audiodelays – Support for audio delay effects

The audiodelays module contains classes to provide access to audio delay effects.

Available on these boards
  • Adafruit Feather RP2350
  • Adafruit Metro RP2350
  • Challenger+ RP2350 BConnect
  • Challenger+ RP2350 WiFi6/BLE5
  • Cytron IRIV IO Controller
  • Cytron MOTION 2350 Pro
  • Datanoise PicoADK V2
  • Music Thing Modular Workshop Computer
  • Pimoroni PGA2350
  • Pimoroni Pico Plus 2
  • Pimoroni Pico Plus 2 W
  • Pimoroni Plasma 2350
  • Pimoroni Plasma 2350W
  • Pimoroni Tiny 2350
  • RP2350 Stamp
  • RP2350 Stamp XL
  • Raspberry Pi Pico 2
  • Raspberry Pi Pico 2 W
  • Seeeduino XIAO RP2350
  • SparkFun Pro Micro RP2350
  • SparkFun Thing Plus RP2350
  • W5100S-EVB-Pico2
  • Waveshare RP2350-GEEK
  • Waveshare RP2350-LCD-0.96
  • Waveshare RP2350-LCD-1.28
  • Waveshare RP2350-One
  • Waveshare RP2350-Plus
  • Waveshare RP2350-TOUCH-LCD-1.28
  • Waveshare RP2350-Tiny
  • Waveshare RP2350-Zero

class audiodelays.Echo(max_delay_ms: int = 500, delay_ms: synthio.BlockInput = 250.0, decay: synthio.BlockInput = 0.7, mix: synthio.BlockInput = 0.5, buffer_size: int = 512, sample_rate: int = 8000, bits_per_sample: int = 16, samples_signed: bool = True, channel_count: int = 1)

An Echo effect

Create a Echo effect where you hear the original sample play back, at a lesser volume after

a set number of millisecond delay. The delay timing of the echo can be changed at runtime with the delay_ms parameter but the delay can never exceed the max_delay_ms parameter. The maximum delay you can set is limited by available memory.

Each time the echo plays back the volume is reduced by the decay setting (echo * decay).

The mix parameter allows you to change how much of the unchanged sample passes through to the output to how much of the effect audio you hear as the output.

  • max_delay_ms (int) – The maximum time the echo can be in milliseconds

  • delay_ms (synthio.BlockInput) – The current time of the echo delay in milliseconds. Must be less the max_delay_ms

  • decay (synthio.BlockInput) – The rate the echo fades. 0.0 = instant; 1.0 = never.

  • mix (synthio.BlockInput) – The mix as a ratio of the sample (0.0) to the effect (1.0).

  • buffer_size (int) – The total size in bytes of each of the two playback buffers to use

  • sample_rate (int) – The sample rate to be used

  • channel_count (int) – The number of channels the source samples contain. 1 = mono; 2 = stereo.

  • bits_per_sample (int) – The bits per sample of the effect

  • samples_signed (bool) – Effect is signed (True) or unsigned (False)

  • freq_shift (bool) – Do echos change frequency as the echo delay changes

Playing adding an echo to a synth:

import time
import board
import audiobusio
import synthio
import audiodelays

audio = audiobusio.I2SOut(bit_clock=board.GP20, word_select=board.GP21, data=board.GP22)
synth = synthio.Synthesizer(channel_count=1, sample_rate=44100)
echo = audiodelays.Echo(max_delay_ms=1000, delay_ms=850, decay=0.65, buffer_size=1024, channel_count=1, sample_rate=44100, mix=0.7, freq_shift=False)

note = synthio.Note(261)
while True:
deinit() None

Deinitialises the Echo.

__enter__() Echo

No-op used by Context Managers.

__exit__() None

Automatically deinitializes when exiting a context. See Lifetime and ContextManagers for more info.

delay_ms: synthio.BlockInput

Delay of the echo in milliseconds. (read-only)

decay: synthio.BlockInput

The rate the echo decays between 0 and 1 where 1 is forever and 0 is no echo.

mix: synthio.BlockInput

The rate the echo mix between 0 and 1 where 0 is only sample and 1 is all effect.

freq_shift: bool

Does the echo change frequencies as the delay changes.

playing: bool

True when the effect is playing a sample. (read-only)

play(sample: circuitpython_typing.AudioSample, *, loop: bool = False) None

Plays the sample once when loop=False and continuously when loop=True. Does not block. Use playing to block.

The sample must match the encoding settings given in the constructor.

stop() None

Stops playback of the sample. The echo continues playing.