
CircuitPython module for the VL6180X distance sensor. See examples/ for a demo of the usage.

  • Author(s): Tony DiCola, Jonas Schatz

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_vl6180x.VL6180X(i2c: busio.I2C, address: int = 41, offset: int = 0)[source]

Create an instance of the VL6180X distance sensor. You must pass in the following parameters:


i2c – An instance of the I2C bus connected to the sensor.

Optionally you can specify:


address – The I2C address of the sensor. If not specified the sensor’s default value will be assumed.

property continuous_mode_enabled: bool

Checks if continuous mode is enabled

property offset: int

Read and sets the manual offset for the sensor, in millimeters

property range: int

Read the range of an object in front of sensor and return it in mm.

property range_from_history: Optional[int]

Read the latest range data from history To do so, you don’t have to wait for a complete measurement.

property range_history_enabled: bool

Checks if history buffer stores range data

property range_status: int

Retrieve the status/error from a previous range read. This will return a constant value such as:

  • ERROR_NONE - No error

  • ERROR_SYSERR_1 - System error 1 (see datasheet)

  • ERROR_SYSERR_5 - System error 5 (see datasheet)

  • ERROR_ECEFAIL - ECE failure

  • ERROR_NOCONVERGE - No convergence

  • ERROR_RANGEIGNORE - Outside range ignored

  • ERROR_SNR - Too much noise

  • ERROR_RAWUFLOW - Raw value underflow

  • ERROR_RAWOFLOW - Raw value overflow

  • ERROR_RANGEUFLOW - Range underflow

  • ERROR_RANGEOFLOW - Range overflow

property ranges_from_history: Optional[List[int]]

Read the last 16 range measurements from history

read_lux(gain: int) float[source]

Read the lux (light value) from the sensor and return it. Must specify the gain value to use for the lux reading: - ALS_GAIN_1 = 1x - ALS_GAIN_1_25 = 1.25x - ALS_GAIN_1_67 = 1.67x - ALS_GAIN_2_5 = 2.5x - ALS_GAIN_5 = 5x - ALS_GAIN_10 = 10x - ALS_GAIN_20 = 20x - ALS_GAIN_40 = 40x

start_range_continuous(period: int = 100) None[source]

Start continuous range mode :param period: Time delay between measurements in ms

stop_range_continuous() None[source]

Stop continuous range mode. It is advised to wait for about 0.3s afterwards to avoid issues with the interrupt flags