
CircuitPython driver for the TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer.

  • Author(s): Carter Nelson

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_tca9548a.TCA9548A_Channel(tca: TCA9548A, channel: int)

Helper class to represent an output channel on the TCA9548A and take care of the necessary I2C commands for channel switching. This class needs to behave like an I2CDevice.

try_lock() bool

Pass through for try_lock.

unlock() bool

Pass through for unlock.

readfrom_into(address: int, buffer: Union[array, bytearray, bytes, memoryview, rgbmatrix.RGBMatrix, ulab.numpy.ndarray], **kwargs)

Pass through for readfrom_into.

writeto(address: int, buffer: Union[array, bytearray, memoryview, rgbmatrix.RGBMatrix, ulab.numpy.ndarray], **kwargs)

Pass through for writeto.

writeto_then_readfrom(address: int, buffer_out: Union[array, bytearray, memoryview, rgbmatrix.RGBMatrix, ulab.numpy.ndarray], buffer_in: Union[array, bytearray, bytes, memoryview, rgbmatrix.RGBMatrix, ulab.numpy.ndarray], **kwargs)

Pass through for writeto_then_readfrom.

scan() List[int]

Perform an I2C Device Scan

class adafruit_tca9548a.TCA9548A(i2c: I2C, address: int = 112)

Class which provides interface to TCA9548A I2C multiplexer.