
Python helper for running Shell scripts in Python

  • Author(s): Melissa LeBlanc-Williams

Implementation Notes

Software and Dependencies:

  • Linux

class adafruit_shell.Shell

Class to help with converting Shell scripts over to Python. Having all the functions in one place makes updates easier and code shorter.

property args

Get a list of supplied arguments

argument_exists(arg, prefix='-')

Check if the given argument was supplied

bail(message=None, **kwargs)

Exit and display an error message if given


Change directory


Checks if the pi needs to be rebooted since the last kernel update


Check if the userspace is 64-bit and kernel is 32-bit

chmod(location, mode)

Change the permissions of a file or directory

chown(location, user, group=None, recursive=False)

Change the owner of a file or directory

static clear()

Clear the screen

copy(source, destination)

Move a file or directory from source to destination

static date()

Return a string containing the current date and time

error(message, **kwargs)

Display some information


Check if a path or file exists

static exit(status_code=0)

Exit and return the status code to the OS

static get_arch()

Return a string containing the architecture

static get_architecture()

Get the type of Processor

static get_board_model()

Use PlatformDetect to get the board model


Return a string containing the release which we can use to compare in the script


Return a string containing the raspbian version

static getcwd()

Get the Current Working Directory

grep(search_term, location)

Run the grep command and return the result

property group

Get or set the current group that is displayed in color along with messages

static home_dir()

Return the User’s home directory

info(message, **kwargs)

Display a message with the group in green

static is_arm64()

Check if Platform.machine() returns ARM 64

static is_armhf()

Check if Platform.machine() (same as uname -m) returns an ARM platform that supports hardware floating point

static is_armv6()

Check if Platform.machine() returns ARM v6

static is_armv7()

Check if Platform.machine() returns ARM v7

static is_armv8()

Check if Platform.machine() returns ARM v8

static is_linux()

Check that we are running linux

static is_python3()

Check if we are running Python 3 or later

static is_raspberry_pi()

Use PlatformDetect to check if this is a Raspberry Pi


Check if we are running Raspberry Pi OS or Raspbian

static is_root()

Return whether the current user is logged in as root or has super user access


Check if a location exists and is a directory

static kernel_minimum(version)

Check that we are running on at least the specified version

move(source, destination)

Move a file or directory from source to destination

static path(file_path)

Return the relative path. This works for paths starting with ~

pattern_replace(location, pattern, replace='', multi_line=False)

Similar to sed, but uses pure python multi_line will search the entire file as a large text glob, but certain regex patterns such as ^ and $ will not work on a line-by-line basis

Similar to grep, but uses pure python multi_line will search the entire file as a large text glob, but certain regex patterns such as ^ and $ will not work on a line-by-line basis returns True/False if found


Change directory

static print_colored(message, color)

Print out a message in a specific color

prompt(message, *, default=None, force_arg=None, force_arg_value=True)

A Yes/No prompt that accepts optional defaults Returns True for Yes and False for No

prompt_reboot(default='y', **kwargs)

Prompt the user for a reboot


Change directory

static reboot()

Reboot the system

reconfig(file, pattern, replacement)

Given a filename, a regex pattern to match and a replacement string, perform replacement if found, else append replacement to end of file.

static release()

Return the latest kernel release version


Remove a file or directory if it exists


Check if the current user has root access and exit if not.

run_command(cmd, suppress_message=False, return_output=False, run_as_user=None)

Run a shell command and show the output as it runs

static script()

Return the name of the script that is running

static select_n(message, selections)

Display a list of selections for the user to enter

warn(message, **kwargs)

Display a message with the group in yellow

write_text_file(path, content, append=True)

Write the contents to a file at the specified path