in the subclass to map UTF-8 characters to appropriate keypresses. Non-supported characters and most control characters will raise an exception. """ SHIFT_FLAG = 0x80 """Bit set in any keycode byte if the shift key is required for the character.""" ALTGR_FLAG = 0x80 """Bit set in the combined keys table if altgr is required for the first key.""" SHIFT_CODE = 0xE1 """The SHIFT keycode, to avoid dependency to the Keycode class.""" RIGHT_ALT_CODE = 0xE6 """The ALTGR keycode, to avoid dependency to the Keycode class.""" ASCII_TO_KEYCODE = () """Bytes string of keycodes for low ASCII characters, indexed by the ASCII value. Keycodes use the `SHIFT_FLAG` if needed. Dead keys are excluded by assigning the keycode 0.""" HIGHER_ASCII = {} """Dictionary that associates the ord() int value of high ascii and utf8 characters to their keycode. Keycodes use the `SHIFT_FLAG` if needed.""" NEED_ALTGR = "" """Characters in `ASCII_TO_KEYCODE` and `HIGHER_ASCII` that need the ALTGR key pressed to type.""" COMBINED_KEYS = {} """ Dictionary of characters (indexed by ord() value) that can be accessed by typing first a dead key followed by a regular key, like ``ñ`` as ``~ + n``. The value is a 2-bytes int: the high byte is the dead-key keycode (including SHIFT_FLAG), the low byte is the ascii code of the second character, with ALTGR_FLAG set if the dead key (the first key) needs ALTGR. The combined-key codes bits are: ``0b SDDD DDDD AKKK KKKK``: ``S`` is the shift flag for the **first** key, ``DDD DDDD`` is the keycode for the **first** key, ``A`` is the altgr flag for the **first** key, ``KKK KKKK`` is the (low) ASCII code for the second character. """ def __init__(self, keyboard: Keyboard) -> None: """Specify the layout for the given keyboard. :param keyboard: a Keyboard object. Write characters to this keyboard when requested. Example:: kbd = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices) layout = KeyboardLayout(kbd) """ self.keyboard = keyboard def _write(self, keycode: int, altgr: bool = False) -> None: """Type a key combination based on shift bit and altgr bool :param keycode: int value of the keycode, with the shift bit. :param altgr: bool indicating if the altgr key should be pressed too. """ # Add altgr modifier if needed if altgr: # If this is a shifted char, clear the SHIFT flag and press the SHIFT key. if keycode & self.SHIFT_FLAG: keycode &= ~self.SHIFT_FLAG self.keyboard.release_all()
[docs] def write(self, string: str) -> None: """Type the string by pressing and releasing keys on my keyboard. :param string: A string of UTF-8 characters to convert to key presses and send. :raises ValueError: if any of the characters has no keycode (such as some control characters). Example:: # Write abc followed by Enter to the keyboard layout.write('abc\\n') """ for char in string: # find easy ones first keycode = self._char_to_keycode(char) if keycode > 0: self._write(keycode, char in self.NEED_ALTGR) # find combined keys elif ord(char) in self.COMBINED_KEYS: # first key (including shift bit) cchar = self.COMBINED_KEYS[ord(char)] self._write(cchar >> 8, cchar & self.ALTGR_FLAG) # second key (removing the altgr bit) char = chr(cchar & 0xFF & (~self.ALTGR_FLAG)) keycode = self._char_to_keycode(char) # assume no altgr needed for second key self._write(keycode, False) else: raise ValueError( "No keycode available for character {letter} ({num}/0x{num:02x}).".format( letter=repr(char), num=ord(char) ) )
[docs] def keycodes(self, char: str) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Return a tuple of keycodes needed to type the given character. :param char: A single UTF8 character in a string. :type char: str of length one. :returns: tuple of Keycode keycodes. :raises ValueError: if there is no keycode for ``char``. Examples:: # Returns (Keycode.TAB,) keycodes('\t') # Returns (Keycode.A,) keycode('a') # Returns (Keycode.SHIFT, Keycode.A) keycode('A') # Raises ValueError with a US layout because it's an unknown character keycode('é') """ keycode = self._char_to_keycode(char) if keycode == 0: raise ValueError( "No keycode available for character {letter} ({num}/0x{num:02x}).".format( letter=repr(char), num=ord(char) ) ) codes = [] if char in self.NEED_ALTGR: codes.append(self.RIGHT_ALT_CODE) if keycode & self.SHIFT_FLAG: codes.extend((self.SHIFT_CODE, keycode & ~self.SHIFT_FLAG)) else: codes.append(keycode) return codes
def _above128char_to_keycode(self, char: str) -> int: """Return keycode for above 128 utf8 codes. A character can be indexed by the char itself or its int ord() value. :param char_val: char value :return: keycode, with modifiers if needed """ if ord(char) in self.HIGHER_ASCII: return self.HIGHER_ASCII[ord(char)] if char in self.HIGHER_ASCII: return self.HIGHER_ASCII[char] return 0 def _char_to_keycode(self, char: str) -> int: """Return the HID keycode for the given character, with the SHIFT_FLAG possibly set. If the character requires pressing the Shift key, the SHIFT_FLAG bit is set. You must clear this bit before passing the keycode in a USB report. """ char_val = ord(char) if char_val > len(self.ASCII_TO_KEYCODE): return self._above128char_to_keycode(char) keycode = self.ASCII_TO_KEYCODE[char_val] return keycode