
CircuitPython library for the Adafruit FONA cellular module

  • Author(s): ladyada, Brent Rubell

Implementation Notes

Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_fona.adafruit_fona.FONA(uart: UART, rst: DigitalInOut, ri: DigitalInOut | None = None, debug: bool = False)

CircuitPython FONA module interface.

  • uart (UART) – FONA UART connection.

  • rst (DigitalInOut) – FONA RST pin.

  • ri (DigitalInOut) – Optional FONA Ring Interrupt (RI) pin.

  • debug (bool) – Enable debugging output.

delete_all_sms() bool

Deletes all SMS messages on the FONA SIM.

delete_sms(sms_slot: int) bool

Deletes a SMS message from a storage (internal or sim) slot


sms_slot (int) – SMS SIM or FONA memory slot number.

property enable_sms_notification: bool

Checks if SMS notifications are enabled.

factory_reset() bool

Resets modem to factory configuration.

get_host_by_name(hostname: str) str | Literal[False]

Converts a hostname to a packed 4-byte IP address.


hostname (str) – Destination server.

get_socket() int

Obtains a socket, if available.

property gprs: bool

GPRS (General Packet Radio Services) power status.

property gps: int

Module’s GPS status.

property iccid: str

SIM Card’s unique ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card Identifier).

property iemi: str

FONA Module’s IEMI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number.

property local_ip: str | None

Module’s local IP address, None if not set.

property network_status: int

The status of the cellular network.

num_sms(sim_storage: bool = True) int

Returns the number of SMS messages stored in memory.


sim_storage (bool) – SMS storage on the SIM, otherwise internal storage on FONA chip.

pretty_ip(ip: array | bytearray | bytes | memoryview | rgbmatrix.RGBMatrix | ulab.numpy.ndarray) str

Converts a bytearray IP address to a dotted-quad string for printing

read_sms(sms_slot: int) Tuple[str, str]

Reads and parses SMS messages from FONA device. Returns the SMS sender’s phone number and the message contents as a tuple.


sms_slot (int) – SMS SIM or FONA memory slot number.

receive_sms() Tuple[str, str]

Checks for a message notification from the FONA module, replies back with the a tuple containing (sender, message).


This method needs to be polled consistently due to the lack of hw-based interrupts in CircuitPython.

remote_ip(sock_num: int) str

Returns the IP address of the remote server.


sock_num (int) – Desired socket.

reset() None

Performs a hardware reset on the modem.

property rssi: float

The received signal strength indicator for the cellular network we are connected to.

send_sms(phone_number: int, message: str) bool

Sends a message SMS to a phone number.

  • phone_number (int) – Destination phone number.

  • message (str) – Message to send to the phone number.

set_gprs(apn: Tuple[str, str | None, str | None] | None = None, enable: bool = True) bool

Configures and brings up GPRS.

  • apn (tuple) – The APN information

  • enable (bool) – Enables or disables GPRS.

socket_available(sock_num: int) int

Returns the amount of bytes available to be read from the socket.


sock_num (int) – Desired socket to return bytes available from.

socket_close(sock_num: int) bool

Close TCP or UDP connection


sock_num (int) – Desired socket number.

socket_connect(sock_num: int, dest: str, port: int, conn_mode: int = micropython.const) bool

Connects to a destination IP address or hostname. By default, we use conn_mode TCP_MODE but we may also use UDP_MODE.

  • sock_num (int) – Desired socket number

  • dest (str) – Destination dest address.

  • port (int) – Destination dest port.

  • conn_mode (int) – Connection mode (TCP/UDP)

socket_read(sock_num: int, length: int) bytearray

Read data from the network into a buffer. Returns bytes read.

  • sock_num (int) – Desired socket to read from.

  • length (int) – Desired length to read.

socket_status(sock_num: int) bool

Returns the socket connection status, False if not connected.


sock_num (int) – Desired socket number.

socket_write(sock_num: int, buffer: bytes, timeout: int = 3000) bool

Writes bytes to the socket.

  • sock_num (int) – Desired socket number to write to.

  • buffer (bytes) – Bytes to write to socket.

  • timeout (int) – Socket write timeout, in milliseconds.

unpretty_ip(ip: str) bytes

Converts a dotted-quad string to a bytearray IP address

property version: int

The version of the FONA module. Can be FONA_800_L, FONA_800_H, FONA_808_V1, FONA_808_V2, FONA_3G_A, FONA3G_E.


A socket compatible interface with the Adafruit FONA cellular module.

  • Author(s): ladyada, Brent Rubell

adafruit_fona.adafruit_fona_socket.getaddrinfo(host, port: int, family=0, socktype=0, proto=0, flags=0)

Translate the host/port argument into a sequence of 5-tuples that contain all the necessary arguments for creating a socket connected to that service.

adafruit_fona.adafruit_fona_socket.gethostbyname(hostname: str) str

Translate a host name to IPv4 address format. The IPv4 address is returned as a string.


hostname (str) – Desired hostname.

adafruit_fona.adafruit_fona_socket.htonl(x: int) int

Convert 32-bit positive integers from host to network byte order.

adafruit_fona.adafruit_fona_socket.htons(x: int) int

Convert 16-bit positive integers from host to network byte order.

adafruit_fona.adafruit_fona_socket.set_interface(iface: FONA) None

Helper to set the global internet interface.

class adafruit_fona.adafruit_fona_socket.socket(family: int = micropython.const, type: int = micropython.const, proto: int = 0, fileno: int | None = None, socknum: int | None = None)

A simplified implementation of the Python ‘socket’ class for connecting to a FONA cellular module.

  • family (int) – Socket address (and protocol) family.

  • type (int) – Socket type.

available() int

Returns how many bytes are available to be read from the socket.

close() bool

Closes the socket.

connect(address: Tuple[str, int], conn_mode: int | None = None) None

Connect to a remote socket at address. (The format of address depends on the address family — see above.)

  • address (tuple) – Remote socket as a (host, port) tuple.

  • conn_mode (int) – Connection mode (TCP/UDP)

property connected: bool

Returns whether or not we are connected to the socket.

getpeername() str

Return the remote address to which the socket is connected.

gettimeout() int

Return the timeout in seconds (float) associated with socket operations, or None if no timeout is set.

inet_aton(ip_string: str) bytearray

Convert an IPv4 address from dotted-quad string format.


ip_string (str) – IP Address, as a dotted-quad string.

readline() Sequence[int]

Attempt to return as many bytes as we can up to but not including ‘ ‘

recv(bufsize: int = 0) Sequence[int]

Reads some bytes from the connected remote address.


bufsize (int) – maximum number of bytes to receive

send(data: bytes) None

Send data to the socket. The socket must be connected to a remote socket prior to calling this method.


data (bytes) – Desired data to send to the socket.

settimeout(value: int) None

Sets socket read timeout.


value (int) – Socket read timeout, in seconds.

property socknum: int

Returns the socket object’s socket number.


Interface for connecting to and interacting with GSM and CDMA cellular networks.

  • Author(s): Brent Rubell

class adafruit_fona.adafruit_fona_network.CELLULAR(fona: FONA, apn: Tuple[str, str | None, str | None])

Interface for connecting to and interacting with GSM and CDMA cellular networks.

  • fona (FONA) – The Adafruit FONA module we are using.

  • apn (tuple) – Tuple containing APN name, (optional) APN username, and APN password.

connect() None

Connect to cellular network.

disconnect() None

Disconnect from cellular network.

property iccid: str

Returns the SIM card’s ICCID, as a string.

property imei: str

Returns the modem’s IEMI number, as a string.

property is_attached: bool

Returns if the modem is attached to the network.

property is_connected

Returns if attached to network and an IP Addresss was obtained.


FONA3G cellular module instance.

  • Author(s): ladyada, Brent Rubell

Implementation Notes

Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_fona.fona_3g.FONA3G(uart: UART, rst: DigitalInOut, ri: DigitalInOut | None = None, debug: bool = False)

FONA 3G module interface.

  • uart (UART) – FONA UART connection.

  • rst (DigitalInOut) – FONA RST pin.

  • ri (DigitalInOut) – Optional FONA Ring Interrupt (RI) pin.

  • debug (bool) – Enable debugging output.

get_host_by_name(hostname: str) str | Literal[False]

Converts a hostname to a 4-byte IP address.


hostname (str) – Domain name.

get_socket() int

Returns an unused socket.

property gps: bool

Module’s GPS status.

property local_ip: str | None

Module’s local IP address, None if not set.

remote_ip(sock_num: int) str

Returns the IP address of the remote connection.


sock_num (int) – Desired socket number

set_baudrate(baudrate: int) bool

Sets the FONA’s UART baudrate.

set_gprs(apn: Tuple[str, str | None, str | None] | None = None, enable: bool = True) bool

Configures and brings up GPRS.

  • apn (tuple) – APN configuration settings

  • enable (bool) – Enables or disables GPRS.

socket_connect(sock_num: int, dest: str, port: int, conn_mode: int = 0) bool

Connects to a destination IP address or hostname. By default, we use conn_mode TCP_MODE but we may also use UDP_MODE.

  • sock_num (int) – Desired socket number

  • dest (str) – Destination dest address.

  • port (int) – Destination dest port.

  • conn_mode (int) – Connection mode (TCP/UDP)

socket_status(sock_num: int) bool

Returns socket status, True if connected. False otherwise.


sock_num (int) – Desired socket number.

socket_write(sock_num: int, buffer: bytes, timeout: int = 120000) bool

Writes len(buffer) bytes to the socket.

  • sock_num (int) – Desired socket number to write to.

  • buffer (bytes) – Bytes to write to socket.

  • timeout (int) – Socket write timeout, in milliseconds. Defaults to 120000ms.

property tx_timeout: bool

CIPSEND timeout, in milliseconds.

property ue_system_info: bool

UE System status.