Source code for adafruit_max7219.bcddigits

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Dan Halbert for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from micropython import const
from adafruit_max7219 import max7219

    # Used only for typing
    from typing import List
    import digitalio
    import busio
except ImportError:

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

_DECODEMODE = const(9)
_SCANLIMIT = const(11)
_SHUTDOWN = const(12)
_DISPLAYTEST = const(15)

[docs]class BCDDigits(max7219.MAX7219): """ Basic support for display on a 7-Segment BCD display controlled by a Max7219 chip using SPI. :param ~busio.SPI spi: an spi busio or spi bitbangio object :param ~digitalio.DigitalInOut cs: digital in/out to use as chip select signal :param int nDigits: number of led 7-segment digits; default 1; max 8 """ def __init__(self, spi: busio.SPI, cs: digitalio.DigitalInOut, nDigits: int = 1): self._ndigits = nDigits super().__init__(self._ndigits, 8, spi, cs)
[docs] def init_display(self) -> None: for cmd, data in ( (_SHUTDOWN, 0), (_DISPLAYTEST, 0), (_SCANLIMIT, 7), (_DECODEMODE, (2**self._ndigits) - 1), (_SHUTDOWN, 1), ): self.write_cmd(cmd, data) self.clear_all()
[docs] def set_digit(self, dpos: int, value: int) -> None: """ Display one digit. :param int dpos: the digit position; zero-based :param int value: integer ranging from 0->15 """ dpos = self._ndigits - dpos - 1 for i in range(4): # print('digit {} pixel {} value {}'.format(dpos,i+4,v & 0x01)) self.pixel(dpos, i, value & 0x01) value >>= 1
[docs] def set_digits(self, start: int, values: List[int]) -> None: """ Display digits from a list. :param int start: digit to start display zero-based :param list[int] values: list of integer values ranging from 0->15 """ for value in values: # print('set digit {} start {}'.format(d,start)) self.set_digit(start, value) start += 1
[docs] def show_dot(self, dpos: int, bit_value: int = None) -> None: """ The decimal point for a digit. :param int dpos: the digit to set the decimal point zero-based :param int bit_value: value > zero lights the decimal point, else unlights the point """ if 0 <= dpos < self._ndigits: # print('set dot {} = {}'.format((self._ndigits - d -1),col)) self.pixel(self._ndigits - dpos - 1, 7, bit_value)
[docs] def clear_all(self) -> None: """ Clear all digits and decimal points. """ self.fill(1) for i in range(self._ndigits): self.show_dot(i)
[docs] def show_str(self, start: int, strg: str) -> None: """ Displays a numeric str in the display. Shows digits ``0-9``, ``-``, and ``.``. :param int start: start position to show the numeric string :param str strg: the numeric string """ cpos = start for char in strg: # print('c {}'.format(c)) value = 0x0F # assume blank if "0" <= char <= "9": value = int(char) elif char == "-": value = 10 # minus sign elif char == ".": self.show_dot(cpos - 1, 1) continue self.set_digit(cpos, value) cpos += 1
[docs] def show_help(self, start: int) -> None: """ Display the word HELP in the display. :param int start: start position to show HELP """ digits = [12, 11, 13, 14] self.set_digits(start, digits)