aurora_epaper – A framebuffer for Pervasive Displays Aurora E-paper displays.

class aurora_epaper.AuroraMemoryFramebuffer(spi_bus: busio.SPI, chip_select: microcontroller.Pin, reset: microcontroller.Pin, busy: microcontroller.Pin, discharge: microcontroller.Pin, width: int, height: int, power: microcontroller.Pin | None = None, free_bus: bool | None = True)

These displays are 2 color only.

This initializes a display and connects it to CircuitPython.

For Example:

import busio
import framebufferio
from aurora_epaper import AuroraMemoryFramebuffer
aurora = AuroraMemoryFramebuffer(spi, EINK_CS, EINK_RST, EINK_BUSY, EINK_DISCHARGE, HEIGHT, WIDTH)
display = framebufferio.FramebufferDisplay(t, auto_refresh=False)

For more information on how these displays are driven see:

Create a framebuffer for the Aurora CoG display.


Displays of size 1.9” and 2.6” are not tested, and may exibit unexpected behavior.

  • spi_bus (busio.SPI) – The SPI bus that the display is connected to

  • chip_select (microcontroller.Pin) – The pin connected to the displays chip select input

  • reset (microcontroller.Pin) – The pin connected to the displays reset input

  • busy (microcontroller.Pin) – The pin connected to the displays busy output

  • discharge (microcontroller.Pin) – The pin connected to the displays discharge input

  • width (int) – The width of the display in pixels

  • height (int) – The height of the display in pixels

  • power (microcontroller.Pin) – The pin that controls power to the display (optional).

  • free_bus (bool) – Determines whether the SPI bus passed in will be freed when the frame buffer is freed (optional).

deinit() None

Free the resources (pins, timers, etc.) associated with this AuroraMemoryFramebuffer instance. After deinitialization, no further operations may be performed.

set_temperature(celsius: int) None

Set the ambient temperature (in celsius) for the display driver. Higher temperature means faster update speed.

free_bus: bool

When True the spi bus passed into the device will be freed on deinit. If you have multiple displays this could be used to keep the other active on soft reset.