Library for the Adafruit PyCamera with OV5640 autofocus module
- class adafruit_pycamera.PyCamera(init_autofocus=True)
Wrapper class for the PyCamera hardware
- class adafruit_pycamera.PyCameraBase
Base class for PyCamera hardware
Wrapper class for the PyCamera hardware with lots of smarts
- autofocus() list[int]
Perform an autofocus operation.
If all elements of the list are 0, the autofocus operation failed. Otherwise, if at least one element is nonzero, the operation succeeded.
In principle the elements correspond to 5 autofocus regions, if configured.
- autofocus_init()
Initialize the autofocus engine from ov5640_autofocus.bin
- autofocus_init_from_file(filename)
Initialize the autofocus engine from a .bin file
- property autofocus_status
Read the camera autofocus status register
- property autofocus_vcm_step
Get the voice coil motor step location
- blit(bitmap, x_offset=0, y_offset=32)
Display a bitmap direct to the LCD, bypassing displayio
This can be more efficient than displaying a bitmap as a displayio TileGrid, but if any displayio objects overlap the bitmap, the results can be unpredictable.
The default preview capture is 240x176, leaving 32 pixel rows at the top and bottom for status information.
- blit_overlay_into_last_capture()
Create a modified version of the last photo taken that pastes the overlay image on top of the photo and saves the new version in a separate but similarly named .bmp file on the SDCard.
- capture_into_bitmap(bitmap)
Capture an image and blit it into the given bitmap
- capture_into_jpeg()
Captures an image and returns it in JPEG format.
- Returns:
The captured image in JPEG format, otherwise None if the capture failed.
- Return type:
- capture_jpeg(filename_prefix='img')
Capture a jpeg file and save it to the SD card
- check_for_update_needed()
Check whether CIRCUITPY is too big, indicating it was created by a version of CircuitPython older than 9.0.0 beta 2. If so display and print a message and hang.
- continuous_capture()
Capture an image into an internal buffer.
The image is valid at least until the next image capture, or the camera’s capture mode is changed
- continuous_capture_start()
Switch the camera to continuous-capture mode
- deinit_display()
Release the TFT display
- display_message(message, color=0xFF0000, scale=3, full_screen=False)
Display a message on the TFT
- property effect
Get or set the effect mode (e.g., B&W, etc) as a numeric constant
- get_camera_autosettings()
Collect all the settings related to exposure and white balance
- init_accelerometer()
Initialize the accelerometer
- init_display()
Initialize the TFT display
- init_neopixel()
Initialize the neopixels (onboard & ring)
- keys_debounce()
Debounce all keys.
This updates the values of self.shutter, etc., buttons
- property led_color
Get or set the LED color, from 0 to 7
- property led_level
Get or set the LED level, from 0 to 4
- live_preview_mode()
Set the camera into live preview mode
- make_camera_ui()
Create displayio widgets for the standard camera UI
- property mode
Get or set the capture mode (e.g., JPEG, etc) as a numeric constant
- property mode_text
Get the capture mode (e.g., JPEG, etc) as a human string
- mount_sd_card()
Attempt to mount the SD card
- open_next_image(extension='jpg', filename_prefix='img')
Return an opened numbered file on the sdcard, such as “img01234.jpg”.
- property overlay: str
The overlay file to be used. A filepath string that points to a .bmp file that has 24bit RGB888 Colorspace. The overlay image will be shown in the camera preview, and combined to create a modified version of the final photo.
- property resolution
Get or set the resolution as a numeric constant
The resolution can also be set as a string such as “240x240”.
- select_setting(setting_name)
For the point & shoot camera mode, control what setting is being set
- set_camera_exposure(new_exposure=None)
Set the camera’s exposure values
The argument of
selects auto exposure.Otherwise, the new exposure data should come from
- set_camera_gain(new_gain=None)
Set the camera’s exposure values
The argument of
selects auto gain control.Otherwise, the new exposure data should come from
- set_camera_wb(wb_register_values=None)
Set the camera white balance.
The argument of
selects auto white balance, while a list of 6 numbers sets a specific white balance.The numbers can come from the datasheet or from
- property timelapse_rate
Get or set the amount of time between timelapse shots
- property timelapse_submode
Get or set the power mode for timelapsing
- tone(frequency, duration=0.1)
Play a tone on the internal speaker
- unmount_sd_card()
Unmount the SD card, if mounted
Routines for performing image manipulation
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.alphablend_maker(frac, nfrac=None)
Create an alpha-blending function for a specific fractional value
The resulting function can be used with
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.blue_cast(bitmap, mask=None)
Give an image a blue cast by dividing R and G channels in half
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.blur(bitmap, mask=None)
Blur a bitmap
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.color_burn_func(a, b)
The ‘color burn’ blend mode.
This function can be used with
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.color_dodge_func(a, b)
The ‘color dodge’ blend mode.
This function can be used with
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.darken_only_func()
The ‘darken only’ blend mode.
This function can be used with
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.divide_func(a, b)
The ‘divide’ blend mode.
This function can be used with
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.emboss(bitmap, mask=None)
Run an emboss filter on the bitmap
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.emboss_greyscale(bitmap, mask=None)
Run an emboss filter on the bitmap in greyscale
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.green_cast(bitmap, mask=None)
Give an image a green cast by dividing R and B channels in half
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.greyscale(bitmap, mask=None)
Convert an image to greyscale
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.hard_light_func(a, b)
The ‘hard light’ blend mode.
This function can be used with
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.ironbow(bitmap, mask=None)
Convert an image to false color using the ‘ironbow palette’
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.lighten_only_func()
The ‘screen’ blend mode.
This function can be used with
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.linear_burn_func(a, b)
The ‘linear burn’ blend mode.
This function can be used with
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.linear_dodge_func(a, b)
The ‘linear dodge’ blend mode.
This function can be used with
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.multiply_func(a, b)
The ‘multiply’ blend mode.
This function can be used with
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.negative(bitmap, mask=None)
Invert an image
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.overlay_func(a, b)
The ‘overlay’ blend mode.
This function can be used with
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.red_cast(bitmap, mask=None)
Give an image a red cast by dividing G and B channels in half
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.screen_func(a, b)
The ‘screen’ blend mode.
This function can be used with
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.sepia(bitmap, mask=None)
Apply a sepia filter to an image in place
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.sharpen(bitmap, mask=None)
Sharpen a bitmap
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.soft_light_func(a, b)
The ‘soft light’ blend mode.
There are various soft light blend functions. The “” variant of soft light is used.
This function can be used with
- adafruit_pycamera.imageprocessing.subtract_func(a, b)
The ‘subtract’ blend mode.
This function can be used with
The ‘ironbow’ palette used to convert images to false color
- adafruit_pycamera.ironbow.ironbow_palette = <displayio.Palette object>
A palette often used to convert images to false color