
CircuitPython library for Nintendo Wii Classic controllers.

  • Author(s): Liz Clark

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_wii_classic.Wii_Classic(i2c: I2C, address: int = 0x52, i2c_read_delay: float = 0.002)

Class which provides interface to Nintendo Wii Classic controller.

  • i2c (~I2C) – The busio.I2C object to use.

  • address (int) – (Optional) The I2C address of the device. Default is 0x52.

  • i2c_read_delay (float) – (Optional) The time in seconds to pause between the I2C write and read. This needs to be at least 200us. A conservative default of 2000us is used since some hosts may not be able to achieve such timing.

property buttons: Buttons

The current pressed state of buttons

property d_pad: D_Pad

The current pressed state of d-pad buttons

property joystick_l: Joystick_L

The current left joystick position.

property joystick_r: Joystick_R

The current right joystick position.

property l_shoulder: L_Shoulder_Analog

The current left shoulder button pressure.

property r_shoulder: R_Shoulder_Analog

The current right shoulder button pressure.

property values: Values

The current state of all values.