
CircuitPython driver for the IS31FL3731 charlieplex IC.

This driver supports the following hardware:

  • `Adafruit 16x9 Charlieplexed PWM LED Matrix Driver - IS31FL3731

<>`_ * Adafruit 15x7 CharliePlex LED Matrix Display FeatherWings

  • Author(s): Tony DiCola
class adafruit_is31fl3731.CharlieWing(i2c, address=116)[source]

Supports the Charlieplexed feather wing

static pixel_addr(x, y)[source]

Calulate the offset into the device array for x,y pixel

class adafruit_is31fl3731.Matrix(i2c, address=116)[source]

The Matrix class support the main function for driving the 16x9 matrix Display :param ~adafruit_bus_device.i2c_device i2c_device: the connected i2c bus i2c_device :param address: the device address; defaults to 0x74

audio_play(sample_rate, audio_gain=0, agc_enable=False, agc_fast=False)[source]

Controls the audio play feature


Set the audio sync feature register

autoplay(delay=0, loops=0, frames=0)[source]

Start autoplay :param delay: in ms :param loops: number of loops - 0->7 :param frames: number of frames: 0->7

Updates the blink register

fade(fade_in=None, fade_out=None, pause=0)[source]

Start and stop the fade feature. If both fade_in and fade_out are None (the default), the breath feature is used for fading. if fade_in is None, then fade_in = fade_out. If fade_out is None, then fade_out = fade_in

param fade_in:positive number; 0->100
param fade-out:positive number; 0->100
param pause:breath register 2 pause value
fill(color=None, blink=None, frame=None)[source]

Fill the display with a brightness level :param color: brightness 0->255 :param blink: True if blinking is required :param frame: which frame to fill 0->7

frame(frame=None, show=True)[source]

Set the current frame :param frame: frame number; 0-7 or None. If None function returns current frame :param show: True to show the frame; False to don’t force a show

pixel(x, y, color=None, blink=None, frame=None)[source]

Set blink or brightness for an x,y pixel :param x: horizontal pixel position :param y: vertical pixel position :param color: brightness value 0->255 :param blink: True to blink :param frame: the frame to set the pixel

static pixel_addr(x, y)[source]

Calulate the offset into the device array for x,y pixel


Kill the display for 10MS


Set the Software Shutdown Register bit :param value: True to set software shutdown bit; False unset