Simple test

Ensure your device works with this simple test.

 1# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Tony DiCola for Adafruit Industries
 2# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 4# Simple test of the MPR121 capacitive touch sensor library.
 5# Will print out a message when any of the 12 capacitive touch inputs of the
 6# board are touched.  Open the serial REPL after running to see the output.
 7# Author: Tony DiCola
 8import time
 9import board
10import busio
12# Import MPR121 module.
13import adafruit_mpr121
15# Create I2C bus.
16i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
18# Create MPR121 object.
19mpr121 = adafruit_mpr121.MPR121(i2c)
21# Note you can optionally change the address of the device:
22# mpr121 = adafruit_mpr121.MPR121(i2c, address=0x91)
24# Loop forever testing each input and printing when they're touched.
25while True:
26    # Loop through all 12 inputs (0-11).
27    for i in range(12):
28        # Call is_touched and pass it then number of the input.  If it's touched
29        # it will return True, otherwise it will return False.
30        if mpr121[i].value:
31            print("Input {} touched!".format(i))
32    time.sleep(0.25)  # Small delay to keep from spamming output messages.
 1# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Tony DiCola, Carter Nelson for Adafruit Industries
 2# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 4# MPR121 piano demo.
 5# Listens to the first 7 inputs of the MPR121 and plays a middle scale note
 6# when an input is touched.  Note only one note is played at a time!
 7# For use with microcontrollers or computers with PWM support only!
10import board
11import busio
12import pwmio
14# Import MPR121 module.
15import adafruit_mpr121
18# Configure PWM buzzer and other state:
19BUZZER_PIN = board.D9
20TONE_ON_DUTY = 2 ** 15  # Duty cycle of tone when turned on, a square wave.
21TONE_OFF_DUTY = 0  # Duty cycle of tone when turned off, 0 or no signal.
23    261,  # Input 0 = 261 hz = middle C
24    294,  # Input 1 = middle D
25    329,  # Input 2 = middle E
26    349,  # Input 3 = middle F
27    392,  # Input 4 = middle G
28    440,  # Input 5 = middle A
29    493,  # Input 6 = middle B
30    0,  # Input 7 = nothing (set to a frequency in hertz!)
31    0,  # Input 8
32    0,  # Input 9
33    0,  # Input 10
34    0,
35]  # Input 11
38# Create I2C bus.
39i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
41# Create MPR121 class.
42mpr121 = adafruit_mpr121.MPR121(i2c)
43# Note you can optionally change the address of the device:
44# mpr121 = adafruit_mpr121.MPR121(i2c, address=0x91)
46# pylint: disable-msg=no-member
47# Setup buzzer PWM output.
48buzzer = pwmio.PWMOut(
49    BUZZER_PIN, duty_cycle=TONE_OFF_DUTY, frequency=440, variable_frequency=True
51# pylint: disable-msg=no-member
53last_note = None
54while True:
55    # Get touched state for all pins
56    touched = mpr121.touched_pins
57    # If no pins are touched, be quiet
58    if True not in touched:
59        last_note = None
60        buzzer.duty_cycle = TONE_OFF_DUTY
61        continue
62    # Get index of touched pin
63    note = touched.index(True)
64    # Play note if pin is different and has a defined note
65    if note != last_note and NOTE_FREQS[note] != 0:
66        last_note = note
67        buzzer.frequency = NOTE_FREQS[note]
68        buzzer.duty_cycle = TONE_ON_DUTY