Source code for adafruit_lis3dh

# Adafruit LIS3DH Accelerometer CircuitPython Driver
# Based on the Arduino LIS3DH driver from:
# Author: Tony DiCola
# License: MIT License (

CircuitPython driver for the LIS3DH accelerometer.

See examples in the examples directory.

* Author(s): Tony DiCola

Implementation Notes


* `Adafruit LIS3DH Triple-Axis Accelerometer Breakout

* `Circuit Playground Express <>`_

**Software and Dependencies:**

* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the ESP8622 and M0-based boards:
* Adafruit's Bus Device library:

import time
import math
import digitalio
    import struct
except ImportError:
    import ustruct as struct

from micropython import const

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

# Register addresses:
# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
REG_OUTADC1_L   = const(0x08)
REG_WHOAMI      = const(0x0F)
REG_TEMPCFG     = const(0x1F)
REG_CTRL1       = const(0x20)
REG_CTRL3       = const(0x22)
REG_CTRL4       = const(0x23)
REG_CTRL5       = const(0x24)
REG_OUT_X_L     = const(0x28)
REG_INT1SRC     = const(0x31)
REG_CLICKCFG    = const(0x38)
REG_CLICKSRC    = const(0x39)
REG_CLICKTHS    = const(0x3A)
REG_TIMELIMIT   = const(0x3B)
REG_TIMEWINDOW  = const(0x3D)

# Register value constants:
RANGE_16_G               = const(0b11)    # +/- 16g
RANGE_8_G                = const(0b10)    # +/- 8g
RANGE_4_G                = const(0b01)    # +/- 4g
RANGE_2_G                = const(0b00)    # +/- 2g (default value)
DATARATE_1344_HZ         = const(0b1001)  # 1.344 KHz
DATARATE_400_HZ          = const(0b0111)  # 400Hz
DATARATE_200_HZ          = const(0b0110)  # 200Hz
DATARATE_100_HZ          = const(0b0101)  # 100Hz
DATARATE_50_HZ           = const(0b0100)  # 50Hz
DATARATE_25_HZ           = const(0b0011)  # 25Hz
DATARATE_10_HZ           = const(0b0010)  # 10 Hz
DATARATE_1_HZ            = const(0b0001)  # 1 Hz
DATARATE_POWERDOWN       = const(0)
DATARATE_LOWPOWER_1K6HZ  = const(0b1000)
DATARATE_LOWPOWER_5KHZ   = const(0b1001)

# Other constants
# pylint: enable=bad-whitespace

[docs]class LIS3DH: """Driver base for the LIS3DH accelerometer.""" def __init__(self, int1=None, int2=None): # Check device ID. device_id = self._read_register_byte(REG_WHOAMI) if device_id != 0x33: raise RuntimeError('Failed to find LIS3DH!') # Reboot self._write_register_byte(REG_CTRL5, 0x80) time.sleep(0.01) # takes 5ms # Enable all axes, normal mode. self._write_register_byte(REG_CTRL1, 0x07) # Set 400Hz data rate. self.data_rate = DATARATE_400_HZ # High res & BDU enabled. self._write_register_byte(REG_CTRL4, 0x88) # Enable ADCs. self._write_register_byte(REG_TEMPCFG, 0x80) # Latch interrupt for INT1 self._write_register_byte(REG_CTRL5, 0x08) # Initialise interrupt pins self._int1 = int1 self._int2 = int2 if self._int1: self._int1.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT self._int1.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP @property def data_rate(self): """The data rate of the accelerometer. Can be DATA_RATE_400_HZ, DATA_RATE_200_HZ, DATA_RATE_100_HZ, DATA_RATE_50_HZ, DATA_RATE_25_HZ, DATA_RATE_10_HZ, DATA_RATE_1_HZ, DATA_RATE_POWERDOWN, DATA_RATE_LOWPOWER_1K6HZ, or DATA_RATE_LOWPOWER_5KHZ.""" ctl1 = self._read_register_byte(REG_CTRL1) return (ctl1 >> 4) & 0x0F @data_rate.setter def data_rate(self, rate): ctl1 = self._read_register_byte(REG_CTRL1) ctl1 &= ~(0xF0) ctl1 |= rate << 4 self._write_register_byte(REG_CTRL1, ctl1) @property def range(self): """The range of the accelerometer. Can be RANGE_2_G, RANGE_4_G, RANGE_8_G, or RANGE_16_G.""" ctl4 = self._read_register_byte(REG_CTRL4) return (ctl4 >> 4) & 0x03 @range.setter def range(self, range_value): ctl4 = self._read_register_byte(REG_CTRL4) ctl4 &= ~0x30 ctl4 |= range_value << 4 self._write_register_byte(REG_CTRL4, ctl4) @property def acceleration(self): """The x, y, z acceleration values returned in a 3-tuple and are in m / s ^ 2.""" divider = 1 accel_range = self.range if accel_range == RANGE_16_G: divider = 1365 elif accel_range == RANGE_8_G: divider = 4096 elif accel_range == RANGE_4_G: divider = 8190 elif accel_range == RANGE_2_G: divider = 16380 x, y, z = struct.unpack('<hhh', self._read_register(REG_OUT_X_L | 0x80, 6)) # convert from Gs to m / s ^ 2 and adjust for the range x = (x / divider) * STANDARD_GRAVITY y = (y / divider) * STANDARD_GRAVITY z = (z / divider) * STANDARD_GRAVITY return x, y, z
[docs] def shake(self, shake_threshold=30, avg_count=10, total_delay=0.1): """ Detect when the accelerometer is shaken. Optional parameters: :param shake_threshold: Increase or decrease to change shake sensitivity. This requires a minimum value of 10. 10 is the total acceleration if the board is not moving, therefore anything less than 10 will erroneously report a constant shake detected. (Default 30) :param avg_count: The number of readings taken and used for the average acceleration. (Default 10) :param total_delay: The total time in seconds it takes to obtain avg_count readings from acceleration. (Default 0.1) """ shake_accel = (0, 0, 0) for _ in range(avg_count): # shake_accel creates a list of tuples from acceleration data. # zip takes multiple tuples and zips them together, as in: # In : zip([-0.2, 0.0, 9.5], [37.9, 13.5, -72.8]) # Out: [(-0.2, 37.9), (0.0, 13.5), (9.5, -72.8)] # map applies sum to each member of this tuple, resulting in a # 3-member list. tuple converts this list into a tuple which is # used as shake_accel. shake_accel = tuple(map(sum, zip(shake_accel, self.acceleration))) time.sleep(total_delay / avg_count) avg = tuple(value / avg_count for value in shake_accel) total_accel = math.sqrt(sum(map(lambda x: x * x, avg))) return total_accel > shake_threshold
[docs] def read_adc_raw(self, adc): """Retrieve the raw analog to digital converter value. ADC must be a value 1, 2, or 3. """ if adc < 1 or adc > 3: raise ValueError('ADC must be a value 1 to 3!') return struct.unpack('<h', self._read_register((REG_OUTADC1_L+((adc-1)*2)) | 0x80, 2))[0]
[docs] def read_adc_mV(self, adc): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Read the specified analog to digital converter value in millivolts. ADC must be a value 1, 2, or 3. NOTE the ADC can only measure voltages in the range of ~900-1200mV! """ raw = self.read_adc_raw(adc) # Interpolate between 900mV and 1800mV, see: # # This is a simplified linear interpolation of: # return y0 + (x-x0)*((y1-y0)/(x1-x0)) # Where: # x = ADC value # x0 = -32512 # x1 = 32512 # y0 = 1800 # y1 = 900 return 1800+(raw+32512)*(-900/65024)
@property def tapped(self): """ True if a tap was detected recently. Whether its a single tap or double tap is determined by the tap param on ``set_tap``. ``tapped`` may be True over multiple reads even if only a single tap or single double tap occurred if the interrupt (int) pin is not specified. The following example uses ``i2c`` and specifies the interrupt pin: .. code-block:: python import adafruit_lis3dh import digitalio i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) int1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D11) # pin connected to interrupt lis3dh = adafruit_lis3dh.LIS3DH_I2C(i2c, int1=int1) lis3dh.range = adafruit_lis3dh.RANGE_8_G """ if self._int1 and not self._int1.value: return False raw = self._read_register_byte(REG_CLICKSRC) return raw & 0x40 > 0
[docs] def set_tap(self, tap, threshold, *, time_limit=10, time_latency=20, time_window=255, click_cfg=None): """ The tap detection parameters. .. note:: Tap related registers are called ``CLICK_`` in the datasheet. :param int tap: 0 to disable tap detection, 1 to detect only single taps, and 2 to detect only double taps. :param int threshold: A threshold for the tap detection. The higher the value the less sensitive the detection. This changes based on the accelerometer range. Good values are 5-10 for 16G, 10-20 for 8G, 20-40 for 4G, and 40-80 for 2G. :param int time_limit: TIME_LIMIT register value (default 10). :param int time_latency: TIME_LATENCY register value (default 20). :param int time_window: TIME_WINDOW register value (default 255). :param int click_cfg: CLICK_CFG register value. """ if (tap < 0 or tap > 2) and click_cfg is None: raise ValueError('Tap must be 0 (disabled), 1 (single tap), or 2 (double tap)!') if threshold > 127 or threshold < 0: raise ValueError('Threshold out of range (0-127)') ctrl3 = self._read_register_byte(REG_CTRL3) if tap == 0 and click_cfg is None: # Disable click interrupt. self._write_register_byte(REG_CTRL3, ctrl3 & ~(0x80)) # Turn off I1_CLICK. self._write_register_byte(REG_CLICKCFG, 0) return else: self._write_register_byte(REG_CTRL3, ctrl3 | 0x80) # Turn on int1 click output if click_cfg is None: if tap == 1: click_cfg = 0x15 # Turn on all axes & singletap. if tap == 2: click_cfg = 0x2A # Turn on all axes & doubletap. # Or, if a custom click configuration register value specified, use it. self._write_register_byte(REG_CLICKCFG, click_cfg) self._write_register_byte(REG_CLICKTHS, 0x80 | threshold) self._write_register_byte(REG_TIMELIMIT, time_limit) self._write_register_byte(REG_TIMELATENCY, time_latency) self._write_register_byte(REG_TIMEWINDOW, time_window)
def _read_register_byte(self, register): # Read a byte register value and return it. return self._read_register(register, 1)[0] def _read_register(self, register, length): # Read an arbitrarily long register (specified by length number of # bytes) and return a bytearray of the retrieved data. # Subclasses MUST implement this! raise NotImplementedError def _write_register_byte(self, register, value): # Write a single byte register at the specified register address. # Subclasses MUST implement this! raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class LIS3DH_I2C(LIS3DH): """Driver for the LIS3DH accelerometer connected over I2C.""" def __init__(self, i2c, *, address=0x18, int1=None, int2=None): import adafruit_bus_device.i2c_device as i2c_device self._i2c = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c, address) self._buffer = bytearray(6) super().__init__(int1=int1, int2=int2) def _read_register(self, register, length): self._buffer[0] = register & 0xFF with self._i2c as i2c: i2c.write(self._buffer, start=0, end=1) i2c.readinto(self._buffer, start=0, end=length) return self._buffer def _write_register_byte(self, register, value): self._buffer[0] = register & 0xFF self._buffer[1] = value & 0xFF with self._i2c as i2c: i2c.write(self._buffer, start=0, end=2)
[docs]class LIS3DH_SPI(LIS3DH): """Driver for the LIS3DH accelerometer connected over SPI.""" def __init__(self, spi, cs, *, baudrate=100000, int1=None, int2=None): import adafruit_bus_device.spi_device as spi_device self._spi = spi_device.SPIDevice(spi, cs, baudrate=baudrate) self._buffer = bytearray(6) super().__init__(int1=int1, int2=int2) def _read_register(self, register, length): if length == 1: self._buffer[0] = (register | 0x80) & 0xFF # Read single, bit 7 high. else: self._buffer[0] = (register | 0xC0) & 0xFF # Read multiple, bit 6&7 high. with self._spi as spi: spi.write(self._buffer, start=0, end=1) spi.readinto(self._buffer, start=0, end=length) return self._buffer def _write_register_byte(self, register, value): self._buffer[0] = (register & (~0x80 & 0xFF)) & 0xFF # Write, bit 7 low. self._buffer[1] = value & 0xFF with self._spi as spi: spi.write(self._buffer, start=0, end=2)