Source code for adafruit_max7219.max7219

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Philip R. Moyer  for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Radomir Dopieralski for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Daniel Flanagan
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

`adafruit_max7219.max7219` - MAX7219 LED Matrix/Digit Display Driver
CircuitPython library to support MAX7219 LED Matrix/Digit Display Driver.
This library supports the use of the MAX7219-based display in CircuitPython,
either an 8x8 matrix or a 8 digit 7-segment numeric display.

See Also
* matrices.Maxtrix8x8 is a class support an 8x8 led matrix display
* matrices.CustomMatrix is a class support a custom sized constellation of 8x8 led matrix displays
* bcddigits.BCDDigits is a class that support the 8 digit 7-segment display

Beware that most CircuitPython compatible hardware are 3.3v logic level! Make
sure that the input pin is 5v tolerant.

* Author(s): Michael McWethy

Implementation Notes

* Adafruit `MAX7219CNG LED Matrix/Digit Display Driver -
  MAX7219 <>`_ (Product ID: 453)

**Software and Dependencies:**

* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the ESP8622 and M0-based boards:

* Adafruit's Bus Device library:

#.  Datasheet:
# MicroPython MAX7219 driver, SPI interfaces
import digitalio
from adafruit_bus_device import spi_device
from micropython import const
import adafruit_framebuf as framebuf

    # Used only for typing
    import typing  # pylint: disable=unused-import
    import busio
except ImportError:

__version__ = "0.0.0+auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

# register definitions
_DIGIT0 = const(1)
_INTENSITY = const(10)

[docs]class MAX7219: """ MAX7219 - driver for displays based on max7219 chip_select :param int width: the number of pixels wide :param int height: the number of pixels high :param ~busio.SPI spi: an spi busio or spi bitbangio object :param ~digitalio.DigitalInOut chip_select: digital in/out to use as chip select signal :param int baudrate: for SPIDevice baudrate (default 8000000) :param int polarity: for SPIDevice polarity (default 0) :param int phase: for SPIDevice phase (default 0) """ def __init__( self, width: int, height: int, spi: busio.SPI, cs: digitalio.DigitalInOut, *, baudrate: int = 8000000, polarity: int = 0, phase: int = 0 ): self._chip_select = cs self._chip_select.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT self._spi_device = spi_device.SPIDevice( spi, cs, baudrate=baudrate, polarity=polarity, phase=phase ) self._buffer = bytearray((height // 8) * width) self.framebuf = framebuf.FrameBuffer1(self._buffer, width, height) self.width = width self.height = height self.init_display()
[docs] def init_display(self) -> None: """Must be implemented by derived class (``matrices``, ``bcddigits``)"""
[docs] def brightness(self, value: int) -> None: """ Controls the brightness of the display. :param int value: 0->15 dimmest to brightest """ if not 0 <= value <= 15: raise ValueError("Brightness out of range") self.write_cmd(_INTENSITY, value)
[docs] def show(self) -> None: """ Updates the display. """ for ypos in range(8): self.write_cmd(_DIGIT0 + ypos, self._buffer[ypos])
[docs] def fill(self, bit_value: int) -> None: """ Fill the display buffer. :param int bit_value: value > 0 set the buffer bit, else clears the buffer bit """ self.framebuf.fill(bit_value)
[docs] def pixel(self, xpos: int, ypos: int, bit_value: int = None) -> None: """ Set one buffer bit :param int xpos: x position to set bit :param int ypos: y position to set bit :param int bit_value: value > 0 sets the buffer bit, else clears the buffer bit """ bit_value = 0x01 if bit_value else 0x00 self.framebuf.pixel(xpos, ypos, bit_value)
[docs] def scroll(self, delta_x: int, delta_y: int) -> None: """ Srcolls the display using delta_x,delta_y. :param int delta_x: positions to scroll in the x direction :param int delta_y: positions to scroll in the y direction """ self.framebuf.scroll(delta_x, delta_y)
[docs] def write_cmd(self, cmd: int, data: int) -> None: """ Writes a command to spi device. :param int cmd: register address to write data to :param int data: data to be written to commanded register """ # print('cmd {} data {}'.format(cmd,data)) self._chip_select.value = False with self._spi_device as my_spi_device: my_spi_device.write(bytearray([cmd, data]))
[docs]class ChainableMAX7219(MAX7219): """ Daisy Chainable MAX7219 - driver for cascading displays based on max7219 chip_select :param int width: the number of pixels wide :param int height: the number of pixels high :param ~busio.SPI spi: an spi busio or spi bitbangio object :param ~digitalio.DigitalInOut chip_select: digital in/out to use as chip select signal :param int baudrate: for SPIDevice baudrate (default 8000000) :param int polarity: for SPIDevice polarity (default 0) :param int phase: for SPIDevice phase (default 0) """ def __init__( self, width: int, height: int, spi: busio.SPI, cs: digitalio.DigitalInOut, *, baudrate: int = 8000000, polarity: int = 0, phase: int = 0 ): self.chain_length = (height // 8) * (width // 8) super().__init__( width, height, spi, cs, baudrate=baudrate, polarity=polarity, phase=phase ) self._buffer = bytearray(self.chain_length * 8) self.framebuf = framebuf.FrameBuffer1(self._buffer, self.chain_length * 8, 8)
[docs] def write_cmd(self, cmd: int, data: int) -> None: """ Writes a command to spi device. :param int cmd: register address to write data to :param int data: data to be written to commanded register """ # print('cmd {} data {}'.format(cmd,data)) self._chip_select.value = False with self._spi_device as my_spi_device: for _ in range(self.chain_length): my_spi_device.write(bytearray([cmd, data]))
[docs] def show(self) -> None: """ Updates the display. """ for ypos in range(8): self._chip_select.value = False with self._spi_device as my_spi_device: for chip in range(self.chain_length): my_spi_device.write( bytearray( [ _DIGIT0 + ypos, self._buffer[ypos * self.chain_length + chip], ] ) )