
CircuitPython helper library for the VL53L4CD time of flight distance sensor.

  • Author(s): Carter Nelson

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_vl53l4cd.VL53L4CD(i2c, address=41)

Driver for the VL53L4CD distance sensor.


Clears new data interrupt.

property data_ready

Returns true if new data is ready, otherwise false.

property distance

The distance in units of centimeters.

property inter_measurement

Inter-measurement period in milliseconds. Valid range is timing_budget to 5000ms, or 0 to disable.

property model_info

A 2 tuple of Model ID and Module Type.

property range_status

Measurement validity. If the range status is equal to 0, the distance is valid.


Set a new I2C address to the instantaited object. This is only called when using multiple VL53L4CD sensors on the same I2C bus (SDA & SCL pins). See also the example for proper usage.

property sigma

Sigma estimator for the noise in the reported target distance in units of centimeters.


Starts ranging operation.


Stops ranging operation.

property timing_budget

Ranging duration in milliseconds. Valid range is 10ms to 200ms.