– Audio output via digital PWM
The audiopwmio
module contains classes to provide access to audio IO.
All classes change hardware state and should be deinitialized when they
are no longer needed if the program continues after use. To do so, either
call deinit()
or use a context manager. See
Lifetime and ContextManagers for more info.
Since CircuitPython 5, Mixer
, RawSample
and WaveFile
are moved
to audiocore
Available on these boards
- 0xCB Helios
- 42. Keebs Frood
- 8086 USB Interposer
- ARAMCON Badge 2019
- ARAMCON2 Badge
- Adafruit CLUE nRF52840 Express
- Adafruit Circuit Playground Bluefruit
- Adafruit Feather Bluefruit Sense
- Adafruit Feather MIMXRT1011
- Adafruit Feather RP2040
- Adafruit Feather RP2040 Adalogger
- Adafruit Feather RP2040 CAN
- Adafruit Feather RP2040 DVI
- Adafruit Feather RP2040 Prop-Maker
- Adafruit Feather RP2040 RFM
- Adafruit Feather RP2040 Scorpio
- Adafruit Feather RP2040 ThinkInk
- Adafruit Feather RP2040 USB Host
- Adafruit Feather RP2350
- Adafruit Feather STM32F405 Express
- Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Express
- Adafruit Floppsy RP2040
- Adafruit ItsyBitsy RP2040
- Adafruit ItsyBitsy nRF52840 Express
- Adafruit KB2040
- Adafruit LED Glasses Driver nRF52840
- Adafruit Macropad RP2040
- Adafruit Metro RP2040
- Adafruit Metro RP2350
- Adafruit Metro nRF52840 Express
- Adafruit QT Py RP2040
- Adafruit QT2040 Trinkey
- Archi RP2040
- Arduino Nano 33 BLE
- Arduino Nano 33 BLE Rev2
- Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect
- AtelierDuMaker nRF52840 Breakout
- BLE-SS dev board Multi Sensor
- BastBLE
- BlueMicro840
- Bradán Lane STUDIO Explorer Badge
- COSMO-Pico
- Challenger NB RP2040 WiFi
- Challenger RP2040 LTE
- Challenger RP2040 LoRa
- Challenger RP2040 SD/RTC
- Challenger RP2040 SubGHz
- Challenger RP2040 WiFi
- Challenger RP2040 WiFi/BLE
- Challenger+ RP2350 BConnect
- Challenger+ RP2350 WiFi6/BLE5
- Cytron EDU PICO W
- Cytron IRIV IO Controller
- Cytron MOTION 2350 Pro
- Cytron Maker Nano RP2040
- Cytron Maker Pi RP2040
- Cytron Maker Uno RP2040
- Datanoise PicoADK
- Datanoise PicoADK V2
- E-Fidget
- Electrolama minik
- Electronut Labs Blip
- Electronut Labs Papyr
- EncoderPad RP2040
- Feather MIMXRT1011
- Feather MIMXRT1062
- Fig Pi
- HEIA-FR Picomo V2
- Hack Club Sprig
- HiiBot BlueFi
- IkigaiSense Vita nRF52840
- MDBT50Q-DB-40
- MDBT50Q-RX Dongle
- MakerDiary nRF52840 MDK
- MakerDiary nRF52840 MDK USB Dongle
- Makerdiary M60 Keyboard
- Makerdiary Pitaya Go
- Makerdiary nRF52840 Connect Kit
- Makerdiary nRF52840 M.2 Developer Kit
- Maple Computing Elite-Pi
- Melopero Shake RP2040
- Metro MIMXRT1011
- Oak Dev Tech BREAD2040
- Oak Dev Tech Cast-Away RP2040
- Oak Dev Tech RPGA Feather
- Open Hardware Summit 2020 Badge
- PCA10056 nRF52840-DK
- PCA10059 nRF52840 Dongle
- PCA10100 nRF52833 DK
- Pajenicko PicoPad
- Particle Argon
- Particle Boron
- Particle Xenon
- PillBug
- Pimoroni Badger 2040
- Pimoroni Badger 2040 W
- Pimoroni Inky Frame 5.7
- Pimoroni Inky Frame 7.3
- Pimoroni Interstate 75
- Pimoroni Keybow 2040
- Pimoroni Motor 2040
- Pimoroni PGA2040
- Pimoroni PGA2350
- Pimoroni Pico DV Base W
- Pimoroni Pico LiPo (16MB)
- Pimoroni Pico LiPo (4MB)
- Pimoroni Pico Plus 2
- Pimoroni Pico dv Base
- Pimoroni PicoSystem
- Pimoroni Plasma 2040
- Pimoroni Plasma 2040W
- Pimoroni Plasma 2350
- Pimoroni Servo 2040
- Pimoroni Tiny 2040 (2MB)
- Pimoroni Tiny 2040 (8MB)
- Pimoroni Tiny 2350
- Pimoroni Tiny FX
- PyKey 18 Numpad
- PyKey 44 Ergo
- PyKey 60
- PyKey 87 TKL
- PyboardV1_1
- RF.Guru RP2040
- RP2.65-F
- RP2040 Stamp
- RP2350 Stamp
- RP2350 Stamp XL
- Raspberry Breadstick
- Raspberry Pi Pico
- Raspberry Pi Pico 2
- Raspberry Pi Pico W
- SSCI ISP1807 Dev Board
- SSCI ISP1807 Micro Board
- Seeed XIAO nRF52840 Sense
- Seeeduino XIAO RP2040
- Seeeduino XIAO RP2350
- Silicognition LLC RP2040-Shim
- Simmel
- SparkFun MicroMod RP2040 Processor
- SparkFun MicroMod nRF52840 Processor
- SparkFun Pro Micro RP2040
- SparkFun Pro Micro RP2350
- SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini
- SparkFun STM32 MicroMod Processor
- SparkFun Teensy MicroMod Processor
- SparkFun Thing Plus - RP2040
- SparkFun Thing Plus - STM32
- SuperMini NRF52840
- Swan R5
- TG-Watch
- Teensy 4.0
- Teensy 4.1
- Teknikio Bluebird
- TinkeringTech ScoutMakes Azul
- VCC-GND Studio YD RP2040
- W5100S-EVB-Pico
- W5500-EVB-Pico
- WK-50 Trackball Keyboard
- WSC-1450
- WarmBit BluePixel nRF52840
- Waveshare RP2040-GEEK
- Waveshare RP2040-LCD-0.96
- Waveshare RP2040-LCD-1.28
- Waveshare RP2040-One
- Waveshare RP2040-PiZero
- Waveshare RP2040-Plus (16MB)
- Waveshare RP2040-Plus (4MB)
- Waveshare RP2040-TOUCH-LCD-1.28
- Waveshare RP2040-Tiny
- Waveshare RP2040-Zero
- WeAct Studio Pico
- WeAct Studio Pico 16MB
- WisdPi Ardu2040M
- WisdPi Tiny RP2040
- iLabs Challenger 840
- iMX RT 1020 EVK
- iMX RT 1040 EVK
- iMX RT 1050 EVKB
- iMX RT 1060 EVK
- iMX RT 1060 EVKB
- iMX RT1011 Nano Kit
- micro:bit v2
- nice!nano
- nullbits Bit-C PRO
- Liatris
- stm32f411ce-blackpill-with-flash
- takayoshiotake Octave RP2040
- uGame22
class audiopwmio.PWMAudioOut(left_channel: microcontroller.Pin, *, right_channel: microcontroller.Pin | None = None, quiescent_value: int = 32768)
Output an analog audio signal by varying the PWM duty cycle.
Create a PWMAudioOut object associated with the given pin(s). This allows you to
play audio signals out on the given pin(s). In contrast to mod:audioio
the pin(s) specified are digital pins, and are driven with a device-dependent PWM
- Parameters:
left_channel (Pin) – The pin to output the left channel to
right_channel (Pin) – The pin to output the right channel to
quiescent_value (int) – The output value when no signal is present. Samples should start
and end with this value to prevent audible popping.
Limitations: On mimxrt10xx, low sample rates may have an audible
“carrier” frequency. The manufacturer datasheet states that the “MQS” peripheral
is intended for 44 kHz or 48kHz input signals.
Simple 8ksps 440 Hz sin wave:
import audiocore
import audiopwmio
import board
import array
import time
import math
# Generate one period of sine wav.
length = 8000 // 440
sine_wave = array.array("H", [0] * length)
for i in range(length):
sine_wave[i] = int(math.sin(math.pi * 2 * i / length) * (2 ** 15) + 2 ** 15)
dac = audiopwmio.PWMAudioOut(board.SPEAKER)
sine_wave = audiocore.RawSample(sine_wave, sample_rate=8000), loop=True)
Playing a wave file from flash:
import board
import audiocore
import audiopwmio
import digitalio
# Required for CircuitPlayground Express
speaker_enable = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.SPEAKER_ENABLE)
data = open("cplay-5.1-16bit-16khz.wav", "rb")
wav = audiocore.WaveFile(data)
a = audiopwmio.PWMAudioOut(board.SPEAKER)
while a.playing:
deinit() → None
Deinitialises the PWMAudioOut and releases any hardware resources for reuse.
__enter__() → PWMAudioOut
No-op used by Context Managers.
__exit__() → None
Automatically deinitializes the hardware when exiting a context. See
Lifetime and ContextManagers for more info.
play(sample: circuitpython_typing.AudioSample, *, loop: bool = False) → None
Plays the sample once when loop=False and continuously when loop=True.
Does not block. Use playing
to block.
Sample must be an audiocore.WaveFile
, audiocore.RawSample
, audiomixer.Mixer
or audiomp3.MP3Decoder
The sample itself should consist of 16 bit samples. Microcontrollers with a lower output
resolution will use the highest order bits to output.
stop() → None
Stops playback and resets to the start of the sample.
playing: bool
True when an audio sample is being output even if paused
. (read-only)
pause() → None
Stops playback temporarily while remembering the position. Use resume
to resume playback.
resume() → None
Resumes sample playback after pause()
paused: bool
True when playback is paused. (read-only)